Tag Archives: Vitamins & Minerals

Activating Activator X in Your Diet – Spring 2010 Catalog

Activating Activator X in Your Diet

By Christy Stouffer

Christy Stouffer

Desperate situations can inspire us to think outside the box. Not long ago, a family member reacted adversely to a bout with chemotherapy, so we looked for help beyond conventional medicine.

Deteriorating quickly, Joan* was hospitalized. To make matters worse, she broke her hip and struggled to recover. Because she had no appetite, Joan quickly lost weight and had little energy or stamina.

A friend recommended that we look into giving Joan something called high vitamin butter oil. We scrambled to learn about it and at every turn were amazed at what we read!

X-actly What the Doctor Ordered

This golden butter was “discovered” more than 50 years ago by Weston A. Price. Dr. Price studied people groups from around the globe and learned that those who were healthy and thriving had something in common: they consumed high levels of vitamins A and D, and these vitamins were activated by vitamin K2. Sometimes called the X-Factor, K2 is found in high vitamin butter oil.

High vitamin butter oil is extracted from deep yellow butter fat using no heat. It is derived from the milk of cows that feed solely on 100% rapidly growing grass.  Research shows that K2 “instructs” the body on how to utilize vitamins A and D. Yet this crucial nutrient is almost nonexistent in today’s Western diet.

Vitamin K2 is the most biologically active form of the K vitamin. This marvelous product of nature contains the power to strengthen bones and protect against tooth decay. It supports growth, helps the body rebuild tissue, repairs teeth and bones, and is a key component in reproductive health. The wonder of K2 is its ability to serve as a catalyst to move inactive or passive vitamins into their most efficient state.


I was thrilled to learn that Beeyoutiful now offers K2 as a dietary supplement. Adding this to your diet can ensure that you get maximum benefits from vitamins A and D. This product, appropriately named Katalyst, also includes alfalfa, a rich source of vitamin K. In addition, Beeyoutiful carries the Dynamic Duo (vitamins A and D3) and when used in conjunction with Katalyst, you’ll boost and build a healthy immune system.

Oil Recovery

When we compiled our facts, it was obvious Joan could benefit from high vitamin butter oil. We gave her a small dose twice each day and within a week, her appetite revived, cognitive skills sharpened, and she gained weight. Her strength increased daily and where she had previously been completely bedridden, she began to walk the halls of the hospital with the help of her physical therapist.

We continued to give Joan butter oil, and her progress persisted. At one point, the doctor pulled her chart, surveyed her blood tests, and admitted that he couldn’t explain the turnaround in Joan, but we believe the high vitamin butter oil stimulated and strengthened her immune system. The doctors had given no hope for Joan’s recovery-and in fact, advised us to call hospice-but today she is back at home, has a good appetite, and takes her butter oil daily.

High vitamin butter oil boasts numerous benefits, and it’s no surprise that the people groups Dr. Price studied were sturdy, healthy folks. Take a look at what’s in this remarkable food:

–         Butyric Acid – Reduces inflammation in intestines, has antifungal and antitumor effects;

–         Stearic Acid – Works to steady blood pressure and stimulates heart muscles to contract, helps lower total blood cholesterol and LDL cholesterol;

–         Caproic Acid – Contains anti-viral effects;

–         Lauric Acid – Has ability to kill many strains of fungi and yeast;

–         Glycosphingolipids – Protects against gastrointestinal infections, particularly in those most susceptible (young children and the elderly);

–         Oleic Acid – Reduces plasma cholesterol and LDL cholesterol;

–         CLA Isomer 9, 11 – A naturally-occurring trans fat that may inhibit tumor growth, prevent heart disease, and reduce body fat;

–         Myristic Acid – A significant factor that increases the good cholesterol, HDL;

–         Quinones – A group of organic compounds that includes K and E vitamins as well as CoQ enzyme families.

Who would have thought butter could provide such a variety of benefits? When our family learned about such a beneficial food product that occurs naturally, is derived without chemical intervention, and doesn’t involve a restructure of molecular design, we were hooked. We all now regularly use high vitamin butter oil to ensure that the above ingredients aren’t left out of our diets.

Butter Days Are Here Again

Additional research by Dr. Price revealed that when butter and cod liver oils are taken together, they complement one another. High-vitamin butter oil contains an omega-6 fatty acid, while cod liver oil is rich in omega-3. The saturated fatty acids in the butter oil launch and efficiently use the unsaturated fatty acids in the cod liver oil.

Organic 3 Extra Virgin CLO

The crew at Beeyoutiful now offers Organic 3 Extra Virgin Butter Oil – Available in butter-gel which can be taken by spoon with honey or syrup, can be used on toast, or taken straight (delivers a creamy, rich taste).

This delectable golden butter offers benefits for any person-young, old, or in between! Our modern diets (even those without processed foods) lack the dense vitamins that butterfat delivers. A dose of high vitamin butter oil offers a powerful boost to anyone who wants to better utilize the minerals in his or her diet. So I say, bring on the butter!


*Not her real name

Pre-Natal Peace of Mind- Fall 2009 Catalog

Pre-Natal Peace of Mind:

And Other Benefits of Folic Acid

By: Nancy Websternancy_small

After massaging countless pairs of names to prepare for the birth of our twins, my husband and I had settled on Grace and Rachel if we were blessed with two girls. Whoever came out first would be Grace. But when Greg held “Twin A,” the name “Rachel” felt more right to him. Within a few days we would realize why “Twin B” would need an extra measure of God’s grace.

After the Friday morning birth, I spent the weekend reveling in the wonder of having delivered the twins that I had prayed for nine months before. My husband spent the weekend secretly studying books and online sources about infant abnormalities. When he first held Twin B, he thought he saw something different about her eyes.

What he saw was Down syndrome. The midwife attending the birth had missed it. Our delivering obstetrician hadn’t noticed and none of the nurses at the hospital detected anything different about Grace. But at the twins’ Monday morning post-natal check-up, our pediatrician confirmed Greg’s suspicion.

Now 13, our twins are a delightful pair, if strikingly different from one another. Rachel rides pony trails and climbs mountains while Grace tours the zoo in a wheelchair, because severely flat feet make her legs and hips ache after much walking. Rachel catches on quickly while simple, often-repeated activities frustrate Grace into blank stares. Rachel’s alto contributes handsomely to classical performances of the local children’s community choir, while Grace can only attend performances.

Of course, Grace would not be Grace if she didn’t have her Down syndrome. Without her, we would miss out on the mysterious, masking-taped presents of a toilet paper tube, a rock, or utensil from the kitchen–accompanied by her standard card, a crayoned picture of a multi-layered cake with candles, signed “GRCE.” And we might take for granted her mastery of reading a new word.

Still, if there was something I could have done to prevent her Down syndrome, I would have done it. There’s no denying life is harder–and maybe burdened with a few more inexpressible disappointments—for Grace.

At the time Grace and Rachel were conceived, I was homeschooling four children, ages two to eight. My oldest daughter needed speech and occupational therapy, which meant hauling the entire crew back and forth to tri-weekly sessions. One son suffered gastrointestinal problems, which entailed specialist visits and many home treatments.

Although by the time I’d learned quite a bit about healthy eating, life was so huge that fish sticks and tater tots made their way onto our table far too often. I knew we should do better with our eating, but Real Life was so overwhelming, it couldn’t happen as I wanted. I didn’t even remember to start taking pre-natal vitamins until four or five months into the twin pregnancy.

The Folic Acid Connectionfolicacid1_1

Researchers have found that nearly 60% of mothers of children with Down syndrome have a genetic mutation that impairs the mother’s ability to metabolize folic acid. “Maternal non-disjunction” occurs before conception and is responsible for 95% of all Down syndrome cases. Mothers of babies with neural tube defects like spina bifada and anencephaly have a similar problem metabolizing folic acid.

