Tag Archives: Heathly Lifestyle

Rise Up Against Yeast – Winter 2008-2009 Catalog

By Nancy Webster

nancy_smallLate one night after the children were tucked in bed, I pulled out the tin of homemade chocolate chip cookies, fresh from that morning. The first crunchy bite thrilled my taste buds as the chocolate bits melted in my mouth. For a repeat sensation, I ate another. Then another. And another. I finished the whole batch without any help from my husband.

Disgusted with myself, I ripped off a strip of masking tape and hung yet another Bible verse about gluttony in an obvious place on the pantry shelf. Below the verse, I scribbled my vow to never eat sugar again. Then, feeling sick, I crawled into bed, glad I’d never do that again.

The next morning, when my blood sugar had dropped to absolute zero and life with a houseful of little people was stressful again, I found myself gravitating toward the freezer, where I’d hidden a carton of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream behind several bags of frozen vegetables. I avoided eye-contact with the open pantry door, where I knew my convictions of the night before would haunt me. Once again, I gave in to my love of sugar.

The Sweet Taste of Defeat

Have you ever fought this battle? Did-or do-you feel like a vile sinner, guilty, yet trapped? I’ve been so desperate for sugar at times that I’ve eaten the little colored sprinkles used to decorate cookies when all other resources were exhausted!

Yes, there were times when willpower sustained me, but they never lasted long enough. I even managed once to not eat sugar for an entire year. But when Christmas came, I just couldn’t endure missing our family’s yuletide cookie favorites.  I only ate three-at first. Then I fell hard into the sugar trap, gaining back almost 20 pounds I’d lost during the previous year. Oh, how I hated me again!

Meanwhile, my arthritic knees, painful since my 30’s, starting hurting so badly I often limped. Itchy rashes broke out regularly on my torso. Eye floaters sent me to a retina specialist. And I found myself having to clear my throat like a tobacco-chewing old lady because of post nasal drip.

When a friend suggested I check out the possibility I might have a yeast problem, her counsel turned out to be some of the most life changing advice I ever took.  After learning about yeast-or candida, its scientific name-I discovered that, like most people in modern civilizations, I was inundated with yeast.

Invasions of the Body Snatcher

Dr. William Crook, an American doctor practicing in the 1970s, wrote The Yeast Connection, a pioneering book on the problem. Because there is no simple blood test to determine if a person has a problem with candida, he developed a now-famous questionnaire of symptoms and a way to rate them. (His test is still used today, and I encourage everyone to take it. You’ll find it at http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/intro3.php)

Bee Wilder, a former candida sufferer who healed herself using nutrient-dense foods as promoted by the Weston A. Price Foundation, has assembled an exhaustive website to help fellow sufferers: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com. On her site, you’ll find a thorough description of candida and the astounding range of symptoms and diseases it causes-from allergies to cancer and most everything in between. Bee also runs a yahoo support group for her anti-candida diet, at http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/candidasupport.

Simply put, candida is an invasive form of yeast that, when given opportunity, will practically take over the body. It grows root-like fingers through the intestines, into the bloodstream, and on into organs and tissues. Everyone has some candida-along with strep, E coli, and other bad guys-living in their gut. However, these foes are supposed to be kept in check by a proliferation of good bacteria, like the ones that make yogurt so famous.

The reason most folks have a yeast problem today is because candida is an opportunist. Practically from birth we’ve taken antibiotics, which kill not only the germ causing sickness but the friendly bacteria in the intestines as well. On top of that, immunizations may also attack our good bacteria.

Most of us have eaten our share of processed and sugary foods. Even if your mom didn’t let you eat many sweets, she probably gave you crackers and breakfast cereal, which eventually break down into sugars. Sugar is yeast’s favorite food, and when yeast takes over, it demands, through your body’s cravings, more and more sugar to satisfy its lust for the stuff . That means my-or your-lack of willpower is not the only reason it’s so hard to resist going back for more cookies and ice cream. Yeast is screaming for a meal!

But wait-there’s more. Environmental toxins assault friendly bacteria and give yeast a leg up. Chlorine and fluoride, both added to most city water supplies, kill the good guys. Out-gassing from plywood and carpets that contain formaldehyde is also a villain in our own homes, as is any of countless petroleum and cleaning products we’re exposed to almost daily.

What Candida Can’t Stand

Even if your life feels too overwhelming to take on a strict diet change as outlined by Bee Wilder, you’ll learn invaluable information on her website to tuck away for a time when life might ease up a bit. Meanwhile, there’s relief available in one of Beeyoutiful’s best-sellers, Biome Blast. I love the name, because once I discovered the source of many of my ailments and cravings, I couldn’t wait to kill it!yeastassasinweb

Biome Blast is a potent combination of herbs and extracts: caprylic acid, pau d’arco, black walnut, and oregano oil. Caprylic acid is found naturally in coconut oil, palm oil, butter fat, and human breast milk. Pau d’arco is the inner bark or heartwood of a tropical member of the bignonia family which has been studied for its anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antibacterial, antifungal, and immuno-stimulant activities . Pau d’arco has been used since the days of the Incas to build immunity. Black walnut hulls are especially high in organic iodine. Oregano oil (my favorite all-purpose essential oil-also sold separately by Beeyoutiful), which studies indicate has bactericidal properties [3, 4], rounds out this awesome foursome.

If you qualify even only slightly on Dr. Crook’s candida questionnaire as having a yeast problem, Biome Blast is a great, do-able starting point for you to fight back. Take two capsules with breakfast and two with supper. Summon your willpower to fi ll up with vegetables and meats while slowing your consumption of fruits, honey, and even dairy products. Skip desserts and other junk foods.  Learn from Sally Fallon’s Nourishing Traditions cookbook to make lacto-fermented sauerkraut along with other fermented vegetables and dairy products such as kefir (fermented foods greatly diminish sugar cravings). If you can hang in there for a week while Biome Blast hammers at the candida in your system, you’ll start to notice it’s not so hard to avoid “bad” foods and that you will naturally start to prefer healthier alternatives.

During yeast cleansing, it’s important that you not become constipated since the dead enemy is eliminated through the bowels. If irregularity tends to be a problem for you, consider taking Beeyoutiful’s Aloe Vera gel caps which safely and comfortably lubricate the intestines for easier eliminations. An occasional warm water enema provides another helpful, immediate relief. And in the enema water, dissolve a couple of probiotic capsules to help repopulate your lower digestive tract with good bacteria.

A part of this assassination plot is to replace the decimated good bacteria in your digestive tract. Take a probiotic with many strains of living, beneficial bacteria. Beeyoutiful’s Tummy Tuneup fits the bill perfectly with its blend of eight strains to recolonize your intestines.

Beeyoutiful’s Anti-Yeast Pack is a cost-efficient way to get all of the above plus Ultra Immune, a powerful blend of allicin from garlic, elderberry, olive leaf, and oil of oregano, to boost immunities. It provides back-up protection as your body detoxes from yeast overgrowth.anti yeast

If, however, you are pregnant or nursing-my state-of-being for almost 20 years-you should not take Biome Blast because many of the ingredients are known to contribute to miscarriage. That’s why Beeyoutiful also offers the Pregnancy Anti-Yeast Pack. While it does not include some of the heaviest assault weapons against candida, it offers these excellent second-bests: Tummy Tuneup and Acidophilus Blast, probiotics to crowd out the yeast; Odorless Garlic, known as being anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial; and Colostrum Transfer Factor, which increases overall immunity and assists in maintaining a healthy bacterial response. This great team, together with your own make-sure-my-baby’s-healthy willpower, and eating lacto-fermented foods, will serve any pregnant or nursing mother well until she can execute the full-blown Biome Blast program.

Win Big by Losing It All

At long last, there are no more vows taped to my pantry shelves. Thanks to a successful assassination attempt against yeast, I happily choose vegetables and fruits over sweets and chips-clear evidence that miracles DO happen! As a bonus, I’ve lost my excess weight, most of the pain in my knees is gone, and no more rashes, either! I credit Biome Blast and its accompanying supplements as the helping hands I prayed for so many, many nights after a sugarfest. May I suggest you try it, too? And start your own uprising against yeast.

