Tag Archives: spearmint

How-To Tuesday: Ten Tips to Improve Bone and Muscle Health

#HowToTuesday- Ten Tips to Improve Bone and Muscle Health from Beeyoutiful.com (1)

Without healthy bones and muscles, the body literally cannot function and move as it should. Keep your body strong with these ten strategies for supporting healthy bones and muscles!

1) Eat your greens! Green foods like broccoli, spinach, kale, and mustard greens are great sources of Calcium.

2) Get your healthy fats. Unrefined fats from grass-fed animals, fish, and some plants (nuts, coconut, olive and avocado) contain natural forms and ratios of fat-soluble vitamins A, D and K. These vitamins, along with the Omega fatty acids supplied by these fats, are crucial for bone health and development, as well as preventing osteoporosis. (They’re also awesome for heart health!)

#HowToTuesday- Ten Tips to Improve Bone and Muscle Health from Beeyoutiful.com3) Weight bearing exercises. Lifting heavy things increases the strength of your muscles and can help to maintain balanced body weight.

4) Try dry brushing. Using dry brushing during your regular daily routine can help to encourage optimal circulation and muscle tone. It also helps to encourage the elimination of toxins in the body.

5) Drink adequate water for your body. Proper hydration helps to support good joint and muscle health by eliminating toxins that can lead to inflammation in the bones and muscles.

6) Drink some tea! Horsetail and Nettles are amazing for strong bones and good muscle health. Both are abundant in bone and muscle-supporting minerals such as silicon, magnesium, calcium and selenium. Add in your favorite fresh fruit, use as a base for a smoothie, or add some rosehips or hibiscus to mix up the flavor.

7) Keep your supplements handy. Minerals, Omegas, and Fat Soluble Vitamins are must-haves for healthy bones. If you are not getting adequate amounts through your diet, be sure to keep some supplements available to fill in the gaps.

8) Consume Bone Broth and Gelatin. These are two easy and delicious ways to support your bones and muscles through nutrition. Packed with minerals and collagen, Bone Broth and Gelatin, especially used in conjunction with each other, can pack a powerful punch in the war on deteriorating bones and weak muscles.

9) Keep moving! Even when it is hard and challenging, don’t stop and don’t give up. Even if it is just range of motion movements or taking a slow stroll, keep moving and get in some physical activity every day.

10) Take care. Don’t forget your handy aids to support your Bone and Muscle health when you have pushed yourself a little too far. Tension Tamer, Glucosamine/MSM, Bromelain, Ow!-Ease, Hyland’s Arnica, Marjoram, Black Pepper, BasilSpearmintPine and Cypress Essential Oils can all help when you’re feeling creaky.

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How-To Tuesday: Using Catnip For More Than Just Entertaining Your Cat

#HowToTuesday- Catnip #EssentialOil from Beeyoutiful.com (1)

Catnip is forever infamous as a treat that rushes our feline friends into a euphoric state of bliss. But, did you know that Catnip is invaluable as an essential oil for the humans in your life too?

Nepetalactone, the active ingredient responsible for the kitty frenzy, is also what makes Catnip exceptional at defending humans from the flying outdoor pests that are waiting to turn us all into an all-you-can-bite buffet. Studies show that a dilution of just 1% Catnip Essential Oil can deter those vile creatures.

Catnip has many more great uses that go far beyond deterring mosquitos!

#HowToTuesday- Catnip #EssentialOil from Beeyoutiful.com (2)1) Helps calm and soothe. Catnip’s sedative nature encourages rest and peace. It is a great option to combine with other calming oils to help decrease restlessness and combat insomnia.

2) Soothes the tummy. Catnip can be very soothing to the tummy, particularly when experiencing flatulence. Combine 5 drops of Catnip Essential Oil with 1 teaspoon of Jojoba Oil and rub on the stomach and back. Catnip can also be partnered with essential oils such as Marjoram, Lavender, Spearmint, and Peppermint to bring additional support.

3) Regulate cycles. Does Aunt Flo have a hard time keeping appointments on schedule? Is her visit especially unpleasant? Catnip has been studied to show a positive impact on hormonal health, encouraging regular cycles and balance.

4) Encourages healthy skin. Astringent properties make Catnip a terrific choice in skin care. It helps to tone and tighten skin, as well as decrease the likelihood of infection. Using a concentration of 5 drops to 1 teaspoon of a carrier oil, Catnip Essential Oil can be applied to the skin or wound. (Please test for sensitivity before applying to large areas of skin.)

5) Say goodbye to dandruff. Adding a drop of Catnip Essential Oil to a daily shampoo has been shown to help decrease and even eliminate dandruff. Lather and rinse as normal.