Folic acid is the synthetic version of folate, vitamin B9. Found naturally in leafy greens, citrus, liver, tuna, eggs, and legumes, among other foods, folate is necessary for synthesis of DNA, RNA and proteins, and for the production and maintenance of all new cells. The body’s requirement for this vitamin increases during periods of rapid growth, such as pregnancy and fetal development. As a result, since 1992, the U. S. Public Health Service recommends that all women who might become pregnant should take a minimum of 400 micrograms of folic acid supplement per day. Studies suggest that if all women did this, the risk of neural tube defects would be reduced by up to 70%.

Waiting until you’re expecting a baby is not good enough. It takes up to a year to build up reserve of this vitamin, and the lack of folic acid at conception may result in brain and spinal cord damage as the fetus develops. Folic acid supplements taken for at least a year before conceiving is also associated with a 70% reduction in premature births between 20 and 28 weeks and a 50% reduction between 28 and 32 weeks. Another benefit of folic acid is protection against congenital cleft lip (with or without a cleft palate). It is estimated that 1/3 of facial clefts can be avoided with the help of folic acid.

Dads are not off the hook here, either. There’s a connection between folic acid and chromosomal abnormalities in men’s sperm. Men who consume high levels of folate or folic acid tend to have fewer sperm in which a chromosome is lost or gained. Extra or missing chromosomal material causes genetic abnormalities like Down, Turner’s, and Klinefelter’s syndromes. As with moms, future dads should consume at least 400 micrograms of folic acid per day for a minimum of three months prior to conception.

You are more at risk of preclampsia, placental abruption, fetal growth restriction, or even fetal death if you take medicines for epilepsy, mood disorders, hypertension, or infections because these medications are folic acid “antagonists.” You may require more than the usual recommendation of folic acid to counteract these bad effects.

Folic Acid- Mixed Reviews

In cancer research, there’s good news and bad about folic acid. On the good side: It counteracts cancer by strengthening chromosomes. Folic acid helps prevent colon cancer in men, and a study at Harvard Medical School found it can reduce women’s colon cancer rates by 75 percent.

However, too much folic acid can be a problem. While maintenance levels seem to offer protection against prostate cancer, too much folic acid may actually increase chances of prostate cancer. In other mixed news, studies show that people who get sufficient folic acid reduce their risk of developing colorectal cancer and precancerous polyps by 40 to 60 percent. On the other hand, one researcher estimates that ingesting too much folic acid may cause an extra 15,000 cases of colorectal cancer each year in the US and Canada.

Folic Acid intertwines with vitamin B12 in many body processes, including synthesis of DNA, red blood cells, and the myelin sheath which insulates nerve cells and helps conduct signals throughout the nervous system. But, again, too much folic acid in the interaction can worsen a vitamin B12 deficiency. This problem is common in older patients and causes dementia and other complications like depression, apathy, withdrawal, and lack of motivation. Taking a combination of the two vitamins protects against this problem.

Vegetarians, whose diets tend to be especially high in folate-rich green vegetables and folic-acid fortified grains, are prone to vitamin B12 deficiencies. Because the body stores a good amount of B12 in the liver, though, there may be a delay of 5 to 10 years between the start of a vegetarian diet and the onset of deficiency symptoms.

Folic acid supplements offer good news to people over 50 through improved mental performance and memory. A study of adults age 50 to 70 who had low levels of folate were given folic acid supplements for three years with the result that memory, reaction speeds, information processing, and overall thinking tested similar to that of people two to five years younger.

In addition, a folate deficiency elevates homocysteine levels which contribute to heart disease and stroke. Folic acid supplementation is beneficial in preventing these cardiovascular problems. But too much folic acid throws these levels off in the other direction.

Allergy sufferers will likewise want to be sure their folic acid intake is good. Patients consuming higher levels had fewer antibodies that trigger immune responses such as allergies and asthma.

Folic Acid– The Sources

Since 1996, the USDA has required cereals and grains to be fortified with folic acid to ensure folks get an adequate amount of this vital nutrient. Although this has show a reduced incidence of babies born with neural tube defects, it’s wise for prospective parents to supplement with folic acid as extra insurance– especially mothers who already have a child or two (or more!) and may be depleted.

So how much should you take? Because folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin, it is hard to overdose. The ideal dosage is between 400-800 micrograms per day for all populations. This will be safe for you unless your favorite daily snack is liver, which contains 170-190 micrograms for every three ounces!

Healthy bodies seem only able to process a maximum of 1000 mcg/day. Above this, some people report itchiness and rarely, gastrointestinal discomfort or insomnia. Sometimes doctors prescribe up to 4000 micrograms per day of folic acid supplementation for special cases, like a jump-start in healing certain anemias, or for mothers planning another pregnancy when they’ve borne a child with a neural tube defect. The folks at Beeyoutiful urge medical supervision before consuming mega-doses.

The Weston A. Price Foundation recommends getting the necessary pre-natal nutrition (also good for people of any age!) from properly prepared, nutrient-dense foods. This includes organic liver and other organ meats, seafood, eggs, and the best quality butter, cream and fermented (preferably raw) milk products you can find. Organic meats, vegetables, grains, and legumes should round out the diet, with a special emphasis on leafy green vegetables. (For more about the ideal way to prepare and eat foods, I’ll recommend yet again the excellent book by Sally Fallon, Nourishing Traditions, available from Beeyoutiful.)

Healthy meal preparation too often collides with Real Life making a thoroughly healthy diet difficult to achieve regularly–which is where the importance of using the right supplements come in. For those in their child-bearing years, the elderly, allergy sufferers, heart patients, and people taking medicine for epilepsy and mood disorders, supplemental folic acid intake is essential. You can get it through Beeyoutiful’s SuperMom and SuperDad vitamins as well as Beeyoutiful’s separate Folic Acid tablets which contain an ample 800 mcg. of folic acid, plus 25 mg. of B12. Whatever your stage of life, knowing you’re getting the rewards of proper folic acid intake will add to your peace of mind.supermom_superdad

Nancy Webster is a free-lance writer, homeschool mother of eight, and an avid researcher on health and nutrition. She lives with her family on their partially working farm in Tennessee. Nancy and her husband Greg’s sixth child Grace (smiling atop their old Belgian horse) is a big sister to a brother and sister who do not have Down syndrome or neural tube defects. The Websters believe siblings are the best gift you can give your child with Down syndrome. Nancy has recently started the Southern Middle Tennessee chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation (see Nourishing Traditions in the Beeyoutiful book section for more about the WAP Foundation.)

The Selenium Difference- Fall 2009 Catalog

The Selenium Difference:

This Trace Mineral Packs a Punch

By Jessica Bischof


You’d think it would be big news if someone discovered a substance that could

  • Protect from certain types of cancer;
  • Keep viral influenza “mild” and reduce the chance of lung damage;
  • Guard against heart disease;
  • Provide strong anti-oxidation protection;
  • Increase energy by balancing the thyroid;
  • Build a stronger immune system.

You might think that, but something as “ordinary” as a trace mineral isn’t as exciting as a new miracle drug. Nevertheless, selenium is a highly researched mineral, and we know a great deal about its significant contribution to our physical well-being.

A Very Busy Mineral

Selenium works in connection with vitamin E to deliver its benefits. Although our bodies need only a small amount of selenium to receive the protection and health support it offers, we must make it a point to ingest it through food or supplements.

Selenium studies have shown that supports the body undergoing radiation– especially the kidneys, which can otherwise be ravaged by such treatment. One study suggests that selenium intake may reduce the risk of bladder cancer in women.  However, one smaller study showed no reduction in risk.  Based on these studies, FDA concludes that it is highly uncertain that selenium supplements reduce the risk of bladder cancer in women.

In addition, selenium plays a key role in the body’s critical conversion of the thyroid hormone T4–the “storage” hormone–into T3, the “usable” form we need for energy and proper metabolism.

Selenium Abounds–If You Can Find It

Selenium is plentiful in the soil in many parts of the world although some areas are more notably deficient. The best source of selenium is always food raised in selenium-rich soil. In the US, for instance, farmlands in the Dakotas and Nebraska abound with selenium and folks there who eat a lot of locally grown foods probably don’t need to take selenium supplements. On the other hand, certain areas of China are known to be particularly selenium-deficient and it is no coincidence that some of the worst flu viruses have come from these parts of China.