Breaking news! Just at catalog press-time, Beeyoutiful, ever mindful of pregnant or could-be-pregnant-any-day mommies, added Caprylic Acid to their yeast-cleansing arsenal! It is made of caprylic acid without the potentially harmful-in-pregnancy extra ingredients found in regular Biome Blast. Many alternative health care providers solely treat yeast overgrowth with high doses of caprylic acid, because of its effectiveness. Pregnant and nursing mothers struggling in their battle against yeast should consider using this resource as well as the above recommendations.

  1. Willow S. Pau D’Arco medicinal properties. Altern. Nat. Med. 2010 http://willowsidhe.hubpages.com/hub/Pau-DArco-Medicinal-Properties []
  2. Kaur G, Verma N. Nature curing cancer – review on structural modification studies with natural active compounds having anti-tumor efficiency. Biotechnol Rep (Amst). 2015;6:64-78. Published 2015 Jan 24. doi:10.1016/j.btre.2015.01.005
  3. Lu M, Dai T, Murray CK, Wu MX. Bactericidal Property of Oregano Oil Against Multidrug-Resistant Clinical Isolates. Front Microbiol. 2018 Oct 5;9:2329. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.02329. Erratum in: Front Microbiol. 2021 Jul 12;12:713573. PMID: 30344513; PMCID: PMC6182053.
  4. Sienkiewicz M, Wasiela M, Głowacka A. Aktywność przeciwbakteryjna olejku oreganowego (Origanum heracleoticum L.) wobec szczepów klinicznych Escherichia coli i Pseudomonas aeruginosa [The antibacterial activity of oregano essential oil (Origanum heracleoticum L.) against clinical strains of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa]. Med Dosw Mikrobiol. 2012;64(4):297-307. Polish. PMID: 23484421.

Products mentioned in this article:

Biome Blast

Oregano Oil

Nourishing Traditions

Aloe Vera

Anti-Yeast Pack

Tummy Tuneup

Ultra Immune

Pregnancy Anti-Yeast Pack

Colostrum Transfer Factor

Acidophilus Blast

Odorless Garlic

Caprylic Acid

Good Scents of Balance- Fall 2008 Catalog

by Nancy Webster

Essential Oils Heal the Body and Sooth the Mind


Our doctor was mystified twice over. First because he identified the painful rash on my ten-year-old daughter’s chest and neck as shingles-something only old folks are supposed to get. And second, the usually tenacious condition was already going away! “Whatever you’ve been putting on her, keep it up,” he ordered. I’d been slathering my daughter with tea tree oilfor a week. She healed quickly and bears only the slightest scars today.

More recently, a pre-teen foster daughter we hosted for six months routinely suffered emotional meltdowns because of a traumatic childhood. When I blended lavender with other essential oils for her to inhale during an “outbreak,” her mood calmed quickly.

Head lice plagued our friends with six children. Fearing the carcinogenic properties of over-the-counter head lice medicines, they treated everyone’s hair with tea tree oil. The family was quickly, and safely, lice-free.

Testimonies like these offer just a few reasons why I’ve kept essential oils in our medicine cabinet for more than ten years. Produced by the distilling of selected plants, pure essential oils offer potent healing assistance to the body and mind. Essential oils go a step further than regular herbs because they absorb directly into the bloodstream and trigger systems in the brain for emotional well-being.

When in Aroma, Enjoy What the Aromas Do

Perhaps you’ve heard of aromatherapy. While it’s become something of a buzzword, not everything that claims to have aromatherapy qualities actually does what only essential oils can. “Aromatherapy” lotions and candles sold next to pickled eggs and caffeine pills at gas station convenience stores seriously misuse the term just to make a sale. So do many air fresheners, cleaning products, and facial tissues. Most, if not all, of these products use chemical-based, synthetic oils which do not provide health benefits-they can actually be harmful.

True aromatherapy is provided only by pure essential oils. Although your nose may not readily detect the difference, when exposed to the real thing, your brain’s limbic system gears up to help you concentrate better, relax, or perk up your mood, depending on the particular oils you use. In the 14th century, during the Black Death plague, workers in the perfume industry showed a remarkable tendency not to get sick. They were in constant contact with essential oils, the primary source for scents at the time. Essential oils still do the job today.

Here are a few easy ways to capture the healing character of essential oils:

  • Rather than dosing your child with cough and cold medicines, fill a medium-size bowl with boiling water and add a couple of drops of tea tree or eucalyptus oil. Let him/her breathe the healing vapors deep into the lungs.
  • Dilute the oils with a carrier like olive or sweet almond oil. Then rub a sick person’s chest, neck, and soles of their feet for an antibiotic effect against germs and viruses.
  • Add a drop of peppermint oil to a glass of water, and drink it to soothe indigestion and nausea.
  • A drop of oregano oil in water swished in the mouth and swallowed helps heal mouth ulcers and sore throats.

Many times, essential oils can be incorporated into things you do anyway, like bathing and washing your hair. Oils make your home smell fresh the healthy way instead of with chemicals. And you can massage sore muscles and tired backs with health-giving oils rather than cheap lotions. Or add essential oils to your natural cleaning and laundry products to give not only a nice smell, but also antibacterial and anti-fungal (mold!) protection.

Oils Take to the Air

One of the easiest and most effective ways to get the full advantage of aromatherapy is to use a diffuser. While you can always put a drop of essential oil on a tissue, cotton ball or even your pillowcase, a diffuser distributes oils through the air so the whole room is purified and every breath brings healing. Beeyoutiful now carries one of the best diffusers available. It works by nebulizing (breaking the oils into separate molecules) before dispersing them into the room. These smaller molecules are more readily absorbed by the lungs, making this the most therapeutic of the diffuser-styles.

Essential oils can be combined to create appealing and complex aromas for specific therapeutic uses. Blending with a targeted purpose is called essential oil synergy. Working together, oils heal more effectively than on their own. Tea tree and lavender oil are often paired, and there are many specific blend recipes available on the internet.


A Great Start with Oils

Since there are more than a hundred different essential oils, sorting through the nearly countless possibilities for using them can be overwhelming. To help with the selection, Beeyoutiful carries several champions of the essential oil line-up. Eucalyptus, known for opening up bronchial tubes and clearing stuffy noses, has been part of the Beeyoutiful product line almost since the company began. And this fall, four splendid, highly versatile oils have joined the team: lavender, oregano, peppermint, and tea tree oil. To help you maximize your aromatherapy experience, I’ve noted below a quick rundown of what to expect from each.

Lavender-think “fresh.” The purple, gently scented flowers grown in most herb gardens have been used throughout history as a natural antiseptic, antibiotic, anti-depressant, sedative, and de-toxifier. The name comes from the Latin word “lavare”, which means “to wash.” The fresh, clean fragrance is a reminder of lavender’s internal and emotional cleansing attributes. Lavender promotes healing and scar prevention after injury or burns. You’ll want to avoid the fake lavender fragrance now added to many baby skin care products. Use the real thing, and you’ll see your colicky, stressed-out baby relax. While you’re at it, try some on yourself after a rough day of mommy-ing. A lavender massage not only relieves sore muscles and arthritis pain but also menstrual cramps and discomfort from bladder infections. Skin problems like acne, eczema, wrinkles, and sunburn are soothed by lavender.

Oregano-the strong man. Used by folks as far back as the ancient Greeks, oregano is a potent antiviral, antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-parasitic oil, a warrior against germs, Candida, and parasites which contribute to skin infections and digestive problems. Oregano strengthens the immune system. It’s safe for internal use and can zap a sore throat (including strep) in short order. Just gargle and swallow a few times a day for three days. Even the antibiotic-resistant staph. infection MRSA can be treated with oregano oil.

