Tag Archives: housekeeping

Join the Beeyoutiful.com Team in Centerville, Tennessee!

Work for Beeyoutiful!

Do you live in or near Hickman County?Do you love helping customers, solving their problems and making them happy?

Would you like to work in Centerville for Beeyoutiful.com, or do you know of someone who would?

We are growing and need a new Customer Service Representative to make our customers feel welcome and solve their problems. We would love to have someone who already knows and loves our products join us in this role!

Work for Beeyoutiful! A little about Beeyoutiful

We are committed to finding and sharing tools to help people live healthier, more holistic lives. We support good health through nutritional and lifestyle products.

Beeyoutiful is a small family-owned business started 10 years ago, supporting other family-owned businesses. What we do is very important to us, so we work hard to maintain a family-friendly environment and we are all committed to living natural and sustainable lifestyles.

Over the years, we’ve built a large customer base and it’s still growing, so that’s why we need you!

The right person for this job should: 

  • Have Customer Service experience (this is vital).
  • Love to give customers a quality experience and focus on good interactions rather than simply getting through as many calls as possible.
  • Be able to build relationships with customers and make them feel welcome.
  • Have the ability to listen to what the customer really needs and discern and solve their problem.
  • Be able to grasp the underlying issue and find the resources that would be helpful for customers.
  • Be able to communicate effectively with customers over the phone and by email to resolve their problems.
  • Be able to de-escalate problems communicated by upset customers.
  • Always keep accurate records of each customer interaction, ensuring the account is kept up to date.
  • Be able to cope with very busy times (such as when we have a sale) and constantly reprioritize in a rapidly-changing situation.

A few extras  

  • If you already are knowledgable about a wide range of our products, that would be great, but we realize that’s unlikely, so you’ll get training and have time to learn.
  • Knowledge of the alternative health market would be a big advantage.

The job involves: 

  • Attracting potential customers by answering product and service questions, suggesting information about other products and resources.
  • Opening customer accounts by recording account information.
  • Maintaining customer records by updating account information.
  • Entering orders accurately, interacting with shipping department to follow up with any special handling requirements.
  • Selling additional products, as appropriate, by recognizing opportunities to up-sell related items.
  • Resolving product problems by clarifying the customer’s complaint; determining the cause of the problem; selecting and explaining the best solution to solve the problem; expediting correction or adjustment; and following up to ensure resolution.
  • Answering inquiries by clarifying desired information; researching, locating, and providing product information.
  • Recommending potential products or services to management by collecting customer information and analyzing customer needs.
  • When there are occasional quiet times with few phone calls, being available to help out other departments with tasks you can do at your desk, so you can still be available on the phone.

This is a full-time job that will be performed during regular office hours in Beeyoutiful’s headquarters on the Centerville town square. To be considered, please complete the application process here. We’re looking forward to hearing from YOU!

3 Ways to Use Essential Oils for Non-Toxic Spring Cleaning (Plus Printable Checklist!)

3 Ways to Use Essential Oils for Non-Toxic Spring Cleaning (Plus Printable Checklist!) from Beey

Here’s a confession: by this time in the spring, I am about ready to open all the doors and windows and power wash the dust, dirt, and ick of winter away! It is so nice to get the stale air out and the fresh air in.3 Ways to Use Essential Oils for Non-Toxic Spring Cleaning (Plus Printable Checklist!) from Beey

Like many of you, my work schedule is such that massive cleaning jobs usually end up on the weekends. All seven of us end up pitching in to get projects done before we head for the outdoors and eat up this weather!

These tips have become my go-to strategies, and they’re such an easy way to not only freshen up our house but also ensure it smells as clean and inviting as it is.

Make Your Own Cleaners

This not only saves money, but personally selecting the ingredients (instead of trusting a mysterious chemical mixture!) also guarantees that they’re the ones you are confident about using with your family.

Window Cleaner Recipe from Beeyoutiful.comWindow Cleaner

1/2 cup Vinegar (preferably White)
1/2 cup Distilled Water
10 drops of your favorite Citrus or Mint Essential Oils

Mix together in a spray bottle; shake well before using.

General Cleaner Recipe from Beeyoutiful.comGeneral Cleaner

2 tsp Castile Soap
2 cups water
10 drops of Essential Oils of your choice (blends could include Thyme and Lemon, Eucalyptus and Peppermint, Spearmint and Tangerine, or your own favorite combination)

Mix together in a spray bottle; shake well before using.