The accompanying sidebar lists a number of selenium-rich foods to help guide your selections. However, the levels of selenium are not “guaranteed.” The presence of selenium is always dependent on the soil in which the product is grown or, in the case of animal products, the soil that grew the grass the livestock ate. As a result, the chart shows averages. As far as I can determine, no one has yet compiled selenium charts based on geographical regions that food comes from.

How Much is Enough?

The National Library of Medicine states, “No pregnancy category has been established for supplemental selenium intake although it is generally believed to be safe during pregnancy when consumed in amounts normally found in foods.” It also notes that selenium passes through breast milk to a nursing infant.

The FDA’s Recommended Daily Allowance for selenium is 55mcg. This suggestion is based on studies done in China during the 1970’s concluding that individuals that took in 800 mcg daily were not receiving too much. To be conservative, the FDA then halved the maximum safe recommended amount to 400 mcg daily, in order to allow a “safety net” to make sure people don’t get too much. As with many other nutrients, excessive intake can be harmful.

Another factor to consider when evaluating selenium intake for your family is that food-based selenium is always more usable to the body and is retained better. Also, different forms of supplemental selenium offer varying levels of usability. The form Beeyoutiful sells9, seleonomethionine, is highly usable by the body. In fact, studies show that it transfers more readily to breast milk, probably because the body is able to absorb it more easily than other forms.

The National Library of Medicine suggests that 50 to 75 mcg of selenium should be “adequate” for adults and lactating mothers. This is certainly a conservative number, and it is sometimes helpful to remember that when the FDA uses the term “adequate,” it is referring to the smallest amount needed to avoid specific symptoms of deficiency. It is not a suggestion of an optimal dose for health. Most researchers suggest a supplement between 150 to 250 mcg daily for adults. Children require less.

As the selenium chart suggests, Brazil nuts offer one of the highest concentrations of selenium. So for my children (who are too young to swallow supplements) I give them one Brazil nut each day as a “treat.” Of course, I never remember every day, so I determine how many nuts to hand out based on how often I’ve remembered that particular week. Toxicity from selenium is unlikely from getting a little too much on any given day. Rather, it is from the result of continuously and exclusively eating foods that come from a selenium-rich environment or by supplementing too aggressively.

So even though you don’t need a lot, many rewards of good health can be traced to this little mineral.

jess b

Jessica is a Nutritional Therapy Consultant and the owner of Simple Steps Nutrition where she works with clients both in the US and internationally to create customized nutritional protocols to support their health, using nutrition, diet, and lifestyle modifications to support healing and function in the body. 

Her own health challenges started in her early 20’s after the birth of her first child and forced her to become educated about what her body needed to heal. She believes that through healing and supporting the underlying cause you can actually regain health – not just treat symptoms. 

Jessica specializes in restoring energy, resolving fatigue issues, hormonal balancing, digestive issues, and adrenal healing. Jessica offers a complimentary 15 minute consultation for anyone who would like to find out more. Visit www.simplestepsnutrition.com for information.

A Hill (not) to Die On – Fall 2008 Catalog

by Greg Webster

Greg webster

Easy Prevention for a Difficult Men’s Problem

Two years ago, I turned half a century old. Our family celebration was thoroughly Cajun style: Blackened everything-streamers and balloons, over-the-hill signs, even a cake noir. My son presented me a pair of “old man” Velcro shoes while my sisters provided rotten false teeth and a cane. One especially caring card announced that the time had come for regular colonoscopies.

The significance of my age milestone was not lost on my wife. As I’ve come to realize about most loving wives and their husbands, she worries more about my health than I do. Not long after the party, she and I enjoyed some quiet moments one evening on our deck, reminiscing about backpacking trips through the Grand Canyon and Yosemite National Park two decades earlier. “You know,” Nancy spoke into the darkness, “your birthday cards joked about old man diseases, but you need to take good care of yourself so we’ll still be healthy enough for backpacking when we get the chance again.” Naturally, my first reaction was to point out that I’m still in much better shape than she is, so I’m not the one to worry about. But to leave it there only ignores a small part of me-and every aging male-that can cause big problems if not managed correctly.


While men have carried a prostate gland around all their lives, most have little idea what it does for them-and arguably for their wives too. A walnut-sized gland situated just below the bladder, it wraps around the urethra, the tube that carries urine out of your body. You may have seen it diagrammed at some point as part of the male reproductive system, but as a back-stage player, its function is much less exciting than some other components in the array. It produces a fluid that is a major ingredient in semen while defending the genital and urinary tract against infection.

Great. So, the prostate is an unsung hero of things male. What’s that got to do with turning 50? When a man reaches middle age, his hormones change, causing the prostate gland to grow. And its proximity to the urethra can cause problems-kind of like a python causes problems for small animals. The expanding gland can constrict the urethra and make bad things happen like:

  • Frequent urge to urinate or the opposite-difficulty in doing so
  • Blood in urine or semen
  • Painful or burning urination
  • Dribbling of urine
  • Difficulty having an erection
  • Painful ejaculation
  • Frequent pain or stiffness in the lower back, hips, or upper thighs.

These problems can be caused by prostate inflammation or infection (prostatitis), enlargement (benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH), and/or cancer. Health-gloom-wise, prostate cancer is to men what breast cancer is to women. The second leading cause of cancer death in men, 90% of cases go undetected until it is untreatable and has spread to the lymph system (men don’t worry about their health, remember?).

This disaster is just waiting to happen in most grown males. By age 50, 35% have developed some cancer cells in the prostate. The result is that 97% of all men will be affected with some manner of prostate problem at some point in life. The typical solution is surgery. Yet even in successful cases the outcome can be, shall we say, unhappy.

The two big “I” words: Incontinence and Impotence happen every year to a strong contingent of the 400,000 American men who undergo prostate surgery. Unfortunately, the drugs most popular for treating the ailments are similarly ripe with dangerous side effects. But then, the alternative to treatment is pretty dangerous, too-lethal, in fact.


The discouraging facts about my future health compared to my wife’s could make a man my age wonder if thoughts of backpacking adventures to come are nothing more than pipe dreams. But taking care of the inner piping is possible.

While the prescription for good health is familiar-maintain an active lifestyle, eat a nutrient-rich diet, and take high quality supplements- there are a number of elements in this typical health recommendation that especially benefit prostate functioning.


Sedentary men are 30% more likely to get prostate cancer and 40% more likely to have the non-cancerous condition, BPH. The same stats apply to highly stressed men. Both experience low levels of glutathione (an antioxidant produced inside the body and induced by exercise) in their cells, a situation that lessens resistance to cell and DNA damage.d3

Sitting for long periods also pinches nerves in the vertebrae that transmit messages from the brain to the prostate. This reduces the flow of fresh blood to the gland, allowing toxins to build up. Prostate- specific exercise can free up nerves and blood flow. And routine outdoor exercise adds a winning touch. Vitamin D, essential to prostate well-being, is manufactured naturally by the body when exposed to sunlight.


Foods rich in antioxidants-the cancer-fighting wonders found in brightly colored fruits and vegetables-are crucial. In addition, oysters and other shellfish, lamb, pumpkin seeds, and nutritional yeast contain zinc, an important mineral for prostate health and replacement of seminal fluid.

The Weston A. Price Foundation (an organization committed to education about natural, healthful eating) encourages the use of raw milk from grass-fed cows. It’s high in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) for powerful protection against cancer of all types. If raw milk is not available, whole (not low-fat) organic milk is a good second choice.

Excessive caffeine or alcohol should be avoided since these are immune suppressors. And contrary to politically correct dietitians, processed soy products have been linked to increased prostate cancer risk and should be avoided. Although soy manufacturers often brag that Asian men (who eat a lot of soy) demonstrate a low incidence of prostate cancer, they don’t point out that soy mostly consumed by Asians is fermented into healthful tempeh or miso-very different from the processed Americanized form. Regular consumption of meat substitutes, energy bars, and protein shakes made with soy can mean a person ingests 100 times the level of soy intake considered safe.