Peppermint-think “perky.” Besides the anti-nausea benefit noted earlier, cool, refreshing peppermint stimulates the mind, increasing mental agility and improving focus. Try peppermint aromatherapy when you’re working on taxes or some other tough project requiring concentration. If you’re feeling down and overwhelmed, a dab of this oil perks up your limbic system to keep you plugging away. Peppermint oil cools the skin, reducing redness and calming irritation and itchiness. Inside, it eases spastic colon and boosts the digestive system. Peppermint breaks up congestion pain from migraines, headaches, sinus, and chest congestion, too.

Tea tree oil-the jack-of-all-trades. This one works for most every sick bug and cleaning need you have. Just don’t swallow it. Made from a tree that grows only on the east coast of Australia, tea tree oil is antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-fungal. Use it for first-aid on cuts, scrapes, and burns-and as a wart remover. Tea tree oil helps control problems as diverse as dandruff, head lice, vaginal yeast infections, jock itch, athlete’s foot, cold sores, and ringworm. And did I mention shingles-and its cousin, chicken pox? Inhaling tea tree oil vapors helps colds and bronchial distress. What’s more, bugs hate tea tree oil, so it makes a great repellent and treatment for insect bites. It even relieves itching caused by poison ivy. Add tea tree oil to your laundry to kill dust mites and for disinfection after sickness. For a great way to avoid toxic cleaners, use tea tree oil mixed with vinegar, borax, and water to get the same cleansing results, and add it straight in your dishwasher or garbage disposal.

The bottom line? For more healing, cleansing, and mind-soothing results than you can count, these oils are essential.

Beeyoutiful Products Mentioned in this Article:

Wonderful Water- Spring 2008 Catalog

by Stephanie J. Tallent

Steph J

“How much water are you drinking each day?” asked my health care professional. You see, I am expecting our second child and have placed myself in the hands of a dear lady for my own health as well as that of my unborn baby. With test results in her hand showing that I was not drinking enough water I had to fess up. “Probably not enough,” I replied sheepishly. Looking me square in the eyes she said, “I want you to drink at least three quarts a day. Get three, one quart jars and fill them up each morning. Then make sure you drink them each day.” Although she said it very nicely, I knew it was more of a prescription than a request.

While I know water is important, she had me wondering why it is so necessary that she would practically order me to drink sufficiently each day. So I did some research, and here is what I found.



Did you know that nearly three-quarters of your body is made up of water? It infuses every cell and tissue. Each day our body can use 64 ounces of water just for basic body functions such as regulating temperature, aiding in digestion, keeping skin hydrated, and giving us energy. Water is the foundation of our blood. It helps maintain strong muscles, lubricates joints, hydrates organs, flushes toxins, and much more. Without water, your body simply cannot function.

Water is the most common and important compound on earth and is made of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen-hence the familiar chemical formula H2O. Studies confirm numerous health benefits of water. Because our bodies are made up of so much water and because it is responsible for almost all the vital processes that occur, it is important to replace, replenish and rehydrate each day.

As we grow older it becomes more important to pay attention to water intake. Mature adults retain less cellular water. A major contributor to this loss of water is the lack of sensitivity to the body’s cues for thirst. For instance, we often misinterpret the feeling of hunger. Sometimes we think we are hungry when our bodies are actually crying out for water. Try this to see if you confuse your signals: next time you crave a snack, take a drink of water and see if you remain hungry. Your body may be needing water, not food, especially if it is not meal time yet. Because fruit is largely made up of water, it is often a perfect choice for a snack if you still think you are hungry.

Studies have shown that most of us require 6 to 10 glasses of water a day for proper hydration. The more you drink, the more you help your body cleanse itself of toxins absorbed from the environment. Since some of these toxins can show up in skin, drinking more water may rejuvenate your skin and help ward off some types of facial acne. Is your hair dull and lacking the luster it used to have? Drinking enough water each day may help bring that shine back to your hair.

Because of the rapid cell growth and reproduction that takes place when moms are expecting, water intake needs to increase for the demands of the growing baby. In fact, Dr. F. Batmanghelidj in his book You’re Not Sick, You’re Thirsty, believes that morning sickness is a thirst signal for both the mom and the unborn baby. Increased water intake is also needed during lactation as we provide both water and food for our babies.


No Substitutions, Please

What if you’re “just not a water drinker?” Can other fluids take its place? In a word, no. Other fluids cannot replace the results we can get from water. Juice contains water, but your body will get more nutrients from eating the actual fruits. Milk provides needed calcium and Vitamin D but is still not a replacement for water. In fact, drinking too much milk can have a constipating effect-the opposite of what water helps your digestive tract to do.

What about coffee, tea, and sodas? Though they have a water base, they are actually diuretics and will dehydrate you. For every 6 ounces of caffeinated or alcoholic drink a person consumes it requires an additional 10 to 12 ounces of water to re-hydrate.

Are other health benefits obtained from drinking water? In days past, our parents and grandparents recognized the importance of water, and today, we hear the message from nutritionists and health experts. They confirm that the health benefits of water are numerous. Yet our most common health problem is dehydration.

Dehydration occurs when the body starts drawing water from its own tissues, cells, and skin to replenish itself. Although a very serious condition, it can be avoided simply by drinking the proper amount of water. Since water aids in flushing toxins from our bodies, it is helpful for proper functioning of our kidneys and liver, whose job is to capture and cleanse our bodies of those toxins.

Water has also been shown to possibly reduce heartburn. Heartburn signals a water shortage in the upper gastrointestinal tract. The use of antacids or other medications does not correct the dehydration so the body continues to suffer from a lack of water. Over time, these corrective medications will cause other problems that could have been avoided by drinking a glass of water.

Water can help reduce the pain of arthritis and lower back pain which are also possible signs of a water deficiency. Lack of water in the spine, spinal column, and discs is very painful. The discs are water cushions that support the weight of the body. Intake of water and small amounts of salt have been shown to help reduce some of the pain of arthritis and lower back problems.

Colitis can signal water shortage as well. It is associated with constipation and dehydration as the body squeezes every last drop of water from the excrement. This extraction in turn causes pain as the body tries to eliminate non-lubricated feces. This can potentially lead to diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, polyps, and other more serious gastrointestinal problems.


How Much, How Fast?

But can you drink too much water? Surprisingly, it is indeed possible, though rare. The condition is called Water Intoxication and is caused by drinking too much too fast. The recommended daily water intake is 8 to 12, 8 ounce glasses spaced throughout the day. When you drink too much water-a gallon or more in an hour- Water Intoxication can set in. The debilitating results range from swelling of blood vessels to brain swelling and kidney overload.

Water Intoxication occurs when too much water enters the body’s cells. The tissues swell with excess fluid. As the over abundance of water accumulates the normal saline serum in your body is diluted. Your body tries to compensate for this by sending in more of the saline solution to help balance the excess water. While your body does its best to compensate for the excess water, sometimes it cannot. For already saturated cells, too much water can be like drowning.

Symptoms of Water Intoxication include irregular heartbeat, fluid in the lungs, and fluttering eyelids. The swelling of cells can put pressure on the brain and nerves which can cause seizures, coma and even death. A complete recuperation can occur if water is restricted and additional salt and electrolytes are administered.

But the problem lies not in how much you drink, so much as in how fast you drink it. Your kidneys can process 15 liters (roughly 4 gallons) of water a day, so you are unlikely to experience Water Intoxication as long as you drink over a period of time. Most adults need about three quarts a day. You might need to drink more in warm weather to compensate for perspiration or if you have been exercising or are on certain medications. In my case, though-and likely some of you other busy moms-we suffer from not drinking enough water rather than intoxication.


Quality, Not Just Quantity

The quality of water also matters. If you live in the city, your water has been cleaned and infused with many different things which may include chlorine and fluoride. If you live in the country, you may have well water that should be tested on a regular basis for impurities such as sulfur. No matter where you live, it is a good idea to invest in some form of water purification system to insure that you and your family have the purest water possible. Incidentally, my last checkup showed that my water intake had properly increased! How about you? Do you drink enough? Make sure you get plenty of wonderful water during your day!