6) Quiet the head. Catnip can be used either by itself or with other oils to help soothe a throbbing noggin. Combining with Peppermint, Marjoram, Ginger, or Lemon may help provide additional synergistic relief.

7) Expel excess water. Massaging the body with a mixture of one teaspoon Sweet Almond Oil and 5 drops Catnip Essential Oil can help encourage elimination of excess water that is being retained.

8) Quit the cramps. Catnip’s sedative effects help to decrease spasmodic events in the body by helping to relax and soothe tensed area. Diffusing Catnip intermittently during a coughing spell could help decrease the spasms during the cough.

9) Spark the brain. Catnip is an incredible support for the brain, helping function to remain optimal, especially in conditions like ADHD, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s.

10) Pest control! Use Catnip Essential Oil in bug sprays or on cotton balls on window sills or at doorways to help deter insects from entering your home. Over the years we’ve noticed that mosquitos have seemed to increase in severity and number, and wanting to avoid toxic chemical deterrents, we began using natural bug spray options. Unfortunately, some of these didn’t help as well as we would have liked! But we discovered that adding Catnip in just 1% concentrations to our homemade recipes has worked over and beyond our expectations. (Don’t want to make your own? Our own very effective Bee Outside proudly includes Catnip!)

Catnip Essential Oil offers all this and astonishingly, it’s still considered kid friendly! NOTE: Catnip is not considered appropriate for pregnant women, and nursing moms should check with a Certified Aromatherapist or their own healthcare practitioner to ensure it is appropriate for their situation.

Can you add to our list of ways to benefit from Catnip Essential Oil? We’d love to know how it’s in use in your home!

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Eager for more recipes and tips on Essential Oil usage? Our email series 101 Uses for Essential Oils is packed with information you can put to use right away! And don’t miss our list of 6 Crucial Things You Need to Know BEFORE Using Essential Oils. 

How-To Tuesday: How To Zap the Ugh Out of Bugs (Three Tricks!)

​Spring and Summer would be absolutely amazing… if not for the bugs. The stings and bites, the buzzing and dive bombing can all combine to make leaving the house a miserable experience.

We want you to enjoy the great outdoors, and here are three tricks to pull it off!

How To Zap the Ugh Out of Bugs (Three Tricks!) from Beeyoutiful.com

Use a natural bug spray to deter the bugs. 

Not only are biting insects annoying, but they can also carry dangerous diseases that are easily transferred to humans through their bites. Not only does deterring the little critters make for a more pleasant outdoor experience, but it also helps decrease the likelihood of exposure to the diseases they carry.

How to Zap the UGH Out of BUGS from Beeyoutiful.com (2)Bug Repellent Spray

Makes 8 ounces

scant ½ cup distilled or boiled water

scant ½ cup natural Witch Hazel

Essential Oils (We suggest a combination of Cedarwood, Bergamot, Lemongrass, Citronella, and Lemon)

Fill an 8oz spray bottle half full with the water, then add witch hazel almost to the top. Add a total of 40-50 drops of the essential oils, adding more or less to reach your desired strength. Shake well and spray to keep all those nasty little biting suckers at bay!

NOTE: When using any recipe containing essential oils, always skin test a small area to check for possible skin irritation. Omit Cedarwood if using this blend while pregnant or nursing. ​The Bug Repellent Spray should NOT be used on children under 2 years old.

Soothe the Stings​.

My kids are extremely scared of bees and wasps. They can appreciate the important job that bees do, but they wish they were far away.

Wasps, though… oh they just hate them! We’ve found two great ways to soothe the stings, and they’ve helped take some of the fear away as well.

Pick a few fresh plantain leaves (in our yard they grow rampant!) and crush well or chew them up a bit to release some of the soothing properties. Then you can put the plantain leaves directly over the sting. This should soothe it very quickly. If you do not have fresh plantain, you can use dried plantain; soak in freshly boiled water for 5 minutes. Strain and when the wet herb is cool enough to touch, use it as a poultice.

Activated Charcoal poultices can be used to help as well. Mix the powdered charcoal with a little water to form a paste. Apply directly to the sting for relief of both the swelling and pain.

We have also developed an easy way to have charcoal paste always ready in case of an emergency. Mix activated charcoal and water into a thick paste. Then, shape it into little one inch round balls and wrap in saran wrap. Keep them stored in the freezer.

You can even add Bentonite clay to the charcoal and it will soothe the pain even faster. The frozen rounds will keep forever (as long as your freezer lasts). Then, when ever an ‘incident’ happens, just unwrap one, hold it on the sting and watch it work! CAUTION: Charcoal does stain pretty badly, so avoid getting it on clothing or furniture.