A few supplements directly improve and maintain prostate functioning, but none better than Beeyoutiful’s Clinical Strength Prostate Health. As men age, the body’s ratio of estrogen (yes, the woman hormone!) to testosterone increases, but Prostate Health contains stinging nettle root extract to counter the effects of excess estrogen production. Many cheaper health products use only the stems and leaves, not the root of this herb, which renders it significantly less effective.clinical_strength_ph

Yet that’s only the beginning. The complete rundown on what Prostate Health delivers is impressive.

Saw palmetto supports normal urinary flow and calms inflammation. Berries from the saw palmetto plant, which grows in the southeastern U.S., are used to inhibit production of an unwanted form of testosterone suspected of contributing to enlargement of the prostate. “Bargain brands” use a powdered form of the plant which does not perform as well as berry-based formulations like Beeyoutiful’s. Prostate Health, in fact, contains an especially high percentage of healthful fatty acids in the form of serenoa repens. And while there is a downside effect of any saw palmetto-blocking the enzyme responsible for prostate enlargement causes another enzyme to kick into high gear and make estrogen-the stinging nettle root in Prostate Health counter-balances this tendency.

Pygeum, made from the bark of the pygeum tree-an evergreen found in the higher elevations of Africa and used by the natives for centuries for what they call “old man’s disease”-enhances the saw palmetto/stinging nettle combo, facilitating urination and helping the bladder empty completely.

Pumpkin seed oil is high in four free fatty acids and is now considered as vital to prostate health as lycopene.

Lycopene-the natural pigment that makes tomatoes red-has been shown to slow or even halt the growth of BPH.

Zinc offers an anti-bacterial effect to help stave off genito-urinary infections. (In prostatitis, zinc levels are only one-tenth of those in a normal prostate.) Men are more vulnerable than women to having low zinc because they lose that particular mineral in every ejaculation.

Vitamin B6 supplements the zinc and stinging nettle in regulating the enzyme which makes “bad testosterone.” B6 helps control inflammation of the bladder and counteracts the development of prostate tumors. Prostate Health offers all-in-one prostate protection. If someone you know isn’t taking it by the time he turns 50, add a bottle to the gag gift pile. The name will fit with one of the “kind” cards he’s certain to get, and the pills are just the color you’d want-basic black. This is one over-the-hill gift to keep on giving- and taking-so men can enjoy celebrating not only 50, but 60, 70, and beyond.

Greg Webster is a freelance writer, homeschool father of eight, and owner of The Gregory Group advertising, marketing, and design firm. He and his family enjoy “natural, country living” just south of Columbia, Tennessee.


Stand and take a few deep breaths. Exhale until all the air is gone from your lungs. Without breathing in, suck in your stomach, pulling it up as high as possible into your chest. Use hands to help lift it and squeeze your sides as well. This reverses the negative effects of gravity, which is constantly pulling down on your organs, with the prostate gland at the bottom of the heap. Feel the muscles in the lower back and side tighten. Then relax and inhale. After a minute or two, repeat.

If you notice any pain (very possibly your prostate), do this exercise 10 times throughout the day. You’re likely to feel some soreness after the first few sessions because toxic blood trapped in the prostate area is now moving out, irritating the surrounding tissues. Stick with it, and within days there should be only a feeling of relief and refreshment after exercising. Three to four sessions a day is good enough as a maintenance routine.

Beeyoutiful Products Listed In This Article:

Facing a Heavy Situation – Fall 2008 Catalog

Dealing with Toxic Metals in Your Environment

This article is part 1 of Beeyoutiful’s 2-part series on heavy metal toxicity Part Two: Metal Urgency.

by Dr. Doty Murphy

Sheep fascinate me. But then, so do horses, cows, dogs, goats, and of course, people. Each living member of the animal kingdom represents a remarkable collection of miracles at work. A flock of lazy sheep grazing on a verdant meadow are there because the soft, green grass grew initially from countless hard, brown seeds. Inside the sheep, the grass becomes white bones, red blood, white, brown, black, or gray wool, green bile, and yellow fat. The amazing substances responsible for the orderly progression of these processes-from grass to wool-include enzymes.

Enzymes are delicate molecules designed to work optimally at a temperature (in humans) of 98.6° F. Without enzymes, plant and animal life cannot be maintained. Yet with normal operation of these molecules, life, health, reproduction, movement-even your thoughts-can occur. Your reading these words, your choosing and digesting foods, your moving or thinking or laughing all depend on critical enzymatic functions throughout your body. This proper functioning requires cofactors-minerals, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, or lipids-or enzymatic function will be inhibited. In addition, if an enzyme encounters certain noxious or toxic materials, it may be damaged, destroyed, or inactivated. Such damage and destruction usually results in malfunction of the operating systems within cells, potentially causing cell death, premature aging, susceptibility to diseases, and ultimately, death of the organism. Among the toxic materials that can harm enzymes are what we call heavy metals.blossoms_2

Too Many Heavy Metals

With such high stakes, the presence of heavy metals in our environment poses a grave risk. Heavy metals include lead, mercury, cadmium, antimony, and aluminum. These substances threaten our enzymes- and as a result, life and optimal health. They exist throughout our environment. Wherever we live and breathe, drink or ingest them, heavy metals guarantee a negative impact on our individual and community well-being.

Historically, several heavy metals have impacted people, nations, and empires (through their damaged or destroyed enzymes). Much like us, the ancient Romans delighted in “progress” and comfort. They enjoyed piped-in water for their homes. Using lead for pipes, easy to form and connect, they achieved monumental advances in plumbing (not coincidentally, the atomic symbol for lead is Pb, based on the Latin word for lead). Unfortunately, this handy piping material insidiously released small but cumulative doses of lead each day. Through years of ingestion, lead impaired and even destroyed many of Rome’s political leaders, intelligentsia, and most grievously, the children of Rome. All these acquired enough lead to affect health and life, thinking and drive. Some historians suggest that lead pipes contributed significantly to the decline and fall of the Roman Empire.

In modern times, lead found use in paints. Around the world, homeowners and landlords welcomed the beauty of lead-based paints. Sadly, children who innocently chewed on any lead-containing paint-whether on walls, baseboards, or sills-developed chronic lead poisoning with devastating long-term consequences: diminished intelligence, poor health, and even death.

Today, most governments ban lead-based paints for interior use. Unfortunately, some still allow (or ignore) the use of paint containing lead for toys and other objects. Playthings produced in China, for instance, heavily contaminated with lead, have damaged some of our children. Fortunately, the federal government has banned further importing of these products. Nevertheless, we may continue to be exposed to lead in other ways: automobile batteries, chemical and industrial waste, solder, and lead-based paint in older homes. Any lead exposure contributes to a toxic load for the exposed individual, making optimal health much more difficult to achieve and maintain. So, being aware of the sources of lead is a crucial first step in avoiding it debilitating effects.

The Special Threat from Mercury

Mercury, an extraordinary but dangerous metal, exists as a liquid rather than a solid at ambient temperatures. But mercury vapor (unseen and odorless) can enter the body through the lungs. Although the immune system quickly eliminates this toxin from the bloodstream, it is deposited in nerve tissue, bones, glandular organs, skin, and kidneys. Mercury retention in these areas damages many enzymes, and the effect is compounded with each additional exposure. Our bodies attempt to excrete the noxious mercury, but frequently the toxin inhibits or overwhelms the body’s defenses, thus preventing elimination. Scientists estimate that the half-life of mercury in humans from a single exposure is greater than 25 years! (“Half-life” is the time required to eliminate one-half of the mercury in that single exposure.)

A famous case from history, Sir Isaac Newton (of gravity fame) experimented with mercury substances. These experiments resulted in toxicity for him and caused not only his premature graying but also an extended period of unproductive mental illness. His illness finally resolved because the sickness required that he discontinue the experiments and hence, the exposure to mercury.

Researchers, physicians, and public health officials long failed to understand the full danger of mercury even though it had been known to damage kidney cells and impair proper functioning of that organ. For example, injecting a water-soluble form of mercury into the body provokes a significant increase in the volume of urine. This loss of body water produces a timely decrease in high blood pressure-a perceived benefit. Unfortunately, repeated use can also produce significant kidney damage, sometimes resulting in irreversible, permanent effects. Though no longer allowed in America today, mercury diuretics represented an important and integral part of a physician’s arsenal against hypertension as recently as the 1970’s.