(If you would like to further explore the wonders of water, you might want to read for yourself some of the sources I used for this article: Your Body’s Many Cries for Water and You’re Not Sick, You’re Thirsty by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.; Also Dr. Ben Kim and Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D., for articles on Water Intoxication.)

How Now? from the Cow- Spring 2008 Catalog

by Nancy Webster


Admitted coffee lovers that we are, our family couldn’t resist naming this fall’s baby cow De-Calf, but we could just as well have called him Debt-Relief. We owe the local 4-H cattle project the first cow from my daughter’s big brown heifer since she was donated to us (the heifer, not my daughter) by the area Cattlemen’s Association. So keeping the little bull-to-be healthy from the start has been a high priority. Thankfully, his mother (the cow, not me) has done her duty since the night he was born. Unlike some animals we’ve endured, she’s blessed with sufficient maternal instincts to nurse De-Calf freely-which means he received healthy doses of colostrum during his first few days of life.

Colostrum is the nutrient-rich, pre-milk fluid produced by all mammals immediately after giving birth. It’s essential for jump-starting a newborn’s immune system-including baby humans. That’s why breast-feeding advocates encourage mothers who plan to bottle-feed their babies to nurse them for at least a couple of days, in order to impart this life-changing substance.

How Does It Work?

From observing the results of blood transfusions, health researchers about 60 years ago discovered the value of “immune response factor protein molecules.” When these key compounds are transferred from a healthy blood donor to a sick recipient, the recipient’s recovery improves. It came to be called a “transfer factor” because it was first recognized in blood “transfers” from one patient to another.

Because of HIV and hepatitis dangers, blood transfusion nowadays is a risky way to boost a person’s immune system. But a risk free way to the same benefit was discovered about ten years ago in the form of bovine (cow) colostrum. Bovine colostrum is packed with transfer factors like hydrogen peroxide and immunoglobulins (antibodies), and even though it comes from cattle, it is effective “cross-species” which means the benefits are as pronounced in humans as in cows.

Healthy cells make hydrogen peroxide on their own to regulate metabolism and fight off invading pathogens, but sick cells need the reinforcement colostrum can provide. The immunoglobulins provide another layer of immune system support. Children and adults boost their immune systems by taking a small, white capsule of colostrum such as Beeyoutiful’s Colostrum Transfer Factor.
ColostromTransferFactorWebProPillS (1)
How Does It Help?

Although cancer cells are always developing in our bodies, our immune systems usually kill them before they spread and do damage- unless we are weakened or unhealthy. Most of us are compromised in some way these days because of diets “rich” in processed and over-preserved foods, so colostrum is a vital supplement to fortify your body.

I’ve wondered if this colostrum factor accounts for some of the health differences between my younger sister and me. Our mother bucked the bottle-feeding trend of the time and nursed me, but when little sister was born less than two years later, our by-then overwhelmed mother kept her on a bottle from day one. Throughout our early years and into adulthood, I have never been sickly, but my sister, who fell victim to seemingly every stomach bug and cold that swept through our elementary school, is now a breast cancer survivor and suffers from frequent sinus infections and bronchitis.

Recently on a family trip, our five-year-old son’s chewing gum fell out of his mouth onto the floor of a gas station restroom. Before we could stop him, he’d popped the gum back into his mouth and managed a couple more chews! The next morning he woke up with a low-grade fever and severe diarrhea which continued for two days straight. On Day 2 I remembered the anti-diarrheal ability of Colostrum Transfer Factor, and since he can’t yet swallow a pill, every two hours I opened two capsules into a bit of yogurt or applesauce which he ate happily. By Day 3 his stool firmed up and the diarrhea stopped! Although Beeyoutiful gave it a happy ending, this story now tops the list of absolutely gross things one of our eight children have done.

How Do You Change the Past?

Researchers believe the benefits of colostrum don’t end with infancy. If, like my sister, you or your loved ones did not get the benefit of colostrum as a baby, Beeyoutiful gives you a second chance!

While an organic, natural diet, free from processed foods, is the ideal protection against disease, you’re probably all too aware of the difficulty of achieving exemplary eating patterns. I, for instance, know my family’s weakness for cookies (and did I mention coffee?) and how Real Life throws my healthy cooking intentions out the window more than I’d like. I’ve worried over how we would fare if an epidemic swept our country like the Ebola outbreak in Uganda a few years ago. Fortunately, colostrum is a great help in boosting natural immunity.

In his book The Anti-Aging Manual,  Joseph B. Marion describes many conditions that have to do with intestinal function. He describes how Colostrum aids in intestinal function. Bear in mind that colostrum is a form of probiotic, the opposite of an antibiotic. While antibiotics can disrupt digestive functioning because they kill all bacteria-good and bad- probiotics balance the effect. So if you have to take an antibiotic, you might want to offset the downside effects with a probiotic. In addition, if you are a frequent user of NSAID drugs like ibuprofen, your stomach will appreciate the acid neutralizing powers of colostrum. Try alternating Beeyoutiful’s Colostrum Transfer Factor with Tummy Tuneup.

Rapidly approaching 50 and feeling my metabolism slow down, I’m encouraged by what the book Prescription for Nutritional Healing offers: “colostrum can boost the immune system…, increase vitality and stamina, and have an anti-aging effect.”

So whether it’s the offspring from a 4-H heifer or cows in general for providing a proven health helper like colostrum, to our bovine friends I say: We owe you!

Beeyoutiful Products Mentioned in this Article:

The Skeptic Meets Grapefruit Seed Extract- Summer 2007 Catalog

by Summer Moellergfsc


OK, I admit it! I am a skeptic when it comes to “natural” medicine and remedies. I grew up going to doctors when I was sick, taking all kinds of antibiotics and over-the-counter drugs, and generally avoiding herbal remedies and other natural cures. Then my mother began to have health problems and was prescribed many different drugs with side effects. Later, I lived overseas, and my health was compromised. When I became pregnant with my first child, my perspective changed. I began to look into eating more healthfully and searching for ways to treat illness apart from prescription drugs.

I’m still a skeptic-in-therapy, though, so when I heard about the merits of grapefruit seed extract (GSE), I listened with reserve. One of the first articles I found on the Internet disputed all the positive claims of GSE manufacturers and promoters. “Aha!” I thought. However, as I read further (including three different books about GSE), it was hard to dismiss the claims from around the world of GSE’s helpful uses. I also talked to friends who praised it and used it with their families.


Fruit with a Fight

In 1980, Dr. Jacob Harich first noticed a unique property of grapefruit seeds: they refused to rot in his compost pile. In fact, experienced composters know it takes citrus fruits up to two years to decompose enough to make suitable compost. Why? God created the grapefruit with powerful germ-inhibiting chemicals.

Dr. Harich’s interest in the grapefruit and its seeds was soon picked up by other researchers. Today many promote GSE as one of nature’s most powerful broad-spectrum, non-toxic antibiotics, antimicrobials, and antifungals. Many tests have been done worldwide with GSE to see how it reacts against different types of bacteria and viruses. In these tests GSE has performed remarkably well. It even out-performed well-known disinfectants commonly used in hospitals. However, few tests have been performed in vivo, that is, on humans; most of the tests were performed in vitro, in laboratories or with animals.


What is GSE?

Grapefruit seed extract is derived from the pulp, seeds, and membranes and converted into a highly concentrated, acidic substance. (Manufacturers keep the exact process a secret.) It is then usually mixed with glycerin in differing levels of concentration. Beeyoutiful sells a high-quality, more potent version of GSE (60% GSE/40% glycerin).


What are the benefits of using GSE?

Unlike synthetic antibiotics (often produced from petroleum and coal tar), GSE is derived from natural sources. It is non-toxic, broad-spectrum (meaning active against a variety of germs), and has a minimal negative effect on beneficial bacteria (synthetic antibiotics kill good and bad bacteria indiscriminately). When I learned that many synthetic antibiotics were produced from petroleum and coal tar, I was anxious to learn more about grapefruit seed extract. Which would you rather give to your family?!