How to Zap the UGH Out of BUGS from Beeyoutiful.com (1)Take the itch out of bites.

​Make a poultice out of green tea, or simply use a damped teabag to apply to the bites.

Mix a small amount of honey (1 teaspoon) with Bentonite Clay to form a paste. This is sticky but can be applied to the bites for soothing relief.

Rub a slice of cucumber or the inside of a banana peel on the bites.

Spray Laveshmint Hydrating Toner on the itchy areas; the Aloe, Lavender and Peppermint are soothing to the bites.

Mix some Witch Hazel with two drops of Lemon Essential Oil and use a cotton ball to dab on each bite or sting.

Herbal Bug Bite Compress

1 tablespoon Chamomile

1 Tablespoon Peppermint

1 Tablespoon Calendula

1 Tablespoon Catnip

Mix dried herbs together and then steep in 8 oz of freshly boiled water. Use the mixture to dampen a cotton cloth, then drape on the bites to provide relief. Mixture can be stored in the fridge for up to 3 days.

How to Zap the UGH Out of BUGS from Beeyoutiful.comBug Bite Relief Oil Blend 

1 drop Basil Essential Oil

1 drop Lavender Essential Oil

1 drop Lemon Essential Oil

1 drop Chamomile Essential Oil

1 drop Spearmint Essential Oil

Add all five drops into 3 ounces of a carrier oil. Apply a drop of the blended oil to the bites or stings.

NOTE: ​Omit Basil if using this blend while pregnant or nursing. ​Bug Bite Relief Oil should not be used with children under 2 years old.

Do you know a friend who would benefit from these recipes? What are your strategies to ward off bugs this summer? Share your ideas on Facebook or in the comments below!

3 Ways to Use Essential Oils for Non-Toxic Spring Cleaning (Plus Printable Checklist!)

3 Ways to Use Essential Oils for Non-Toxic Spring Cleaning (Plus Printable Checklist!) from Beey

Here’s a confession: by this time in the spring, I am about ready to open all the doors and windows and power wash the dust, dirt, and ick of winter away! It is so nice to get the stale air out and the fresh air in.3 Ways to Use Essential Oils for Non-Toxic Spring Cleaning (Plus Printable Checklist!) from Beey

Like many of you, my work schedule is such that massive cleaning jobs usually end up on the weekends. All seven of us end up pitching in to get projects done before we head for the outdoors and eat up this weather!

These tips have become my go-to strategies, and they’re such an easy way to not only freshen up our house but also ensure it smells as clean and inviting as it is.

Make Your Own Cleaners

This not only saves money, but personally selecting the ingredients (instead of trusting a mysterious chemical mixture!) also guarantees that they’re the ones you are confident about using with your family.

Window Cleaner Recipe from Beeyoutiful.comWindow Cleaner

1/2 cup Vinegar (preferably White)
1/2 cup Distilled Water
10 drops of your favorite Citrus or Mint Essential Oils

Mix together in a spray bottle; shake well before using.

General Cleaner Recipe from Beeyoutiful.comGeneral Cleaner

2 tsp Castile Soap
2 cups water
10 drops of Essential Oils of your choice (blends could include Thyme and Lemon, Eucalyptus and Peppermint, Spearmint and Tangerine, or your own favorite combination)

Mix together in a spray bottle; shake well before using.

Scrubbing Powder Recipe from Beeyoutiful.comScrubbing Powder

Baking Soda
Liquid Castile Soap
Favorite Essential Oil (I like Tangerine!)

Mix a little castile soap with some baking soda to make a paste. Add 3-4 drops of essential oil to the paste and use it to scrub tubs or hard stains.

Furniture Polish Recipe from Beeyoutiful.comFurniture Polish and Duster

1 ounce Jojoba Oil
4 drops Lemon Essential Oil
4 drops Cedarwood Essential Oil

Use several drops on a soft cotton rag to clean and dust wooden furniture. Note: always test on a small hidden spot prior to using liberally.

Freshen the Laundry

We typically avoid using perfumed products in our house, but let’s face it: between stinky men, long days in the sun learning to homestead, and kids that play hard, sometimes you just need a little smell-good joy in the laundry room! Optimally, every load would dry in the sun and smell like my childhood, but for the days when that cannot happen, I keep my favorite fragrances on hand to make sure our laundry smells it best.

You can add a drop or two of essential oil to your laundry detergent before pouring it into the washer (except for when washing cloth diapers; skip the oils then). Or do like I do: I use a small rag (cut up holey t-shirts work great!) and put a drop or two of my favorite essential oils on it and toss it in the dryer with our clothes.