Even until early in this century, mercury (in the form of Thimerasol, another water-soluble form of the metal) was the most commonly used preservative in childhood vaccines. Through multiple injections of mercury-containing vaccines, infants and children routinely received more mercury in 18 months than the Environmental Protection Agency allowed for adults working in factories or shops-and these vaccines were mainlined into infants and toddlers by injection! Such exposure had never been documented to be safe, and it likely produced damage to many developing organs and tissues. Great controversy still exists as to whether the spike in autism in the late 20th century resulted from this widespread, unwise use of mercury, particularly in toddlers who received the recommended multiple vaccines at age 15 to 18 months. It has been reported that our government actually permitted vaccine companies to deliver their already-produced, mercury-containing vaccines after the regulation forbidding use had been posted! What’s more, influenza vaccine, aimed primarily at adults, continued to contain Thimerasol for several years after mercury had been forbidden in pediatric vaccines.

A Deadly Mix

One significant source of continued mercury exposure in the United States involves the use of dental “amalgam” materials for fillings. Used in dentistry, an amalgam (mixture) involves silver, tin, mercury, and occasionally other metals, but mercury generally represents more than 50% of each. What makes this so serious is that no chemical reaction occurs when these amalgams are assembled. As a result, the toxic effects of mercury exposure are not minimized or eliminated.

Significant toxic effects have been documented from the mercury in dental amalgams. (Tin also has unwanted toxic effects that are not eliminated by its inclusion in amalgams.) Each time someone with mercury-containing fillings chews his or her food, grinds teeth, drinks hot or cold liquids, chews gum, etc., mercury vapor is released and absorbed into the body. Scandinavian studies have documented that the more numerous the amalgam surfaces in a mouth, the greater release and accumulation of mercury into the body. Such accumulation increases the risk for significant toxicity.

This health threat, long recognized and prohibited in some European countries and Japan, remains very real in the United States. Most dentists deny any risk, and many continue to place amalgams. But in so doing, they ignore the very real threat to their patients and to themselves! Dentists typically have higher levels of mercury in their organs at autopsy than the general population, and dentists have higher levels of mental illness, suicide, and psychiatric disease than other health professionals.

I’ve shared here just a few examples of heavy metal toxicity. Other significant exposures include cadmium in cigarette smoke, antimony as a flame retardant in children’s sleeping clothes, as well as bismuth, manganese, iron, copper, and aluminum.

Researchers have suggested that aluminum aggravates cross connections in the brain, perhaps inducing or worsening Alzheimer’s disease. Unfortunately, aluminum, existing in abundance on planet earth, has found widespread use in everything from cans to foil, from antiperspirants to antacids. There are ways around this dismal situation, and Beeyoutiful offers many products that can help. I’ll talk more about heavy metal avoidance and toxicity treatment next time.

Dr. Murphy, a third generation medical doctor, hails from El Dorado, AR. He attended RiceUniversity in Houston and received his MD from the University of Arkansas. His medical training includes a Pediatrics residency and two years in the US Public Health service. He has spent 35 years in practice, with emphasis on nutrition and complementary medicine, including heavy metal toxicity and cardiovascular disease. His wife Phyllis and he, have 6 children and 7 grandchildren. The Murphys live in Springdale, AR, where Dr. Murphy now ministers as a Biblical counselor.

How Now? from the Cow- Spring 2008 Catalog

by Nancy Webster


Admitted coffee lovers that we are, our family couldn’t resist naming this fall’s baby cow De-Calf, but we could just as well have called him Debt-Relief. We owe the local 4-H cattle project the first cow from my daughter’s big brown heifer since she was donated to us (the heifer, not my daughter) by the area Cattlemen’s Association. So keeping the little bull-to-be healthy from the start has been a high priority. Thankfully, his mother (the cow, not me) has done her duty since the night he was born. Unlike some animals we’ve endured, she’s blessed with sufficient maternal instincts to nurse De-Calf freely-which means he received healthy doses of colostrum during his first few days of life.

Colostrum is the nutrient-rich, pre-milk fluid produced by all mammals immediately after giving birth. It’s essential for jump-starting a newborn’s immune system-including baby humans. That’s why breast-feeding advocates encourage mothers who plan to bottle-feed their babies to nurse them for at least a couple of days, in order to impart this life-changing substance.

How Does It Work?

From observing the results of blood transfusions, health researchers about 60 years ago discovered the value of “immune response factor protein molecules.” When these key compounds are transferred from a healthy blood donor to a sick recipient, the recipient’s recovery improves. It came to be called a “transfer factor” because it was first recognized in blood “transfers” from one patient to another.

Because of HIV and hepatitis dangers, blood transfusion nowadays is a risky way to boost a person’s immune system. But a risk free way to the same benefit was discovered about ten years ago in the form of bovine (cow) colostrum. Bovine colostrum is packed with transfer factors like hydrogen peroxide and immunoglobulins (antibodies), and even though it comes from cattle, it is effective “cross-species” which means the benefits are as pronounced in humans as in cows.

Healthy cells make hydrogen peroxide on their own to regulate metabolism and fight off invading pathogens, but sick cells need the reinforcement colostrum can provide. The immunoglobulins provide another layer of immune system support. Children and adults boost their immune systems by taking a small, white capsule of colostrum such as Beeyoutiful’s Colostrum Transfer Factor.
ColostromTransferFactorWebProPillS (1)
How Does It Help?

Although cancer cells are always developing in our bodies, our immune systems usually kill them before they spread and do damage- unless we are weakened or unhealthy. Most of us are compromised in some way these days because of diets “rich” in processed and over-preserved foods, so colostrum is a vital supplement to fortify your body.

I’ve wondered if this colostrum factor accounts for some of the health differences between my younger sister and me. Our mother bucked the bottle-feeding trend of the time and nursed me, but when little sister was born less than two years later, our by-then overwhelmed mother kept her on a bottle from day one. Throughout our early years and into adulthood, I have never been sickly, but my sister, who fell victim to seemingly every stomach bug and cold that swept through our elementary school, is now a breast cancer survivor and suffers from frequent sinus infections and bronchitis.

Recently on a family trip, our five-year-old son’s chewing gum fell out of his mouth onto the floor of a gas station restroom. Before we could stop him, he’d popped the gum back into his mouth and managed a couple more chews! The next morning he woke up with a low-grade fever and severe diarrhea which continued for two days straight. On Day 2 I remembered the anti-diarrheal ability of Colostrum Transfer Factor, and since he can’t yet swallow a pill, every two hours I opened two capsules into a bit of yogurt or applesauce which he ate happily. By Day 3 his stool firmed up and the diarrhea stopped! Although Beeyoutiful gave it a happy ending, this story now tops the list of absolutely gross things one of our eight children have done.

How Do You Change the Past?

Researchers believe the benefits of colostrum don’t end with infancy. If, like my sister, you or your loved ones did not get the benefit of colostrum as a baby, Beeyoutiful gives you a second chance!

While an organic, natural diet, free from processed foods, is the ideal protection against disease, you’re probably all too aware of the difficulty of achieving exemplary eating patterns. I, for instance, know my family’s weakness for cookies (and did I mention coffee?) and how Real Life throws my healthy cooking intentions out the window more than I’d like. I’ve worried over how we would fare if an epidemic swept our country like the Ebola outbreak in Uganda a few years ago. Fortunately, colostrum is a great help in boosting natural immunity.

In his book The Anti-Aging Manual,  Joseph B. Marion describes many conditions that have to do with intestinal function. He describes how Colostrum aids in intestinal function. Bear in mind that colostrum is a form of probiotic, the opposite of an antibiotic. While antibiotics can disrupt digestive functioning because they kill all bacteria-good and bad- probiotics balance the effect. So if you have to take an antibiotic, you might want to offset the downside effects with a probiotic. In addition, if you are a frequent user of NSAID drugs like ibuprofen, your stomach will appreciate the acid neutralizing powers of colostrum. Try alternating Beeyoutiful’s Colostrum Transfer Factor with Tummy Tuneup.