A Doctor Who Promotes GSE

In his book on GSE (see note below), Dr. Alan Sachs talks about ways he has successfully used grapefruit seed extract. One of the most common is to help treat patients dealing with chronic Candida Albicans yeast infections. He tells about a woman who had tried all kinds of traditional antibiotics and whose immune system was weak and no longer responding to the drugs. After a few weeks of initial tiredness (as her body cleansed itself), while continuing to use the grapefruit seed extract, she made a full recovery. He also talks of similar cases with success against parasites, cold sores, intestinal illnesses, and warts. There are other books and articles that document like successes. If you are interested in these resources, contact Beeyoutiful for more information.


My Experiments with GSE. . .

As I read the various books and articles, I found a number of ways I could put GSE immediately to work. As mentioned earlier, GSE, according to Allan Sach’s book, (see note below) outperformed many commercial and common disinfectants in laboratory tests. Of course I didn’t have the means of testing it scientifically in my own home; however, I did mix up a batch of water/GSE to use to spray down and clean my kitchen and bathroom. I liked the idea that I was using a non-toxic cleanser, rather than chemicals.

I also used it to wash some fruit. I didn’t notice any difference in the shelf life of the fruit that had been rinsed with GSE vs. plain water, but, again, I liked the idea that I was using something natural rather than the unnatural and unhealthy ingredients in detergent to wash them off.

I gargled with GSE for a sore throat I felt coming on (which went away). My husband was also pleasantly surprised to find his sore throat, which he says “always” means he’s about to get sick, went away after gargling with GSE. I put a drop on my toothpaste as I brushed my teeth and then gargled with it afterwards. (I had read that GSE was extremely bitter, but it didn’t seem to bother me.) I also added a few drops of GSE every time I refilled our water filter pitcher. (It has a nasty habit of growing green, slimy stuff inside.) Check out the sidebars for more specific directions and other ideas I liked. I plan to test it the next time I find mold in my house. (It’s the only time I’ve been disappointed that I couldn’t find any!) I’m also mixing a few drops into juice and giving it to my husband to see if it helps him with the stomach problems he’s had since being overseas.


How Else Can GSEBe Used?

There are a multitude of ideas for using GSE in your family and home. Here are a few:

  • As a gargle for sore throats
  • When traveling (especially overseas), as a precaution against parasites
  • As a spray for athletes foot
  • As a mouthwash

• Mixed with shampoo to treat eczema or dandruff
In the Home:

  • Put a few drops in your humidifier to inhibit mold growth
  • Add to dishwater to sanitize
  • Spray on houseplants to prevent mold (one book recommended GSE spray against aphids)

• Add drops to baby wipes to make antibacterial hand wipes

These are just a few ideas. There are many more available on the Internet and in books. When using “recipes” for GSE, make sure you check the concentration of the GSE in the recipe. Keep in mind that Beeyoutiful sells a higher concentration GSE than many other brands.


Precautions When Using GSEtummy_tune_120_1

It is wise to take probiotics, such as Tummy Tuneup, or eat yogurt with active cultures if you take GSE internally for an extended period of time. Never use GSE undiluted or in the eyes; it could cause severe irritation. Remember it is acidic! It hasn’t been tested for its effects on pregnancy, so use it cautiously if you are pregnant.


The Skeptic’s Conclusions . . .

As with any drug, herb, or treatment, I believe the responsibility lies with each of us individually to educate ourselves and to make our own informed healthcare decisions. Too often I tend to follow traditional medical advice without being fully aware of all the possible effects.

As a skeptic-in-therapy, I’ll be performing more of my own experiments with GSE and seeing how it can best meet the needs of my family, but I have been impressed enough with the potential GSE shows to make it a part of my medicine cabinet. Check out the forums  for others who are doing the same!

Beeyoutiful Products Mentioned in this Article:


~ Summer Moeller jots from the end of a dirt road with her husband and daughter (soon to be, two daughters!) in Whitesburg, GA.

Goat Milk Soap, Great for your Skin- Winter 2006-2007 Catalog

By Arielle Hebert


Some years ago, a friend gave me a bar of her own goat milk soap. Prior to using this soap, I often battled extremely dry, cracked hands. After faithfully using my friend’s goat milk soap, I was amazed at its effectiveness. My hands no longer dried out and cracked! My skin became soft and moist. I was so impressed that I even began using the soap as a wash on one of my does (mama goat) who has a super sensitive udder, and she appreciated it as much as I!

So, I experimented with making my own goat milk soap, using milk from my herd of dairy goats. Over the years, my knowledge and understanding of soap making grew and my soap formula improved. My family and I found it to be so much better than commercial soap. I began my own cottage industry to share this great treasure with others.FacialBarLarge1_1


So, What makes it so Great?

Goat milk is rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory, and moisturizing. It contains over fifty nutrients including the vitamins A, B1, B2 (riboflavin), B6, B12, C, D, E, and K, niacin, zinc, and calcium, as well as some minerals, amino acids, citric acid, unsaturated fatty acid, proteins, various enzymes and many other nutrients. These are all part of what makes goat milk soap so special. Vitamin A slows the effects of aging and prevents brown spots. Zinc contributes to the re-construction of collagen fibers, resulting in firmer, smoother skin. Zinc also encourages moisture retention and assists in maintaining your skin’s elasticity. Calcium tones and smoothes the skin. Since goat milk is naturally homogenized (the milk and cream do not separate), the natural fat provides the skin with a rich, moisturizing effect. The oils in goat milk are easily absorbed by the skin, resulting in a healthy balance of oils for dry or oily skin.

Goat milk also contains alpha-hydroxy acids. These acids, which occur naturally in the milk, are known to plump the skin and smooth fine lines. Alpha-hydroxy acids also exfoliate by breaking down the glue holding those dead skins cells together. Additionally, these acids neutralize free radicals, slowing the aging process and refreshing the skin. Caprylic acid is a fatty acid contained in goat milk that reduces alkalinity, giving goat milk soap a pH level very close to that of the skin. This prevents the soap from stripping away the natural oils of the skin. The natural oils of the skin form a protective barrier that keep microbials out.

Goat milk soap cleanses while leaving that protective barrier intact, and soothes the surface tension of the skin, allowing it to be moisturized and absorb the healthy nutrients. Th e other fatty acids present in goat milk are also natural antimicrobials and anti-fungals. My soaps also contain: Olive oil, which moisturizes and forms a protective film on the skin without inhibiting the skin’s normal, necessary functions, and is a good cleanser. Vitamin E oil is an antioxidant, and a natural preservative. Coconut oil is a moisturizer, but it also makes the soap hard (unlike many other handmade soaps), but with a generous lather, and it resists rancidity. Palm oil is a gentle cleanser. Lastly, there is lye. Lye is a cleanser with a long, long history. In the proper amounts it provides great cleansing but is still gentle. It is great for getting rid of chiggers and is said to soothe bug bites.

Why is Handmade Soap
Superior to Commercially Manufactured Soap?

Natural glycerin is produced during the process of soap making. This glycerin is highly valued for its moisturizing properties and its ability to help your skin retain moisture. Commercial soap producers remove the glycerin from their soap in order to use it in more expensive products, like moisturizers. Of course you need a moisturizer after using most commercial soaps. My hand-made soap is completely natural, right down to the essential oils with which it is scented. Essential oils are powerful aromatic substances extracted from flowers and herbs that contribute their own beneficial properties to each bar of soap, delivering more health and vitality to your skin! Commercial soap often contains chemical additives and synthetic ingredients including synthetic fragrances and dyes which can be irritating and drying to skin.