My favorite Laundry Aids

Diffuse Away The Winter Blues 

While I prefer to have my windows thrown open, occasionally the pollen, spring storms, pesky bugs, and fluctuating temperatures make me keep the windows tightly shut! Thankfully, my diffuser brings a little bit of spring inside. Keeping my favorite happy blends or recipes available brings cheer and can help cleanse the house of hidden germs as well.

Recommended to Diffuse during Spring Cleaning

ProMiSe Blend
Any Citrus or Mint

Hello Spring Child-Safe Diffuser Blend from Beeyoutiful.comHello Spring: a child-safe blend for diffusing

Black Pepper

Add 10 drops each of Tangerine, Lemon, and Spearmint with 2 drops of Black Pepper for a cheery blend. Diffuse to not only add a bright cheery aroma, but help cleanse the room.

spring cleaning checklist from Beeyoutiful.comFor many more tips and recipes, follow our Essential Oil board on Pinterest. Be sure to get our printable Spring Cleaning Checklist, too! It’ll help you stay on track as you move from room to room in your house.

We would love to hear your favorite recipes and tips, too! Make sure to show us how you are using Beeyoutiful’s Essential Oils; tag your social posts with #BeeYouEOs so we can see.

Ciao! Time to go clean,

Bee Allergy Free This Spring

This article by Tal Ewing originally appeared in our Spring 2014 catalog.

When you suffer from seasonal allergies like I do, you only want one thing: relief! You want your nose to stop running, your eyes to stop itching, and your throat to stop burning. You want to be able to go outside without having to take a pill or squirt something up your nose that you know is probably not good for you in the long run.

Bee Allergy Free This Spring from Beeyoutiful.comBut how can you get to a point in your life where you can live without the pills and the sprays? For most of my life, I thought that was impossible. I remember my parents giving me spoonfuls of liquid antihistamines and taking every over-the-counter and prescription allergy medicine on the market. I took allergy shots for almost a decade. However, nothing seemed to work long term, and the more medicine I took, the worse my allergies seemed to get.

When I first met Steve and Stephanie Tallent, they pretty much knew just one thing about me: Tal has bad seasonal allergies. I’m sure that my wife (the beautiful, wonderful Mary Ewing) had told them stories of my sneezing, hacking, and doctors visits, and that I was the perfect person to test a new elderberry product for them.

So, on our first meeting they came bearing a gift of a bottle of what eventually became Berry Well. It was that gift that helped lead me to finding a few natural solutions that have helped me achieve freedom from the pills and sprays. In fact, since that first meeting I have been able to stop all of my allergy medications and find true freedom from my allergies. Here’s how I did it and how you can, too!

Watch what you eat.

This is the part that most of us hate to hear, but it is vital. When I finally realized that allergies are all about inflammation, I started to look for those things in my diet that lowered my body’s natural immunity and caused it to overproduce histamines. I grew up eating the Standard American Diet (SAD). We did not know better, so by the time I met Mary, my diet consisted primarily of peanut butter and jelly, coke, and ramen noodles. (Hey, what’s a bachelor on a tight budget going to do?!) But I was also on antibiotics monthly because of it.

As we began to clean up our diets, we not only focused on eliminating things such as sugar, processed foods, and additives, but we made sure to also replace nutrients that had been missing. The body can only repair itself if given the correct building blocks, so ensuring adequate intake of healthy fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, as well as nutrient-dense fresh fruit and vegetables, give the body the proper base for health. Eliminating the non-foods or foods that trigger inflammation in the body decreases the likelihood of over-producing histamines.

Take the essentials.

Be sure that you are getting the essential vitamins you need to build a healthy immune system. I finally realized that my allergies were a symptom of my body’s inability to regulate itself. I started listening to my wife, who encouraged me to take a probiotic, since a significant portion of immunity is regulated by the gut. I began with Tummy Tuneup, alternating with Gut Guardian. I also take Digest Best with my meals; Mary tells me this is because enzymes support digestion which in turn decreases the inflammation caused by poorly digested foods.

My daily regimen also includes SuperDadCod Liver Oil and B-Better to support and fill in the gaps in my diet.I added these to my daily doses of Berry Well, and I began to see a significant decrease in the time I spent dealing with my allergy episodes. This was the basis for my healing regimen, but there are several things that I also use, either when I know I am prone to more symptoms or when I am actually experiencing them.