Scrubbing Powder Recipe from Beeyoutiful.comScrubbing Powder

Baking Soda
Liquid Castile Soap
Favorite Essential Oil (I like Tangerine!)

Mix a little castile soap with some baking soda to make a paste. Add 3-4 drops of essential oil to the paste and use it to scrub tubs or hard stains.

Furniture Polish Recipe from Beeyoutiful.comFurniture Polish and Duster

1 ounce Jojoba Oil
4 drops Lemon Essential Oil
4 drops Cedarwood Essential Oil

Use several drops on a soft cotton rag to clean and dust wooden furniture. Note: always test on a small hidden spot prior to using liberally.

Freshen the Laundry

We typically avoid using perfumed products in our house, but let’s face it: between stinky men, long days in the sun learning to homestead, and kids that play hard, sometimes you just need a little smell-good joy in the laundry room! Optimally, every load would dry in the sun and smell like my childhood, but for the days when that cannot happen, I keep my favorite fragrances on hand to make sure our laundry smells it best.

You can add a drop or two of essential oil to your laundry detergent before pouring it into the washer (except for when washing cloth diapers; skip the oils then). Or do like I do: I use a small rag (cut up holey t-shirts work great!) and put a drop or two of my favorite essential oils on it and toss it in the dryer with our clothes.

My favorite Laundry Aids

Diffuse Away The Winter Blues 

While I prefer to have my windows thrown open, occasionally the pollen, spring storms, pesky bugs, and fluctuating temperatures make me keep the windows tightly shut! Thankfully, my diffuser brings a little bit of spring inside. Keeping my favorite happy blends or recipes available brings cheer and can help cleanse the house of hidden germs as well.

Recommended to Diffuse during Spring Cleaning

ProMiSe Blend
Any Citrus or Mint

Hello Spring Child-Safe Diffuser Blend from Beeyoutiful.comHello Spring: a child-safe blend for diffusing

Black Pepper

Add 10 drops each of Tangerine, Lemon, and Spearmint with 2 drops of Black Pepper for a cheery blend. Diffuse to not only add a bright cheery aroma, but help cleanse the room.

spring cleaning checklist from Beeyoutiful.comFor many more tips and recipes, follow our Essential Oil board on Pinterest. Be sure to get our printable Spring Cleaning Checklist, too! It’ll help you stay on track as you move from room to room in your house.

We would love to hear your favorite recipes and tips, too! Make sure to show us how you are using Beeyoutiful’s Essential Oils; tag your social posts with #BeeYouEOs so we can see.

Ciao! Time to go clean,

The Detoxifying Power of Eucalyptus

Five Days of Immunity Boosters: The Detoxifying Power of Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus. What a funny-sounding name for an even more exotic plant! You might recognize eucalyptus as the preferred habitat of Koalas in Australia. The cuddly-looking marsupials live almost exclusively in groves of eucalyptus trees, and the pungent leaves are nearly all they ever eat.

While we can’t recommend making eucalyptus a part of your own diet (it’s toxic to humans when taken internally), the oil extracted from the leaves can play a very important role in detoxifying the air you breathe, your home and laundry, and even your body.

Five Days of Immunity Boosters: The Detoxifying Power of EucalyptusEucalyptus contains high levels of cineole (also known as eucalyptol), a chemical compound widely studied and shown to have a massive range of beneficial properties. Studies have shown that eucalyptus oil is:

  • antimicrobial
  • antifungal
  • antioxidant
  • analgesic
  • insecticidal
  • a respiratory aid
  • an immune booster

We’ve grown to rely on eucalyptus essential oil for so many uses! Here are some ideas to get you started.

Use eucalyptus in household cleansers to disinfect your home (see one of our favorite and most-requested recipes below). Add a dropperful along with your laundry detergent to rid your linens of dust mites and bacteria (especially appropriate after sickness has visited!).

Include eucalyptus in homemade salves as a pleasant scent and natural preservative. Add a few drops to shampoo or body wash to combat dandruff, ringworm, lice, and scabies.

