Tag Archives: Immunity

Mary’s Winter Immune Boosting Regimen, Part 3

Mary's Winter Immune-Boosting Regimen Pt 3 from Beeyoutiful.com

Today I’m sharing the last of the steps that I use to support my family’s health during the cooler months. I have led you on the same path that I take when encouraging and supporting my family’s health, and tried to share ideas on how I use each category of tools. Take a look back at Parts One and Two to see what we’ve covered together so far.

Sometimes, I’ll selectively use one or two to relieve a symptom, such as a particularly nasty sore throat or a fever that’s spiked higher than is comfortable.

I’ve learned over the years the remedies that I’m comfortable and confident in applying on my own, and what’s the most safe in our specific circumstances. Your own family’s health situation is unique, so of course, we always advise seeing your family healthcare provider to ensure you are caring for yourself and your family properly, especially in the case of worsening illness.

Here is how I use the strongest category of tools with my family to help decrease illness and boost health.

9. Herbal Tinctures – Whether they’re extracts I have purchased or made at home, tinctures are a great way to stop illnesses in their tracks! We use a variety of tinctures in our home to help support the liver and digestive and respiratory systems, and to aid the body when suffering specific symptoms or discomforts.

Try some of our family’s favorites.

  • Elderberry Tincture – Sometimes it can be hard to get larger amounts of elderberry syrup in your little ones, and concentrated tinctures are a great way to get the benefits without the larger volume.
  • Milk Thistle Tincture –  This helps to support the liver and aid the body when suffering from illness.
  • Wormwood – Not the best tasting, but a great way to help decrease candida infections.
  • Red Raspberry Tincture – Soothing and a great boost to the immune system with a large amount of vitamins and minerals.
  • Mullein – Soothing and calming, and supports glandular health.
  • Lobelia – Very good for the respiratory system, and can also be used externally to help decrease coughs.
  • Barberry – We have found this is not only incredible for liver support, but will also stop a cold in its tracks!

How to make a simple tincture

Vodka or Brandy (you may also use vinegar or vegetable glycerin)
Dried or Fresh Herbs
A clean jar

Select the herb and liquid combination. If using fresh herbs, your ratio of herb to liquid should be 1:2; with dried herbs, the ratio is 1:4. Add your herb to the jar, and then cover with the appropriate amount of liquid. Put the lid on and give a thorough mixing by shaking gently.

Let the jar sit on a windowsill or countertop for 2-4 weeks, occasionally giving it a gentle shake. When it has steeped sufficiently, strain out the herbs and pour the infused liquid into a dark glass container. I use bottles with dropper tops to easily dispense my tinctures.

Based on these steeping ratios, the dosage for an adult is usually considered two droppers full, and for a child 1/2 to 1 dropper. I always start with a smaller dose and work up as needed.

10. Colloidal Silver and Grapefruit Seed Extract – Sometimes despite our best efforts, it seems like we need a little extra oomph in our game plan. This is when I begin doses of Colloidal Silver or Grapefruit Seed Extract.

I use them with the knowledge that they are extremely potent and have the potential to damage gut flora. I make sure to replenish with good fermented foods and probiotics to build up a healthy diversity of gut bacteria once again.

Mary's Winter Immune-Boosting Regimen Pt 3 from Beeyoutiful.com11. Finally, I increase my use of Essential Oils. We do regularly run our diffuser and apply diluted essential oils to the bottom of our feet and spines, and while I use essential oils moderately throughout times of illness, I usually reserve aggressive use (such as hourly massages, soaks in the bath, or steam treatments) for the very end of my arsenal.

We use the Bath Salt Refill Kit to make our own bath salt soaks specific to our needs. We’ll add a drop of Lemongrass and Tea Tree to the salt and then soak during a fever, or use a drop of Ginger and Orange oils when our tummy wants to rumble.

We also like to give and receive massages to help stimulate the lymph system, as well as support the body systems affected. This is great for help when the illness is causing symptoms that are otherwise bothersome and unpleasant.

For this list of our favorite essential oils for massage, I have decided to focus on the oils that are considered kid friendly, but there are a lot of other oils that could be used. (Always check with a qualified aromatherapist or a reliable reference book to see if a specific oil should be used in your situation!)

Respiratory: Frankincense, Lavender, Tea Tree, most of the Citrus Oils (be careful to avoid sunlight for twelve hours following application due to increased photosensitivity), Chamomile and Pine.

Digestive: Ginger, Spearmint, Chamomile, and Orange

Soothing and Calming: Black Pepper, Marjoram, Lavender, and Chamomile

You can find dilution ratios in the product descriptions on each Beeyoutiful essential oil product description, or reference The Complete Aromatherapy and Essential Oils Handbook for precise instructions on how to dilute and apply essential oils when massaging.