First, I will add Vitamin D3. I usually consume it in two forms, as D3 itself and also in Cod Liver Oil where it is naturally paired with Vitamin A for an added punch. Vitamin D is a natural anti-inflammatory and also works to boost the immune system. Decreasing the levels of inflammation helped to decrease my allergic responses as well. The added benefit of fewer infections also helped keep me out of the doctors office! Although the spring allows for extra sunlight, I would often have to avoid time out of doors due to higher allergens. But as I took my D3, I was able to spend more time out of doors and naturally get my sunlight as well.

Then there’s a miracle substance called Colostrum Transfer Factor. Colostrum’s active components not only boost the immune system and help make it difficult for bacteria to attach to the mucous membranes, but they also regulate the immune response. This prevents over-production of some of the lymphocytes and T-cells that cause the allergic responses. So taking Colostrum can keep you from getting sick, and makes sure that allergies are not running wild at the same time.

Optimally, we would all have access to raw honey, and pollen too. These help give small exposures to local allergens and gradually decrease the body’s reactions to them. Finding a local beekeeper that has healthy bees and then using a teaspoon of their honey every day can help decrease your allergies. If you do not have access to good quality raw honey, Bee Strong is a great alternative!

When I start to feel like I am getting an allergy attack or a cold, I take an extra dose of Berry Well accompanied by a dose of D3 and Vitamin C. This helps my body boost its ability to handle the additional stress of illness.

Calm your allergies with essential oils.

This was the last step I took, but it has been one of the most beneficial in helping me find true allergy relief. If you suffer from allergies, you realize that you cannot always control your environment. Trees are going to pollinate, flowers are going to bloom, and the house is going to need dusting. There is something that you can do, though, to help neutralize those threats to your body: fight them with essential oils. I use a combination of Eucalyptus, Frankincense, and Peppermint essential oils to calm my body when my allergies begin to flare.

During allergy season, we run the diffuser with a base of Eucalyptus almost round the clock (or use Spearmint instead for a child-friendly option). We add to it either FrankincensePeppermint, or Rosemary, just depending on our mood that day! Frankincense and Peppermint both help tremendously when we feel short of breath or stuffy, and Rosemary has been very good for hay fever symptoms. (This bundle includes some of Beeyoutiful’s most popular essential oils for allergies, and there’s even a kid-friendly version.)

There have been times when my allergies have led to slight asthmatic symptoms as well. I used to carry an inhaler, and although I still own one for rescue purposes, I have rarely had to use it because I prophylactically use oils! We keep a small vial of pre-mixed oils that I rub on my chest twice a day when allergies are at their peak.

Allergy Chest Rub for Adults from Beeyoutiful.comAllergy Chest Rub for Adults

3 tsp Almond Oil
10 drops Frankincense Essential Oil
5 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
Always make sure to check for sensitivity when applying essential oils to the skin. This blend can be rubbed on the chest and neck as needed to prevent breathing difficulties or help open up the respiratory passages.

Rubbing the feet with diluted essential oils such as Peppermint, Thyme, Rosemary, or Frankincense can also help aid in relief. This can be done prior to bed or after a warm shower.

Sometimes, when all else fails and my allergies are still bothering me, it is time to reach for extra tools. While I still increase my supplements like Berry Well when allergies strike, sometimes I just want to breathe and open up my nasal passages quickly.

Enter the neti pot or similar nasal flushing device! I include sea salt and xylitol in my mix to help soothe my nasal passages. The salt helps to mimic the isotonic fluids present in the nasal passages and decreases irritation. Xylitol helps to eliminate germs and other toxins found in the nasal passages and makes it hostile for them to try to reestablish their reign. This can be used as needed throughout the day. Discard any leftover liquid at the end of each day, unless you add a few drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract to preserve the liquid.

Nasal Wash for Allergy Season from Beeyoutiful.com

Nasal Wash

1/3 tsp Sea Salt
1 tsp Xylitol
1 cup warm distilled water
4 drops Grapefruit Seed Extract (optional)

Mix well and use nasal washing device to administer as needed.

While I still might have to wear that paper mask when I cut the grass, by watching my diet, supplementing vital nutrients, and using essential oils, I’ve found that my body is healthier and better equipped to handle the allergens that come my way. That’s been the key to achieving lasting allergy relief.

Tal Ewing manages shipping and inventory for Beeyoutiful. He is married to our own Mary Ewing, and is the busy father of their five adorable children. He enjoys sports, outdoor activities, working in ministry opportunities as well as studying theology. He and Mary hope to soon have acreage where they can expand their backyard chickens into a small hobby farm!

Beeyoutiful’s Kid-Friendly Essential Oil Zone

Beeyoutiful not only has an amazing adult team working together to bring great products to you, but we also currently have a small army of kids with us. When we all get together, there over a dozen little ones 10 and under, all playing together and getting into everything.