Rapidly approaching 50 and feeling my metabolism slow down, I’m encouraged by what the book Prescription for Nutritional Healing offers: “colostrum can boost the immune system…, increase vitality and stamina, and have an anti-aging effect.”

So whether it’s the offspring from a 4-H heifer or cows in general for providing a proven health helper like colostrum, to our bovine friends I say: We owe you!

Beeyoutiful Products Mentioned in this Article:

Rosehips, The Vitamin C Flower- Winter 2006-2007 Catalog

By Rebekah Joy Anast


I adore roses. When I lived in Israel an old man down the street had the most magnificent roses. I used to lean on his iron gate and breath in the scent of his garden and repeat my thanks to him for tending such beautiful roses. Every color, every shape, wild and cultured, by the road, in a garden… that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet… And when the rose has faded, and every brightly colored petal fallen to the ground, the most wonderful part of the rose is finally ready to be of use. The bright little berry, wearing a gnarly dried crown, is an amazing natural source of vitamin C!


Interesting Facts

During World War II when imports of citrus products were limited, rose hips became especially popular in Great Britain. Volunteers spent many hours gathering hips from hedge rows for making rose hip syrup for the Ministry of Health to distribute. At that time, there were plenty of recipes around for eating the actual berries as “dinner vegetables” and as various kinds of preserves and jams. However, they have gone out of fashion now, and most people buy processed ascorbic acid as an inadequate source of vitamin C to meet the so-called “minimum daily requirement.” Native American women not only brewed rose hip tea, but they used the pre-boiled rose hips in soups and stews. The tea “leftovers” (the berries expand a lot) are a good dinner vegetable with butter and salt. There is still a lot of remaining food value in the cooked berries. The most common rose used medicinally is the Rosa Canina, also known as the Dog Rose, or Wild Rose.RosehipCWebProPillS


About Rosehips

Rosehips are the ripe, fresh or dried seed receptacle of Rosa Canina (Dog Rose), one of the most familiar flowers in the world. This round fruit of the rose, usually red in color, is seldom allowed to develop on our modern display roses. However, the prolific old-fashioned shrub types, such as the rugosas, bear rose hips abundantly. These roses, blossoming on thorny briar tangles, flower through June and begin to set their haws, hips or berries, which are red and ripe, by early fall.


Beeyoutiful Products Mentioned in This Article

Rosehip C

Our Family Miracle- Winter 07-08 Catalog

By Mary Ewing266976_10100645769584420_903335_o

Five years ago I met my husband to be, Talmadge. Little did I know, that was the beginning of a war against sinus problems – not mine, his. Other than the occasional cold, I rarely had any problems with allergies or sinus ailments. But Tal, on the other hand, was a total different story. From early on in childhood, he struggled with food, environment and seasonal allergies, often leading to full blown sinus infections. Even after two major sinus surgeries, he still was prescription medication dependent just to be able to breath through his nose. During our first date, he spent most of the time in the passenger seat of my Jeep while I was out with our friends having fun because he had a fever and bad sinus infection. Romantic, I know. I later found out that he was on four or more medications daily just to try to maintain some normalcy, and would still contract an infection requiring antibiotics almost once a month. Being a nurse and a fix-it sort of person, I wanted to find something to help him, but if all the doctors couldn’t help him with all of their knowledge, how much could I hope to accomplish?

During the courtship and the first few years of our marriage, we worked with Tal’s diet (when we met it consisted largely of cokes, Honey Buns®, and Ramen® Noodles), broadening it to include more whole grains and vegetables and decreasing the amount of sugar, carbonation and processed foods. We also added supplements to his diet, relying primarily on phytochemicals to increase nutrients. This helped significantly by decreasing his infections to one or two a year instead of 10 to 12. He went almost an entire year without antibiotics by just doing these few things.

Despite our best efforts, Tal was still taking two antihistamines, one to two decongestants, a leukotriene blocker, a nasal spray with an expectorant and had another nasal spray handy as back-up relief. In addition to this, he would often use saline washes and topical rubs to help provide relief. Not including the amount we spent on tissue, we were spending well over $100 a month on prescription medication and doctor co-pays to keep Tal breathing and well. I began to believe that we were destined to keep the cycle going his whole life.

When our children, Emma Grace (2 ½) and Elliot (1), began to exhibit some of the same symptoms, I became desperate. I fervently wanted to spare them from the constant struggle, intermittent misery, and lifelong dependence on pharmaceuticals that seemed to be their father’s lot in life. I tried everything from natural homeopathic drops to medications to herbal infusions. Some would provide temporary relief, but nothing seemed to help long term.BerryWell_2

Then out of the blue a dear friend asked if we had ever tried elderberry. They even gave us a bottle to try – Berry Well Elderberry Extract, from Beeyoutiful. Although we were willing to try anything, after everything else that we’d done, we were not really expecting any better results. The first night we had the bottle, Tal and I were both feeling like we were coming down with sore throats, so we gave it a try. My brother, Matthew came in from out of town with a cold, along with my mom who was tired after the long car ride.

We tried to get Matthew to take some, but he was leery, thinking it would taste bad. He wouldn’t try it until my mom did. It was AMAZING! We all were coming back for more the next day. Matthew said he was very surprised at how good it was. No bad aftertaste or medicine taste at all. He was amazed at how well he had slept despite having had a bad sore throat and congestion the entire day prior. He continued taking it and his symptoms were gone within two days. He was an absolute believer! My husband was so convinced he went “cold turkey” on all his medications, only taking Berry Well. Even Mom, who had not felt sick, was praising the remarkable results. She had more energy and the jet lag feeling had disappeared.

How Does It Work?

It took over 7 years for the staff at Honey Garden Apiaries to perfect this amazing blend of immuno-boosters. At the core is Elderberry extract. One of the most studied, tried and proven immune system aids out there, the Elderberry is the star of this synergistic blend of complete health supporting elements. Most studies have focused on documenting Elderberry’s incredible ability to support the body when dealing with viruses, specifically Influenza. Elderberry works so very efficiently in so many ways, researchers are still baffled by how this simple berry can be so powerful.

Propolis is the dark sticky substance made by bees from the resin of various trees and plants. Bees gather this sap, re-metabolize it with their own nectar secretions and then take it back to the hive. It was named ‘propolis’ by the ancient Greeks which means, “a defense”. Many scientists believe a hive to be more sterile and free from harmful bacteria than a modern hospital. The healing benefits of bee propolis have been known for hundreds of years. Hippocrates first recorded the use of propolis to treat wounds, sores and ulcers as early as the fourth century B.C. The Roman scholar Pliny praised the benefits of propolis 400 years later in his writings, explaining how it “extracted all substances embedded in the flesh, reduced swelling, softened hardened areas, soothed pain, and healed sores when it appeared hopeless for them to mend.” Today’s modern science supports what wise men of old knew to be true. With the technology available to us we are able to study the many wonderful internal benefits of propolis as well!

Raw apple cider vinegar is a cherished folk remedy it has been used historically to help in a huge array of immune system based complaints. It is a staple in the medicine cabinet of most in the natural health community.

Raw honey has been a time honored food staple through the ages as well as being treasured for its healing and soothing properties. BerryWell’s raw honey has not gone through the high heat, refining, and filtering processes that most commercially available honey has. It retains all of the amazingly beneficial enzymes and traces of beeswax, pollen and propolis that make it such a valuable part of this proprietary blend. Taken internally, especially blended with the other fantastic ingredients in BerryWell, honey supports healing on many levels from the inside out. Its unique properties combined with the marvelous elderberry are one of the primary reasons BerryWell works so effectively on such a wide array of complaints.

Similar in some ways to the Elderberry, one of the main mechanisms of action for echinacea is that it stimulates phagocytosis in the blood stream. This allows it to work in harmony with Elderberry in supporting the body’s first line of defense on a cellular level to protect against the invasion of foreign substances in the body. Rather than depending on one chemical compound or “Magic bullet” to do the job Echinacea works in several different ways to support immune system health.