My handmade goat milk soap (Rehoboth Farm Goat Milk Soap) is produced in small batches in which the quality of the soap and the ingredients can be closely monitored. The same care and caution is not likely to be exercised when soap is mass produced. The skin-nutritious oils in my soaps are each carefully selected and combined based on how they compliment the properties of the goat milk and achieve a rich, moisturizing, hard bar of soap, with great lather. When goat milk is combined with a carefully selected blend of oils in a handmade soap, the result is a mild, skin-nutritious, luxurious bar that thoroughly cleanses, refreshes, smoothes, and moisturizes and is so gentle it can be used on infants. Doesn’t it make sense to treat your skin well by using goat milk soap?

Beeyoutiful Products mentioned in this article:

Land of Milk and Honey, Part 2- Winter 2006-2007 Catalog

by Rebekah Joy Anast

Recently, as a homeschool project and in anticipation of starting our own beehives, we visited a successful bee farm in Tennessee. We contacted Tim Durham Sr. ahead of time via phone to see if we could drop in and see his hives. When we arrived in the humid afternoon, I was surprised to find a small portion of the Durham’s bee farm right in their own backyard, in the middle of a rural neighborhood. Mr. Durham graciously introduced us to his bees and allowed us to watch as he opened a hive and checked on a new queen that was being introduced to the hive. She was in a little cage and the entrance was plugged with “candy.” He said that by the time the worker bees ate their way through the candy, they would be used to the new queen’s smell, and accept her as their new matriarch.

“Now, you fellas be nice and get to know your Lady. She’s a good one, and you better be sweet to her…”

“Do the bees know you?” I asked, watching them crawl over his hands, and buzz around in his face without stinging him.

“Funny you should ask,” said Mr. Durham, “I really think they do. Recently there was a test conducted that proved honeybees prefer the face of their own keeper. When shown photographs of various people, the bees would favor the photograph of their own beekeeper. They know me all right.”

I learned a lot about bees that afternoon, and went home with an absolute amazement over the benefits of bee products.


Honey is the nectar of the herbs and flowers that grow wild in the fields and woods. The benefits of hundreds of herbs are carried in the form of nectar in the stomach of the bee where it is subtly altered by the bee’s digestive enzymes in ways that modern science has been unable to explain. New health benefiting compounds are created by this process before the honey is regurgitated in the hive, concentrated by evaporation, and stored in honeycomb. Because of the high natural sugar content, Honey absorbs moisture in wounds, making it hard for bacteria to survive. Many honeys contain large amounts of hydrogen peroxide which is regularly used to disinfect cuts and scrapes. Most raw honeys contain some propolis, a compound that can kill bacteria. In laboratory tests, honey put on seven types of bacteria killed all seven!

What is Raw Honey?

There is a difference between raw honey straight from the hive, and processed honey which you buy in stores. Any honey is good for you, but raw honey is by far the best since it has not been through a heating process (over approximately. 120 degrees) to melt the sugar, which also kills the wonderful enzymes and bacteria that are so rich in healing properties. Raw honey can be purchased from local bee farmers in your area.

WARNING: Children under twelve months of age should not eat honey as there is a risk of botulism.

Propolis, the Bee Glue

And you thought honey was sticky! Propolis is made from a sticky resinous material that western bees gather from tree buds or sap flows. The sap usually comes from coniferous trees and/or Poplar trees. A worker bee will tear off tiny amounts of resin and place them in her pollen baskets (the middle portion of each back leg) and then carry the resins back to the hive. House bees (young bees) unload the resins at the hive and mix them with pollen, wax and enzyme-rich salivary secretions. The finished propolis resembles cement, or glue, and is used to to build or repair the hive. Propolis covers virtually every centimeter of the hive, acting as an antibacterial sealant, and is a sanitary covering for all hive surfaces.

A Mummy Mouse in the Bee House!

From time to time some unfortunate little critter will get into a beehive; most commonly a mouse or a lizard. The bees will sting the invader to death, but are not capable of removing the carcass from the hive. To keep the dead animal from rotting in the hive the bees will coat the carcass with propolis. Amazingly, such propolis-mummified animals remain undecayed for years. The powerful flavonoids in the resins, which the bees collect to make propolis, are an anti-viral shield for the hive. Not only does propolis protect against viral infections, but against bacterial and fungal invasion of the hive. The same things propolis can do for a hive, it can do for you…

Propolis’ Healing Recordbee_immuneweb

Propolis has been used topically for skin problems ranging from the ordinary abrasion, to advanced herpes in the mouth, gum infections, eczema, acne, skin cancers, bruises, burns, and… well, pretty much anything that can go wrong with skin. The high percentage of flavonoids in Propolis results in a remarkable immune boost when taken internally. Because of this, my favorite way to take propolis is in capsule form along with Rosehip vitamin C. Th is combination will stop a developing common cold in its tracks. Just last week I woke up with a sore throat, swollen glands, and aches. I took three Bee Immune propolis capsules, and 2000 mg of Rosehip Cevery other hour all day. The next day I was completely well, with no cold symptoms remaining.

Bee Pollenbee_strongweb

Bee pollen is the dust-sized male seed, required for the fertilization of the plant, found on the stamen of all flower blossoms. Once a honeybee arrives at a flower, she nimbly scrapes off the powdery pollen from the stamen with her jaws and front legs, moistening it with a dab of the honey she brought with her from the hive. Her legs have a thick crowd of bristles called “pollen combs.” The bee uses these combs to brush the gold powder from her coat and legs in mid-flight. With a tapping movement of her auricle, which is used as a hammer, she pushes the gathered pollen into her baskets. Her pollen baskets, surrounded by a fringe of long hairs, are simply concave areas located on the outside of her back legs. When the bee’s baskets are fully loaded, the pollen dust has been tamped down into a single golden granule. This pollen-gathering bee now takes the pollen back to the hive where younger house bees unload the pollen. They secrete nectar and special enzymes into the flower pollen to create what we know as “bee pollen”. Bee pollen is food for the young bees.

Super Food

Bee pollen is approximately 40% protein. It is considered one of nature’s most completely nourishing foods. It contains nearly all nutrients required by humans. About half of its protein is in the form of free amino acids that can be directly absorbed by the body. Bee pollen is taken by athletes and body builders to increase stamina and speed. Th ere are countless stories of impressive athletic improvement attributed to the regular intake of bee pollen. Most believe this is due to the pantothenic acid in bee pollen which helps the body build resistance to stress, and aids the production of the adrenal-cortical hormones. When the glandular system is adequately nourished with sufficient pantothenic acid (as found in bee pollen) it creates a powerhouse of vitality and energy.

Bee Pollen and Weight Control

Bee pollen also stimulates the metabolic processes. It speeds caloric burn by lighting and stoking the metabolic fires. Bee pollen is a low-calorie food, containing only ninety calories per ounce. (An ounce is about two heaping tablespoons.) It offers 15% lecithin by volume. Lecithin is a substance that helps dissolve and flush fat from the body. Bee Pollen also satisfies many “cravings” by meeting your body’s vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Health and Beauty

Some doctors and dermatologists say that bee pollen seems to prevent premature aging of the cells and stimulates growth of new skin. It may offer protection against dehydration and inject new life into dry cells. “The skin becomes younger looking, less vulnerable to wrinkles, smoother, and healthier with the use of honeybee pollen,” Dr. Essen of Sweden says. “Taken internally or used externally, bee pollen exercises a suppressive effect on facial acne. It is also an important skin rejuvenator, primarily because it contains a high concentration of the nucleic acids RNA and DNA as well as a natural antibiotic factor.”

Cinnamon Honey Toast

Now that you know everything about honey… Drizzle warm honey on fresh cut slices of buttered bread, sprinkle with cinnamon powder, and toast on a cookie sheet in the broiler

Beeyoutiful Products Mentioned in This Article

Bee Immune

Rosehip C

Bee Strong

Winter Breeze Natural Vapor Rub- Winter 07-08 Catalog

By Maranatha Owens

I can remember many times as a little girl being laid up in bed feeling horrible.  You know the routine-aching body, stuffed-up nose, so congested I could barely breathe, let alone sleep.  Then, in would come my mama with soothing words, a hot water bottle, and the relief that only Mentholatum® or Vicks® Vaporub® could bring.  She would slather it on my chest, throat, back, and under my nose and then tie an old paisley handkerchief loosely around my neck to hold in the warm sensation and vapors.  My body relaxed, and my nose cleared just enough to drift off to sleep.