As you can imagine, we also have our share of sniffles, sneezes, upset tummies, and overstimulated and sometimes even sad littles ones. Essential oils are one very prized part of our toolbox to help support our wee lot.

Beeyoutiful's Kid-Friendly Essential Oils

Step into our world for a bit and see how we use essential oils with our kiddos! (Be sure you’ve read about the things we think you should know before you begin using essential oils for any age.)

It can be hard to know which essential oils are appropriate for these young ages. After much researching and reading, we’re sharing a list of the oils that we personally use in our homes, along with a few tips on how we use them with our children.

Beeyoutiful’s Kid-Friendly Essential OilsKid-Friendly Essential Oils from Beeyoutiful.com


Black Pepper
Clary Sage
Tea Tree

We’ve also bundled some of the most popular kid-friendly oils for respiratory support here.

How We Use Beeyoutiful’s Kid-Friendly Essential Oils With Our Children

Calm Down Rub

1 drop Chamomile
1 drop Tangerine
1 ounce Sweet Almond Oil

Gently massage child all over, or focus on applying the blend to the spine, base of the neck, abdomen, and bottom of the feet.Calm Down Kid-Friendly Essential Oils from Beeyoutiful.com

Tummy Love

1 drop Spearmint
1 drop Ginger
1 ounce Sweet Almond Oil

Mix and rub gently on abdomen, back of the neck, and spine, or rub on bottom of the feet during times of nausea or upset tummies.Tummy Love Kid-Friendly Essential Oils from Beeyoutiful.com

Breathe Easy Baby

1 drop Lemon
1 drop Spearmint
1 drop Cedarwood
1 ounce of Sweet Almond Oil

Mix and rub on the chest and over the spine of the child to help support respiratory health.Breathe Easy Baby Kid-Friendly Essential Oils from Beeyoutiful.com

Sweet Sleep

Add equal parts Cedarwood and Lemon to a diffuser. Diffuse at 15 minute intervals as child falls asleep.Sweet Sleep Kid-Friendly Essential Oils from Beeyoutiful.com

How to Massage Your Baby

Mix 1 drop of Lavender Essential Oil with 3 Tablespoons of Jojoba Oil. Make sure baby is lying on a warm and comfortable surface, and that your hands are warm (if you’re cold, wash your hands in hot water to warm them up).

Use gentle, steady pressure and a calm, comforting voice while touching your baby. Keep continual contact with the baby’s skin. Discontinue massage if you or the baby experience stress or unpleasant emotions; massage should be a tender way for baby and parent to bond and encourage healthy development.

Baby Massage Card from Beeyoutiful.comKnow a parent who could benefit from this information? Want to remember it for later? Use the buttons below to share it, pin it, tweet it, send it!

Red Raspberry Leaf: A “Miracle Herb” for Women

Red Raspberry Leaf: A "Miracle Herb" For Women from Beeyoutiful.com

This information originally appeared in a slightly different format in our Winter 2007-2008 Catalog.

My greatest passion in life is experiencing the birth of a child with parents who love children as much as I do. As a Licensed Midwife, it has been my privilege to advise many women during pregnancy, and to be present at thousands of births. I take it upon myself to care for my clients before, during, and after the birth, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Red Raspberry Leaf: A "Miracle Herb" For Women from Beeyoutiful.comFor thousands of years, midwives and Chinese herbalists have used herbs with very good results. This fact is not lost on the current medical community, as many of our allopathic medicines are derived from herbs.

As a midwife and herbalist, I use herbs constantly in my practice. I have found that certain herbs contribute significant amounts of nourishment necessary to our bodies. I believe that the female body was designed to give birth, and that with proper nutrition, it can usually do what it knows how to do, without much intervention.

I had one client who was worried about having her fifth baby. After a few prenatal visits, I was puzzled about her concern. I was thinking, “Fifth baby, what could she be worried about?” After some coaxing, she finally admitted that it was the after pains that had her concerned about her birth. Apparently the after pains were so incredibly intense after her fourth baby that she was not at all concerned about the act of actually giving birth to number 5, but was fearful instead about the pains to come later.

Now that I knew what was troubling her, I suggested that she increase her intake of Red Raspberry Leaf. She was skeptical that this would help, but was willing to give it a try. I advise all of my clients to take Red Raspberry Leaf through pregnancy, and I explained to her why.

The Woman’s Herb

Red Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus) is a widely used herbal tonic that is especially beneficial during pregnancy. Brewed as a tea, taken in capsule form, or as an infusion, Red Raspberry Leaf is one of the safest and most commonly used tonic herbs for women wanting to get pregnant or for women who are already pregnant.