All was well around here for a few days . . . until our supply of Berry Well was depleted. I was in the doghouse with everybody for “letting us run out” before ordering more. You can imagine that I anxiously anticipated the arrival of our order, but the day it came, I was experiencing a headache of monstrous proportions and was in no mood to celebrate. I’d had no relief from the pain for over 48 hours. I decided to give elderberry a try, as nothing else was working and I figured it couldn’t hurt. I quickly downed the tablespoon and went about my business. I was out for a walk with the children about thirty minutes later when my ears began popping. For the next three hours, my ears popped and drained. My headache eased up within an hour and was totally gone by the end of the day. I had been taking decongestants and pain killers for the entire forty-eight hours without any help. Seeing Berry Well help the other members of my family was one thing.

Experiencing such impressive results myself was an entirely different story. Believe me when I tell you that I have no intentions of “letting us run out” of Berry Well again.

Now, my husband has been off his regular medications for over a month. We are saving well over $1000 a year because of just that. My daughter wakes up without a stuffy nose. And I have never felt better. We buy Berry Well in quantity because we use it so much, and to have enough to pass out to others. I cannot sing its praises enough. It is hard to imagine that such a small amount of sweet berry liquid can make such a big difference.

Beeyoutiful Products Mentioned in This Article:

Red Raspberry Leaf- Winter 07-08 Catalog

By Jenny WestRedRaspberryLeavesWebProPillS

My greatest passion in life is midwifery and experiencing the birth of a child with parents who love children as much as I do. And as a Licensed Midwife, it has been my privilege to advise many women during pregnancy, and to be present at thousands of births. I take it upon myself to care for my clients, before, during and after the birthing, physically, mentally and emotionally. I had one client who was worried about having her fifth baby. After a few prenatal visits, I was puzzled about her concern. I was thinking, “Fifth baby, what could she be worried about?” After some coaxing, she finally admitted that it was the after pains that had her concerned about her birth. Apparently the after pains were so incredibly intense after her fourth baby, that she was not at all concerned about the act of giving birth to number 5, but the after pains. Now that I knew what was troubling her, I suggested that we up her dosage. She was skeptical that this would help, but was willing to give it a try. I advise all of my clients to take Red Raspberry Leaf through pregnancy because it does so many fantastic things.

Red Raspberry Leaf Information: For thousands of years midwives of old and Chinese herbalists have used herbs with very good results. This fact is not lost on the current medical community as most of our allopathic medicines have come from herbs. As a midwife and herbalist, I use herbs constantly in my practice. I believe that the female body was designed to give birth, and that with proper nutrition, it can usually do what it knows how to do, without much, if any intervention. I have also found certain herbs to contribute significant amounts of nourishment necessary to our bodies. Red Raspberry leaf is a widely used herbal tonic that is especially beneficial during pregnancy.

Brewed as a tea, in capsule form or as an infusion, Red Raspberry Leaf is one of the safest and most commonly used tonic herbs for women wanting to get pregnant or for women who are already pregnant. Red Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus) tones the uterus, is the most easily assimilated form of calcium, improves the quality of labor contractions, improves quality of sleep, decreases feeling of anxiety/nervousness and decreases constipation. Since osteoporosis is caused by a lack of calcium, daily use of Red Raspberry Leaf is highly recommended for all women.

Almost every trace mineral that our bodies use is available in Red Raspberry Leaf. Taking this herb helps facilitate all the functions our bodies do for us on a daily basis. This is why Red Raspberry Leaf  is considered a ‘tonic’ herb; it tones or tonifies and supports the body in general. Because Red Raspberry Leaf has calcium that is so readily available to our bodies; and most of us have a calcium deficiency, most people notice a change in how they feel right away. Beeyoutiful’s encapsulated organic Red Raspberry Leaf is easily assimilated by your body. All the necessary trace minerals and vitamins your body needs to easily assimilate the calcium are already right there, occurring naturally in the Red Raspberry Leaf itself. This means no one in a lab had to figure out how to formulate something that might work as well as the real thing!

When to Use Red Raspberry Leaf: Use Red Raspberry Leaf every day! It is almost impossible to over dose on Red Raspberry Leaf. You can drink 1-6 cups of Red Raspberry Leaf leaf tea per day, hot or iced-it’s a very mild tasting tea. Or, you can take one to four capsules per day. Take or drink more in the second half of the day if you tend to have trouble sleeping. Red Raspberry Leaf encourages a deeper, more restful sleep. Now, as for symptoms of taking too much Red Raspberry Leaf, you will experience one or the other… very loose stool or constipation. Either is a sure sign that you have more than reached your body’s threshold for calcium levels. Just back down on your dose by one or two cups of tea or one or two capsules. Your bathroom habits will return to what is familiar to you.


Pregnancy and Red Raspberry Leaf: As for pregnant women using Red Raspberry Leaf, there are two schools of thought on the subject with conflicting information ‘floating around’ about the use and safety of this herb. Many clinicians agree that in the 3rd trimester, frequent (3-4 cups per day of tea OR 1 – 2 capsules) use is beneficial to the uterine and pelvic muscles. Red Raspberry Leaf contains many vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C and calcium. It also contains an alkaloid called fragrine, which lends tone and strength to the uterus.

Other clinicians agree that drinking one cup of tea per day in the 1st trimester and 2 cups in the 2nd trimester and switching to an infusion (an infusion is just stronger ‘tea’) for the 3rd trimester ensures a strong uterus, is good for you nutritionally and prevents miscarriage. And finally, some clinicians advise no use of Red Raspberry Leaf in the first trimester, particularly if you have a history of miscarriage. Midwives in the U.K. claim an increase in miscarriage rates during that time by those women who have used Red Raspberry Leaf. It has been noted that Red Raspberry Leaf can possibly cause minor spotting in the beginning of a pregnancy. Some advise to use it especially if you have a history of miscarriage. None of the above studies were done with an herbalist’s input.

What Red Raspberry Leaf does NOT DO is start labor or promote contractions. It is NOT an emmenagogue (something that promotes a miscarriage) or an oxytocic herb (an herb or chemical that promotes uterine contractions). It does strengthen the pelvic and uterine muscles in order to help you feel better throughout your pregnancy (something we all need, right?) It also allows your labor and the muscles involved with birthing to be more relaxed and efficient. Who doesn’t want a shorter, more comfortable birth?

Contact your midwife, herbalist or physician for more information about your personal use of Red Raspberry Leaf . You always have the option of doing enough ‘homework’ yourself to feel good about your decision to use or not use this herb. This advice is good for any decision you might be facing about your pregnancy options or your own health and welfare in general!


Tea recipe: To make tea, pour 1 cup boiling water over 2 teaspoons of herb and steep for ten minutes. Steeping longer than ten minutes will only make the tea bitter, not stronger. For stronger tea, use more in the tea bag or tea ball. Sweeten with Stevia or honey.

For pregnant women, during the first two trimesters, drink 1-2 cups per day. You can drink up to four cups a day as there is no known overdose of this herb. During the final trimester, drink 2-4 cups per day, especially before going to bed for the night; you’ll sleep much better. If you’re just not a tea drinker, try Beeyoutiful’s encapsulated organic Red Raspberry Leaf! One to six capsules per day, based on comfort.

Making your own dry tea:
You can harvest your own Red Raspberry leaves or purchase them dried from your local health food store or organic grocery. To dry harvested leaves quickly, lay them on a cotton sheet in the back of a vehicle on a hot day with the windows closed.

I like to add Nettles, Alfalfa or Spearmint to my dry tea. This combination makes for a very toning tea. Nettles has every trace mineral our bodies need and helps build up red blood cells as well. Alfalfa helps blood to clot well and prevents unnecessary blood loss. Spearmint is soothing to the stomach and adds a bit of flavor to these herbs for a bit more punch to your tea.

Just a note about ‘sun tea’. Feel free to make the above tea as sun tea, but know that boiling water is hotter then sun-warmed water, and will extract more of the botanical properties you are drinking the tea for in the first place. You can always brew your tea with boiling water and serve over ice. Make a quart or two and drink throughout the day. Start with a fresh brew at least every three days, as herbal teas will allow mold to begin to grow after three days, even if stored in the refrigerator. Your best option is to make a daily amount, one to two quarts. Remember, you still need to be drinking plenty of water. Tea does not count as part of your daily water intake even though it has water in it.