As I aged, I continued to use Vicks®  when I was in need, but the more I learned about the awful side-effects of petroleum on the body, the worse I felt about continuing to use it and a multitude of other “body products” and topical medications.  Most cosmetics, like Vicks® , are either petroleum-based or contain some petroleum by-product.


So, what’s so bad about petroleum, anyhow?

For starters, petroleum-based cosmetics and skin care products have been found to contain the cancer-causing chemical 1,4-dioxane.  Products ranging from body lotion to lip balms, hair-relaxers, baby soap, and Vicks® contain this and a multitude of other cancer-causing impurities.winterbreezeweb

So instead of continuing to slather myself and my family with petroleum-based vapor rubs, I decided to create an all natural alternative that I could feel good about using.  Every ingredient is simple, safe, and effective.  Instead of using petroleum as a base, Winter Breeze vapor rub uses beeswax, extra virgin olive oil, and coconut oil. This all natural base will soothe, nourish and heal your skin. Eucalyptus, menthol, tea tree, camphor, and wintergreen essential oils work synergistically to help clear the head and sinuses, thereby relieving congestion, headaches, and pain around the eyes and face.  They also have amazing antiseptic properties that help prevent infection from occurring.  In addition, tea tree and eucalyptus contain immuno-stimulant properties to boost the body’s natural defenses.

With all this, who needs the toxic chemicals found in Vicks®?  Winter Breeze has all of the good stuff and none of the bad.  Use it liberally, and do remember to use an old paisley handkerchief or other soft, dry cloth to hold in the vapors.  Winter Breeze can be rubbed on the soles of feet and is safe enough to use a small amount on babies.  It also makes a great rub for mild aches.

I hope none of us need it this winter, but when the inevitable cold comes, it’s nice to know that there is a safe, effective alternative to reach for.

Beeyoutiful Products Mentioned in This Article:

The New Super Hero for Your Kids- Winter 07-08 Catalog

By Nancy Websternancy_small

Siren-like wailing rose and fell from the kitchen table. Then, shaking uncontrollably, my husband collapsed on the floor in front of the sink.

For the past ten years, the scene of my then five-year-old daughter choking down our family food supplement while my husband laughed himself into oblivion has been one of our favorite home videos. Every time we watch, memories of gagging on green slime overcome us. But what a different scene the camera would capture nowadays.

“Andrew, close the refrigerator! We’re not through with dinner yet.”

We routinely call our current five-year-old son back to the table until it’s time to take vitamins. You’d think he was pulling ice cream out of the freezer for dessert, but what he wants is the chilled Beeyoutiful SuperKids vitamins our children take after dinner.

It’s the orange, sweet flavor they love, reminiscent of that yummy, chewable baby aspirin my husband and I remember taking as children. The sweetness comes from xylitol rather than sugar (see the Beeyoutiful summer ’07 catalog to review the cavity-prevention merits of xylitol). And the orange taste comes from real orange juice. Our children think of it as a dessert supplement! But I think it’s simply the best bunch of kid’s vitamins ever devised.SuperKidsOrangeWebProBottle_1

The Elusive Nutrition Dream
Ever since high school I’ve read about ways to improve health. The problem is, time and again, Real Life gets in the way of a perfect diet.

Before children, my husband and I lived in Los Angeles where ambitious “gardening” would have been to grow a tomato plant in a pot on the front steps of our apartment. A cross-country move gave us more outdoor space, but our subdivision yard in Atlanta still yielded only enough room for a small organic garden. I augmented our home-grown produce by hauling our growing crop of babies to the local farmer’s market every week. We had more money for groceries, but since I spent most of my time nursing babies and chasing tricycles around the neighborhood instead of soaking and prepping healthy foods, the perfect diet still remained out of reach.

But now that we live on a farm all the challenges are gone—not! Life-long city slickers don’t become country folk overnight. We often can’t find where our free-range chickens ranged to do their laying. For the frustratingly brief time our cow was giving milk, she boasted interminable mastitis. The one time we actually achieved a sizable garden, it was so successful we couldn’t put up the food fast enough and much of the produce rotted on the ground. And fresh, wholesome meat? My daughter’s sheep became pets—and you can’t eat your pets! Honey? My son’s bees either swarmed or died after just one good season of production. The challenge of converting to country living is exacerbated by my homeschooling of eight children (several with special needs) and helping my husband with his business. So even here, the perfect diet eludes us.

Unfortunately, finding the right supplements to help isn’t easy. Many sold on the cheap are made from synthetic combinations that fool your body into thinking it’s got the real thing. What’s worse, many inexpensive vitamins are chock full (so to speak) of artificial colors, flavors, and sweeteners, and some are stuffed with fillers like wheat gluten or yeast that can trigger allergies.

Even some of the good health enhancers are not without problems. Our kids complain about the stifling odors of essential oils, and if you take five or six different specific-purpose vitamins, opening and closing the containers can seem like the job that never ends. Juicing is a superb way to complement meals, but the mega-amounts of produce and the hours required to juice for a large family each week make regular juicing prohibitive.

When my years-long search finally led me to SuperKids from Beeyoutiful, my biggest problems were solved. These liquid multivitamins contain all the ingredients you want in a single supplement, plus generous extras, all derived from real food substances.

A Radically Good Supplement
Free radicals. You’ve likely heard much about how they affect our health—and for good reason. Free radicals are damaged, lonely cell molecules missing an electron mate because of too much oxygen. This misalignment is caused by things like poor diet and chemical pollution. These free agents go crazy in body cells until they can steal an electron from some unsuspecting stable molecule. The theft, of course, then makes the once stable molecule lonely and crazy, too. This chain reaction damages cells and compromises the overall health of your body.

I first learned about these bad guys when our daughter with Down syndrome was seven months old. At the time she had “failure to thrive,” so under the supervision of a specialist, we began what is called targeted nutritional intervention—giving her selected vitamin supplements as antioxidants to counter the negative effects of too much cellular oxygen. (People with Down syndrome are especially susceptible to free radical damage because of their extra chromosome.) Within a month of starting the vitamin plan, Grace began growing noticeably. She gained alertness and motor skills by the day. We followed the regimen for more than three years, and today, at age eleven, she is extremely healthy and high functioning.

SuperKids is perfectly equipped for free radical warfare. Although a human body can produce some antioxidants for itself, it must have the input of foods containing antioxidants like vitamins C and E, bioflavanoids, and carotenes to successfully wage a serious health-building war. These vitamins stop the free radical chain reaction by providing an electron to stabilize the molecules. Since few of us maintain a perfect diet, our bodies need these reinforcements.

Neutralizing free radicals provides long-term benefits such as decreased tumor rates, heart attack prevention, and increased longevity. The exciting benefits arise because antioxidants affect metabolic processes that bring about changes we can feel and see in our physical health (better joint movement, improved skin conditions, faster healing), our emotional health (better ability to cope with stress), and our psychological state (increased alertness).  It’s not just old people who need this assistance!

The list of antioxidant ingredients in SuperKids is phenomenal. Lycopene, for example, is extracted from ripe tomatoes, and it exhibits the highest overall antioxidant activity of any carotenoid. Lycopene is especially known for reducing cancers—a protection needed even for children these days.

The aloe vera juice in SuperKids treats bugs and internal boo-boos largely by smoothing out the digestion, thereby maximizing the bioavailability of the included vitamins and minerals.  Your children will enjoy happier and more regular trips to the bathroom, thanks to aloe’s helpful work in the colon. Meanwhile, the manganese, zinc, selenium, and other colloidal minerals plus the Vitamin D in SuperKids enhance your children’s absorption of calcium. This helps bone growth which takes place the fastest between ages four and 12. Healthy bones are much better at surviving bike wrecks and falls from tree houses.