Taking this herb helps facilitate all the functions our bodies do for us on a daily basis. This is why Red Raspberry Leaf is considered a ‘tonic’ herb; it tones and supports the body in general. Red Raspberry Leaf tones the uterus, improves the quality of labor contractions, improves quality of sleep, decreases feelings of anxiety and nervousness, and decreases constipation.

It also contains the most easily assimilated form of calcium. Because Red Raspberry Leaf has calcium that is so readily available to our bodies, and most of us have a calcium deficiency, many people notice a change in how they feel right away. Since osteoporosis is related to a lack of calcium, daily use of Red Raspberry Leaf is highly recommended for all women.

Beeyoutiful’s encapsulated organic Red Raspberry Leaf is easily absorbed by the body. All the necessary trace minerals and vitamins your body needs to easily assimilate the calcium are already right there, occurring naturally in the herb itself. Almost every trace mineral that our bodies use is available in Red Raspberry Leaf. This means no one in a lab had to figure out how to formulate something that might work as well as the real thing!

How to Use Red Raspberry Leaf

You can drink 1-6 cups of mild-tasting Red Raspberry Leaf tea per day, hot or iced. Or, you can take one to four capsules per day. Use more in the second half of the day if you tend to have trouble sleeping, since Red Raspberry Leaf encourages a deeper, more restful sleep.

It is almost impossible to overdose on Red Raspberry Leaf, but if you take very large amounts, you may experience either very loose stool or constipation. Either is a sure sign that you have more than reached your body’s threshold for calcium levels. Just back down on your dose by one or two cups of tea or one or two capsules, and your bathroom habits should return to what is familiar to you.Recipe: Nourish & Flourish Tea with herbs from Beeyoutiful. com

Tea recipe: Pour 1 cup boiling water over 2 teaspoons of dried Red Raspberry Leaf and steep for ten minutes. Steeping longer than ten minutes will only make the tea bitter, not stronger. For stronger tea, use more in the tea bag or tea ball. Sweeten with stevia, honey, or a bit of rapadura

I like to add Nettles, Alfalfa or Spearmint to my Red Raspberry Leaf tea. This combination makes for a very toning tea. Nettles has every trace mineral our bodies need and helps build up red blood cells as well. Alfalfa helps blood to clot well and prevents unnecessary blood loss. Spearmint is soothing to the stomach and adds a bit of flavor to these herbs for a little more punch to your tea.

Not up for making a tea blend yourself? Try a prepared version of Pregnancy Tea. Or if you’re just not a tea drinker, try Beeyoutiful’s encapsulated organic Red Raspberry Leaf. Try one to six capsules per day, based on comfort and bowel tolerance.

Pregnancy and Red Raspberry Leaf

In addition to many vitamins and minerals, Red Raspberry Leaf also contains an alkaloid called fragrine which lends tone and strength to the uterus. There are several schools of thought on the subject with conflicting information about the use of this herb during pregnancy. (Talk with your care provider about what’s right for your body and pregnancy!)

Many clinicians advise drinking one cup of Red Raspberry Leaf tea per day in the first trimester and 2 cups in the second trimester, then switching to an infusion (a stronger tea) for the third trimester to ensure a strong uterus and prevent miscarriage.

Other clinicians suggest that frequent use (3-4 cups per day of tea, or 1-2 capsules) just during the third trimester is beneficial to the uterine and pelvic muscles.

And finally, some clinicians advise not using Red Raspberry Leaf in the first trimester, particularly if you have a history of miscarriage. Some midwives in the U.K. claim an increase in early miscarriage rates associated with women who have used Red Raspberry Leaf, and it’s been noted that the herb may cause minor spotting in the beginning of a pregnancy.

What Red Raspberry Leaf does not do is start labor or promote contractions. It is not an emmenagogue (something that promotes a miscarriage) or an oxytocic herb (an herb or chemical that promotes uterine contractions). It does strengthen the pelvic and uterine muscles, allowing you to feel healthier throughout your pregnancy, and allowing labor and the muscles involved with birthing to be more relaxed and efficient.

Contact your midwife, herbalist, or physician for personalized input about your use of Red Raspberry Leaf. Do the homework yourself to feel good about your decision to use or not use this herb, and when to use it during pregnancy. This advice is good for any decision you might be facing about your pregnancy options or your own health and welfare in general!

Worries Put To Rest

Well, my anxious client faithfully took the Red Raspberry Leaf in the higher amounts we discussed for her. Her birth experience went so smoothly that I almost missed it! She felt just fine at her 24 hour check up, too, but said that the next day would be the real test to see if the herb had helped. I told her to call me if she experienced any after pains like she had in the past, and then scheduled a routine five-day postpartum check up.