Well, my client faithfully took the Red Raspberry Leaf in the higher amounts discussed and her birth experience went so well that I almost missed it! She felt just fine at her 24 hour check up too, but said the next day would be the test to see if it had worked. I told her to call me if she experienced any after pains like she had in the past and scheduled a routine five-day postpartum check up. I never received any phone calls from her and started wondering if she was going to tough it out rather than call. With all of this going through my mind, I rang the door bell on the day of my visit hoping to hear good news, yet fearing I wouldn’t. My face split into a huge grin as my client all but tap danced to the door to let me in! She couldn’t stop telling me how great the last few days had been! It had been nothing like her last postpartum experience. She wanted me to promise that I would tell every pregnant woman of this miracle herb that made all the difference for her. So, this is me keeping my promise and telling all of you this “big secret” to feeling good during and after your births! Red Raspberry Leaf truly is a miracle herb! Enjoy your amazing body every day. Bee well, bee happy!


Written by Jenny West, LM, CPM, HBCE, TBMP, CST, CH; a midwife/herbalist who has been in practice for 18 years and delivered over 7000 babies.
Edited by Jean Kuvik.

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The Ultra Way to Keep Your Family – Winter 07-08 Catalog

By Nancy Webster


I look forward to Easter shopping-but not for jelly beans and chocolate rabbits. What I crave are those cheap-plastic, pastel buckets. In my house, they have a vital purpose far beyond holding candy-filled fake eggs and artificial pink and green grass. Since we inevitably employ them several times a year, I stash the little pails around the house so they’re always near at hand. That way, when some family member catches a stomach bug, the buckets are ready to catch the results.

A variation on this preparedness scenario doesn’t require Easter buckets but lots of tissues. It can also mean dewy bedroom walls from an all-night run of the humidifier when a cold strikes. A worse variation is bronchitis or respiratory flu.ultra_immuneweb

I must admit, it’s the sick times that make me question the wisdom of having such a large family because our team goes down for so long by the time a bout with illness runs through all ten of us. But thanks now to Beeyoutiful’s Ultra Immune, I have fewer and fewer times to wish down our family size.

These extraordinary black pills could win a look-alike contest for licorice jelly beans, but they’re even more powerful at knocking out and preventing health problems than jelly beans are at causing them! Ultra Immune is jammed with anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, anti-microbes-in-general ingredients, the superstar of which is allicin. The most potent component of garlic, allicin is the main reason garlic has such remarkable health properties.


My Home Health Test

In the ounce-of-prevention-worth-a-pound-of-cure department, your best strategy is to take one or two gel caps every day when you’re feeling fine. Chances are, you’ll stay that way, even during cold and flu season. Or if you prefer, pop two capsules the minute you start to feel sick, and you’ll likely cut your down time dramatically. Even at the onset of illness, Ultra Immune gives your body the extra fight it needs to get well sooner.

I’m my own best example that Ultra Immune works. The past couple of years have brought many hard situations, and the stress has challenged my vitality as never before. With my 50th birthday only two years away, I realize youth is no longer here to help me through. As a result, hardships got me so run down, I caught every cold and virus that found its way into the family. I even had a bout-unusual for me-with bronchitis. Then I started taking Ultra Immune every day. Once on the regimen, the difference in me showed immediately. My children have had colds, sinus infections, bronchitis, and a lovely stomach bug or two, but I’ve sailed through each without even a hint of sick feelings. Now that mother has done her duty as family guinea pig, it’s time to get the whole crew on Ultra Immune.


The Alternative to the Alternatives

I’ve dabbled with alternative medicines for a number of years, but confusion, lack of money for some of the fancier treatments, and a lack of consistency because of my houseful of daily work have slowed me down.  Nevertheless, I’ve tried. I’ve imposed raw garlic on older children, slathered essential oils-both fragrant and odious-on little people, and sampled sundry health diets and foods. While all have their good points, I’m honestly just a tired, getting-older mommy looking for an easy fix. Thankfully, Ultra Immune is both easy and effective. Call it my “silver bullet” to ward off Easter buckets, but there is solid science and a rich history of natural medicines behind Beeyoutiful’s amazing black pills.

Cultures as far back as the ancient Egyptians and Chinese knew the health benefits of garlic. The catch is, though, that you must eat it in the right form, or it just won’t work. If you crush it, that “magic” allicin can be destroyed in as little as ten seconds. Slicing the garlic better preserves its healthfulness, but you still must eat it quickly to gain the benefits.

So what, exactly, does allicin do that is so helpful? Researchers have found that allicin lowers both bad cholesterol and blood pressure, thus helping to prevent heart attacks and strokes. It also provides anti-cancer, antioxidant, and anti-microbial assistance. And along with being the hero for preventing and healing colds, strep, and flu, allicin even reduces vulnerability to more frightening diseases like tuberculosis and SARS.

If you want this incredible ally on your family’s side, you have to look carefully for it. It does not come “ready made” in garlic. Allicin is actually composed of two substances, allinase and allin, which in the right conditions combine to form the miracle worker. Fresh garlic will not necessarily contain a high level of allicin. Dried garlic powder used for cooking contains both allinase and allin (the allicin precursors), but not necessarily allicin. Garlic oil doesn’t have it at all.

If you think your “garden variety” dietary supplement is an answer, read the packages very carefully. A label that offers “allicin potential” suggests that the manufacturer is just guessing at the value of allicin included. Not only that, the term “allicin rich” is meaningless. It says nothing about the actual amount of allicin in the product. If the label lists only the “allin amount,” you may end up with no allicin at all because allin content is significant only if it can associate with sufficient allinase enzyme to produce allicin.

What you want to see on your allicin supplement is the name AlliSure®. This is allicin powder extract, stable and ready to be used by the body. No further allinase conversion is necessary. AlliSure®-the allicin source in Ultra Immune-is produced through a patented process which formulates allicin liquid from raw garlic. The liquid is spray-dried to produce allicin powder. You also want to see on the label the actual amount of allicin contained in each dose, expressed in micrograms. Ultra Immune contains an optimum 12.5 micrograms of stabilized allicin.


Even More for Your Money

Ultra Immune doesn’t stop with allicin to help you fight off the inner bad guys. It also contains black elderberry extract which, according to studies, helps flu patients recover in 3.1 days compared to the average 7.1.

Ultra Immune adds the power of olive leaf extract, yet another wonder for its ability to interfere with critical amino acid production for viruses. The extract is known, too, for fighting the common cold, flu, cold sores (herpes), ear/eye/nose/throat infections, impetigo, pink eye, parasites, and a host of bacterial, viral, and fungal infections.

As if that’s not enough, Ultra Immune offers the benefit of two powerhouse essential oils. Rosemary oil serves as an antiseptic for flu viruses and colds, and helps regulate blood sugar and blood pressure. It is also used to heal ulcers and canker sores. Ultra Immune’s oregano oil (my personal favorite of all the essential oils because it fights so many bad things) destroys antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria and is even considered effective against anthrax.

Other germ warfare equipment includes ImmunEnhancerTM AG, a substance derived from Larch tree bark (a fast-growing type of pine), that can help speed the immune system’s response to undesirable organisms so effectively that it is often compared to Echinacea. IETMAG has also been shown to promote the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria.

Perhaps the best aspect of Ultra Immune gel caps compared to any alternative is that there is no garlic taste or smell although the oregano oil fragrance is still there. That might make it a bit hard to get Ultra Immune into a baby, and pregnant mommies should be careful about using Ultra Immune because rosemary oil carries with it the potential for miscarriage. However, if the rest of the family is taking Ultra Immune, many of the germs that try to take over will be stopped in their tracks, so even the unprotected won’t succumb.

I’d still recommend keeping a few Easter buckets around for the stray germ that may sneak through your family’s protection network, but if you start putting Ultra Immune into your loved ones, those buckets will collect a lot of dust between service calls!


Nancy Webster is a home schooling mother of eight and an avid researcher on health and nutrition.

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