Some moms say their children are more active after taking SuperKids. I suspect this is because these children are experiencing cell improvements, and the moms may be seeing for the first time what their children are like when their little bodies are in prime working order.SuperMom

There’s not a food out there that could provide so many health benefits to my children for the twenty-cents-per-serving cost of SuperKids. Knowing how wonderful Beeyoutiful’s SuperMom vitamins have been for me (I’m coping much better with Real Life now, even as the old-lady hormones rage. And SuperMom vitamins reversed the extreme hair loss of my 16 year-old-daughter!), I am thrilled to have SuperKids formulated especially for my little ones—and for my niece, whose idea of vegetables is French fries!

Beeyoutiful vitamins are now a family affair, and I enjoy more peace of mind knowing that gaps in the family diet have been adequately and easily filled. But I must admit there’s not as much to laugh about in our more recent videos of vitamin taking. Which reminds me: we still need to submit that slime-eating scene to Funniest Home Videos. It just might be a winner.

Beeyoutiful Products Mentioned in This Article:

The Ultra Way to Keep Your Family – Winter 07-08 Catalog

By Nancy Webster


I look forward to Easter shopping-but not for jelly beans and chocolate rabbits. What I crave are those cheap-plastic, pastel buckets. In my house, they have a vital purpose far beyond holding candy-filled fake eggs and artificial pink and green grass. Since we inevitably employ them several times a year, I stash the little pails around the house so they’re always near at hand. That way, when some family member catches a stomach bug, the buckets are ready to catch the results.

A variation on this preparedness scenario doesn’t require Easter buckets but lots of tissues. It can also mean dewy bedroom walls from an all-night run of the humidifier when a cold strikes. A worse variation is bronchitis or respiratory flu.ultra_immuneweb

I must admit, it’s the sick times that make me question the wisdom of having such a large family because our team goes down for so long by the time a bout with illness runs through all ten of us. But thanks now to Beeyoutiful’s Ultra Immune, I have fewer and fewer times to wish down our family size.

These extraordinary black pills could win a look-alike contest for licorice jelly beans, but they’re even more powerful at knocking out and preventing health problems than jelly beans are at causing them! Ultra Immune is jammed with anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, anti-microbes-in-general ingredients, the superstar of which is allicin. The most potent component of garlic, allicin is the main reason garlic has such remarkable health properties.


My Home Health Test

In the ounce-of-prevention-worth-a-pound-of-cure department, your best strategy is to take one or two gel caps every day when you’re feeling fine. Chances are, you’ll stay that way, even during cold and flu season. Or if you prefer, pop two capsules the minute you start to feel sick, and you’ll likely cut your down time dramatically. Even at the onset of illness, Ultra Immune gives your body the extra fight it needs to get well sooner.

I’m my own best example that Ultra Immune works. The past couple of years have brought many hard situations, and the stress has challenged my vitality as never before. With my 50th birthday only two years away, I realize youth is no longer here to help me through. As a result, hardships got me so run down, I caught every cold and virus that found its way into the family. I even had a bout-unusual for me-with bronchitis. Then I started taking Ultra Immune every day. Once on the regimen, the difference in me showed immediately. My children have had colds, sinus infections, bronchitis, and a lovely stomach bug or two, but I’ve sailed through each without even a hint of sick feelings. Now that mother has done her duty as family guinea pig, it’s time to get the whole crew on Ultra Immune.


The Alternative to the Alternatives

I’ve dabbled with alternative medicines for a number of years, but confusion, lack of money for some of the fancier treatments, and a lack of consistency because of my houseful of daily work have slowed me down.  Nevertheless, I’ve tried. I’ve imposed raw garlic on older children, slathered essential oils-both fragrant and odious-on little people, and sampled sundry health diets and foods. While all have their good points, I’m honestly just a tired, getting-older mommy looking for an easy fix. Thankfully, Ultra Immune is both easy and effective. Call it my “silver bullet” to ward off Easter buckets, but there is solid science and a rich history of natural medicines behind Beeyoutiful’s amazing black pills.

Cultures as far back as the ancient Egyptians and Chinese knew the health benefits of garlic. The catch is, though, that you must eat it in the right form, or it just won’t work. If you crush it, that “magic” allicin can be destroyed in as little as ten seconds. Slicing the garlic better preserves its healthfulness, but you still must eat it quickly to gain the benefits.

So what, exactly, does allicin do that is so helpful? Researchers have found that allicin lowers both bad cholesterol and blood pressure, thus helping to prevent heart attacks and strokes. It also provides anti-cancer, antioxidant, and anti-microbial assistance. And along with being the hero for preventing and healing colds, strep, and flu, allicin even reduces vulnerability to more frightening diseases like tuberculosis and SARS.

If you want this incredible ally on your family’s side, you have to look carefully for it. It does not come “ready made” in garlic. Allicin is actually composed of two substances, allinase and allin, which in the right conditions combine to form the miracle worker. Fresh garlic will not necessarily contain a high level of allicin. Dried garlic powder used for cooking contains both allinase and allin (the allicin precursors), but not necessarily allicin. Garlic oil doesn’t have it at all.

If you think your “garden variety” dietary supplement is an answer, read the packages very carefully. A label that offers “allicin potential” suggests that the manufacturer is just guessing at the value of allicin included. Not only that, the term “allicin rich” is meaningless. It says nothing about the actual amount of allicin in the product. If the label lists only the “allin amount,” you may end up with no allicin at all because allin content is significant only if it can associate with sufficient allinase enzyme to produce allicin.

What you want to see on your allicin supplement is the name AlliSure®. This is allicin powder extract, stable and ready to be used by the body. No further allinase conversion is necessary. AlliSure®-the allicin source in Ultra Immune-is produced through a patented process which formulates allicin liquid from raw garlic. The liquid is spray-dried to produce allicin powder. You also want to see on the label the actual amount of allicin contained in each dose, expressed in micrograms. Ultra Immune contains an optimum 12.5 micrograms of stabilized allicin.


Even More for Your Money

Ultra Immune doesn’t stop with allicin to help you fight off the inner bad guys. It also contains black elderberry extract which, according to studies, helps flu patients recover in 3.1 days compared to the average 7.1.

Ultra Immune adds the power of olive leaf extract, yet another wonder for its ability to interfere with critical amino acid production for viruses. The extract is known, too, for fighting the common cold, flu, cold sores (herpes), ear/eye/nose/throat infections, impetigo, pink eye, parasites, and a host of bacterial, viral, and fungal infections.

As if that’s not enough, Ultra Immune offers the benefit of two powerhouse essential oils. Rosemary oil serves as an antiseptic for flu viruses and colds, and helps regulate blood sugar and blood pressure. It is also used to heal ulcers and canker sores. Ultra Immune’s oregano oil (my personal favorite of all the essential oils because it fights so many bad things) destroys antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria and is even considered effective against anthrax.

Other germ warfare equipment includes ImmunEnhancerTM AG, a substance derived from Larch tree bark (a fast-growing type of pine), that can help speed the immune system’s response to undesirable organisms so effectively that it is often compared to Echinacea. IETMAG has also been shown to promote the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria.

Perhaps the best aspect of Ultra Immune gel caps compared to any alternative is that there is no garlic taste or smell although the oregano oil fragrance is still there. That might make it a bit hard to get Ultra Immune into a baby, and pregnant mommies should be careful about using Ultra Immune because rosemary oil carries with it the potential for miscarriage. However, if the rest of the family is taking Ultra Immune, many of the germs that try to take over will be stopped in their tracks, so even the unprotected won’t succumb.

I’d still recommend keeping a few Easter buckets around for the stray germ that may sneak through your family’s protection network, but if you start putting Ultra Immune into your loved ones, those buckets will collect a lot of dust between service calls!


Nancy Webster is a home schooling mother of eight and an avid researcher on health and nutrition.

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