I never received any phone calls from her, and wondered if she was going to tough it out rather than call. That was in my mind as I rang the door bell on the day of my visit, hoping to hear good news, yet fearing I wouldn’t. My face split into a huge grin as my client all but tap-danced to the door to let me in! She couldn’t stop telling me how great the first few days after the birth had been, and how they’d been nothing like her last postpartum experience.

My client was so excited that she wanted me to promise that I would tell every pregnant woman of this “miracle herb” that made all the difference for her. So, this is me keeping my promise and telling all of you this “big secret” to feeling good during and after your births! Red Raspberry Leaf truly is a miracle herb!

Written by Jenny West, LM, CPM, HBCE, TBMP, CST, CH; a midwife/herbalist who has been in practice for 18 years and delivered over 7000 babies.

6 Ways to Travel Well and Stay Well (Especially With Kids!)


Along with fun and excitement, traveling also brings a measure of stress on a body’s health and well being. It takes a toll with later nights, strange beds, hectic (yet fun!) schedules, and exposure to more people and places and thus more germs. There is nothing worse than being out of town and sick, except being out of town, sick and without your favorite supplies. It’s doubly awful if the ones who succumb are young children!6 WAYS TO TRAVEL WELL AND STAY WELL (ESPECIALLY WITH KIDS!)

Our family had a stomach bug catch us several years ago on the tail end of a long trip for my husband’s job. Having Tummy Tuneup, Activated Charcoal, Essential Oils, and Vitamin D on hand helped kept me from getting sick too, and we were able to get home quickly and recover.

Here are the strategies and items that I consider absolutely crucial in my family’s travel arsenal.

  1. When I get to our hotel room, I immediately plug in our diffuser. Optimally, I can add Eucalyptus Essential Oil and Bandito Blend into the Breeze and then we can go out for a couple of hours, giving the essential oils time to do their disinfecting jobs. But, since I have littles, I will usually turn instead to a child-friendly combination of Lemon, Spearmint, Tangerine and Thyme to diffuse. Those oils are less irritating to their little systems but still are effective at going after bacteria.
  2. I always bring a small travel size spray bottle. When I arrive, I add several drops of Spearmint, Thyme and Tangerine Essential Oils and then fill with water. I use this to wash down all the surfaces in the hotel. You can also pull down the beds and spray the mattresses, if necessary; just spray lightly and then allow to air dry. That, combined with diffusing into the air, will cleanse the room of the majority of potential threats.
  3. Before we go out in crowds, we prevent, prevent, prevent! If it’s summer, I usually skip the Vitamin D. But if it’s winter or we already seem a bit unwell, we dose up with Cod Liver Oil for extra Vitamin A and D. A dose of an elderberry syrup is next. And finally, we never travel without our probiotics! Our choice is usually Tummy Tuneup because it is easy to dose the little ones, and it’s shelf-stable so I don’t have to worry about keeping it refrigerated.
  4. In case our tummies go sour, we keep extra Tummy Tuneup, Activated Charcoal, and essential oils on hand. Our favorites are Spearmint (for anyone under 10), Peppermint, and Oregano, each well diluted in a carrier oil and massaged on the feet, lightly on the abdomen, and down the spine. We open a capsule and put Tummy Tuneup powder under the tongue. I use Charcoal to both treat and prevent the spread of upset stomachs; it’s highly absorbent and can quickly bind to toxins and move them out of the digestive system.
  5. If a nose is running, we dose up with our Berry Well and Vitamin D [LINK] and then keep a paper towel handy with a few drops of either Spearmint or Peppermint to assist in breathing. (I use Spearmint for children under ten and Peppermint for ten and over.) We also brew a big cup of Red Raspberry Leaf Tea to sip. All you need is your hotel room’s coffee maker and you are all set with hot water to make enough tea for everyone.
  6. Cuts and bruises! Busy travel days in unfamiliar environments can lead to more accidents and injuries than normal. I clean well with soapy water and then slather on some Miracle Skin Salve. For stings, bites, and sunburns, I bring along a baggie of dried Plantain (at home we often use the fresh leaves, but in urban areas it can be scarce or there is a possibility of pesticides). For fresh plantain, just chewing it up a bit and applying the crushed leaf to the sting or bites brings almost immediate relief. You do that with dried plantain as well, or you can make a poultice with hot water and the dried leaves.

While these items don’t chase away every chance of sickness, they do make any downtimes on trips a lot less stressful. Have we missed any of your favorite tips or products? We would love to hear your travel tips!