Dilute thoroughly with a carrier oil and use topically as a rub for sore muscles and sprains, a soothing balm for minor cuts and scrapes, or an antifungal foot treatment. Use eucalyptus-based lotions or creams on the chest, back, and soles of the feet to soothe respiratory issues. (When using on the skin, always dilute eucalyptus with a carrier oil and test for sensitivity.)

Dab a few diluted drops on your body (or place a eucalyptus-dampened cotton ball in a loose pocket) to act as a bug repellent. Spray around your home to ward off invading creepy-crawlies. Dab on insect bites to cool and calm itching.

Use eucalyptus as a base when diffusing essential oils. The distinctive scent of eucalyptus blends well with many other plant oils (especially those that also contain cineole, such as Rosemary, Tea Tree, and Basil) and helps to stretch more expensive oils and make them last longer.

Take a bit of olive oil and eucalyptus and mix with bath salts, then soak in the perfumed water to soothe irritated skin and enjoy a rejuvenating  dose of aromatherapy.

Eucalyptus supports respiratory health and breaks down mucus; breathing the aromas has historically been helpful with colds and congestion, allergies, and asthma.

Producing pure essential oil requires a large amount of the herb, flower, or plant. It takes over 100 pounds of eucalyptus leaves and stems to produce just two pounds of oil! This distillation process concentrates the powerful plant compounds into a potent and easy-to-use liquid form, making it simple to keep eucalyptus on hand.

Even with the costs of distillation, eucalyptus essential oil is one of the least expensive oils available, and given its versatility and ease of use, its low price means it packs an even bigger wallop. Once you realize the benefits of eucalyptus, you may come to love it as much as koalas do!

NOTE:  Eucalyptus Essential Oil is not considered appropriate to use while pregnant or nursing, and should NOT be used with children under 10 years old. (Spearmint is a much safer choice for children.) If you are on medications or have a medical diagnosis, please consult with your doctor prior to using Eucalyptus because it can interact with medications and is contraindicated in some situations. Eucalyptus Essential Oil should always be diluted when used topically. The maximum concentration with mixed with a carrier oil should be 20% (to achieve, mix 20 drops of Eucalyptus Essential Oil to 1 teaspoon of carrier oil).

Learn more about Beeyoutiful’s Eucalyptus Essential Oil and watch a delightful 1-minute video here

For even more ideas on how to use eucalyptus essential oil, read longer articles here and here.

All-Purpose Disinfectant Spray

MoreThanAlive.com and Beeyoutiful.com Join Forces

Several weeks ago we received devastating news. Our friend, Vlad Robles, the owner of MoreThanAlive.com, had passed away suddenly in a car accident. He left his beloved wife and six young children. Beeyoutiful and MoreThanAlive worked together for almost the entire history of both companies. Our goals and heart’s desires as business owners– to provide tools and information to assist individuals in living healthier and more joyful lives– ran parallel to each other.

MoreThanAlive’s primary focus was on offering bulk herbs and food items, while Beeyoutiful specialized in supplements and skin care. Many of our customers have been long-time patrons of both businesses. On a personal level, Vlad and Joy were one of the first couples to welcome us when we moved to Tennessee over seven years ago and were loyal friends to us.

Beeyoutiful.com and MoreThanAlive.com join forcesIt is bittersweet for us to announce that MoreThanAlive will now be owned and managed by Beeyoutiful. We are grieved at the tragic circumstances that brought about the necessity of the change in ownership. We are excited at the prospect of doing something with the combined companies that might not have been possible for either one separately. It is our deep desire to honor the business legacy of our friend while facilitating ongoing support to his family as we do our very best to serve both our Beeyoutiful and MoreThanAlive customers. The logistics are certainly challenging and there will be growing pains as our team works together to make these huge transitions as seamless as possible.

Our goal is to offer a broad selection of MoreThanAlive herbal resources along with the full scope of Beeyoutiful products. You can expect stellar customer service from individuals who are dedicated to helping as much as they are able with both health information and product or order related questions. We invite our Beeyoutiful customers to check out the new herbal selection online at Beeyoutiful.com, and MoreThanAlive customers to view the expanded nutritional and skincare options on MoreThanAlive.com. We welcome any questions our customers have, along with suggestions on how to improve our services to you in the coming days.

Please be patient with us as we pull together and work through the challenges in these days of big transitions! We are working very hard to merge the product lines and update inventory on both websites, and will eventually be making perks such as the Bee Points program available to MoreThanAlive customers too.

Thank you for supporting small, family-owned and run businesses. We are grateful for each and every one of you.


Steve and Stephanie Tallent
on behalf of the Beeyoutifully MoreThanAlive Team

How to Write a High-Quality Product Review (and earn $3!)

How to Write a High-Quality Product Review
When you’re looking for a new restaurant to try, or shopping for a product to meet a certain need, you might find yourself asking around your circle of friends so that you can get a trusted opinion about what might be the best option for you. You’re smart and savvy, and not eager to waste your time, energy, and money on something that’s unproven.How to Write a High-Quality Product Review
 You’re probably more likely to think seriously about something that was helpful to a person in a similar situation, and you might be less prone to try something that came with no recommendation at all. And if there’s something you just love that has worked well for you, don’t you find yourself eagerly sharing it with your friends to that they can enjoy it too?

That’s exactly why we provide a space for reviews on each of our products on our website. We want you to see exactly what other Beeyoutiful fans are saying before you make your purchase. If you’ve already tried something and love it, please share the benefit of your experience with other readers! Even if you didn’t enjoy that product, we’d still be glad to hear about it (and do our best to make it right for you).When you purchase a product from us and then post a review, we reward you with 300 Bee Points that you can redeem for a $3 discount on a future order. Just two approved reviews and you’ve already paid for the $6 shipping charge on your next order.While we love hearing from you in any case, there is a big difference between a high-quality review that is approved and awarded points, and a poor-quality one that isn’t approved. Here are a few examples.

Poor quality positive review:

“This is a great product! We love it! Thank you, Beeyoutiful!”

Poor quality negative review:

“We hated this, and won’t be buying it again.”

What makes that product so wonderful or terrible? Why do you love it or hate it? Which product are you reviewing? Be descriptive and help out other customers with a thorough, descriptive review of the products you’ve used.

High quality positive review:

“My 2 young children used to always have runny noses and sinus infections that seemed to last throughout the winter. Since we started using Berry Well, they rarely even have colds now, and if so, they are so minor and only last a day or two! The taste is fine – my 2 and 4 year old both say it’s spicy but take it with no problems, they even ask for it now when they start feeling not so good. I am so glad we found this!”

High quality negative review:

“LIKES: This product definitely works as an odor-preventer. I live in the Deep South where our summers are hot, humid, and long, and this product keeps me from getting stinky. Also love that it is completely non-toxic and handmade.

ISSUES: I can’t treat this product like conventional deodorants, i.e. swipe some on, throw on clothes, and be done. Coconut oil melts at just over 70 degrees, so this stick gets soft just sitting in my house in the summertime. Swiping it like regular deo applies way too much, even in cool weather, so it’s simpler to swipe my finger across the tube and apply it by hand. Then, RUB IT IN, then WAIT to dress (go brush your teeth or make your bed or something, then put on your clothes). If I just let it sit on my skin, because of the coconut oil and beeswax ingredients, it WILL leave a greasy residue on clothing as it gradually melts and mingles with sweat (sadly, some garments have not recovered). Rubbing it in and then waiting a few minutes to put on my clothes has made the difference between wanting to look for a different, non-messy product and being glad to continue to use this one.”

See the difference?

It’s not just about length (though our examples above are on the longer side). It’s more about quality and specificity.

How do you use the product? How does it make your life better? What results have you seen? Have you tried other products and keep coming back to Beeyoutiful? If you dislike a product, why? What would you say to a friend about this product? Give us some details, and we’ll gladly reward you with discounts! 🙂

Welcome to the Beeyoutiful Blog!

SONY DSCThank you for joining us in our newest spot on the web! We are so very glad you’re here, and we hope you will enjoy and learn from the great articles we have planned for you.

We’ll be creating helpful tutorials, doing interviews with health experts, sharing nutritious and tasty recipes, and more! Please let us know what you’d like to read and we’ll do our best to work on those topics.

While we’re going to post our longer articles here, you can follow us in other spots for short updates and glimpses into daily life in the Beeyoutiful offices. We’re everywhere you are: Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Even better, you can opt in here to get our monthly email newsletter (the very BEST way to stay informed of sales, new products, and other special things we share ONLY with our email subscribers!).

We’re delighted you’re here, and thanks so much for reading. 🙂