For a list of additional oil recipes for children, head over to our Kid-Friendly Essential Oil Zone.

No matter how much we hope to avoid illness, with kids in the house the likelihood that we totally escape the sniffles or rumbly tummy is slim. So being ready and armed to fight off the monster bugs while making our families feel their best is a priority.

Assembling your arsenal and having a game plan in advance will help you better engage the enemy and come out the winner!

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Mary’s Winter Immune Boosting Regimen, Part 2

Mary's Winter Immune-Boosting Regimen Pt 2 from Beeyoutiful.com

Two weeks ago, I shared with you the first four steps I take to protect and boost my family’s health during the cooler months of the year when monster bugs tend to want to make their way into our lives. Something as simple as a slight cold can keep our family on quarantine for over two weeks as it works it way through the ranks, so letting down my guard isn’t an option!

If you missed the last post, take a few moments to read the first four steps here. You’ll want to have them in mind as you think about preventing illness this winter.

The next four steps are typically reserved for when we know we’ve been exposed to something nasty, we’re exhibiting signs of illness, or we’re already waving white flags of surrender because sickness has found us!

Mary's Winter Immune-Boosting Regimen Pt 2 from Beeyoutiful.com

5. Herbal Teas

While we already use some herbal teas to help decrease our likelihood of getting sick in the first place, I ramp up our doses when we’re facing an increased assault. We cut out most solid foods when we are first feeling down, and replace them with herbal teas and rich bone broths.

I use Red Raspberry Leaf blended with Hibiscus and Rosehips to make gallons of that I sweeten slightly with some local raw honey. This is encouraged generously as the main drink throughout the day to supply both vitamins and minerals to my little “patients.”

Other teas you may consider for general immune boosting are Herbal Immuni-Tea, Lemongrass, Lemon BalmElderberry, Nettles and Alfalfa.

If we have sore or tickly throats, I use Marshmallow Leaf, Mullein, or Slippery Elm as well.

For upset tummies, I make sure to use Chamomile, Ginger, Peppermint, or Red Raspberry Leaf.

6. Set up a chart.

I usually set up a chart of what to take each hour and start plugging in different nutritional supplements throughout the day. Here are a few of my favorite protocols.

  • Tummy Tuneup – Probiotics help boost the gut flora. Since as much as 80% of the immune system is located in the gut, healthy flora is a great support during illness.
  • Vitamin D3 – Based on research I’ve read and the recommendation of the Vitamin D Council, we increase our Vitamin D3 intake for a day or two to between 500-1000 IU per pound of body weight. (These high levels should not be sustained, but are a great way of getting Vitamin D levels to where your body needs them to fight off a temporary illness.)
  • Vitamin C – We use either Rosehip C or ChewC and take hourly to bowel tolerance. (Your body will let you know when you’ve had enough!) I find that this can often shorten an illness or decrease its severity, and Vitamin C is a must when there’s a cough involved.
  • Berry Well – We use Berry Well as needed all day long.

7. Herbal Infusions

I make strong infusions for both internal and external use. Allowing your herbs to steep for an extended period of time helps to release the nutrients even further for a fomentation or even a strong herbal tea. I have included several examples of how we use infusions.

Mullein Garlic Oil recipe from Mary's Winter Immune-Boosting Regimen Pt 2 from Beeyoutiful.comGarlic and Mullein Oil are great both for ear aches and for gently massaging the lymph nodes to encourage proper drainage.

Mullein Garlic Oil
1 head Fresh Raw Garlic
1 oz dried mullein leaves
Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Peel and chop up the garlic and place in a small jar with the mullein leaves. Cover with olive oil and cap the jar tightly. Leave in a window for 2-4 weeks to allow to infuse.

If you need the infused oil more quickly, you can use a double boiler to gently and slowly warm it for about two hours on the stovetop. Cool before placing in a jar.

This infusion will last for three months in a cool dark cabinet, and over six months in the refrigerator. Strain out the garlic and herbs before use.

Garlic Poultices: When we have fevers or upper respiratory infections, I will make a garlic poultice and apply to the feet and chest. This often will bring relief and help boost the immune system and eliminate the cause of the fever. Watch this short video to see exactly how to use a garlic poultice.

Sore Throat Love recipe from Mary's Winter Immune-Boosting Regimen Pt 2 from Beeyoutiful.comI use Lobelia and Mullein for sore throats and coughs.

Sore Throat Love
3 Tbs Mullein
3 Tbs Lobelia
1/2 cup freshly boiled water

In a glass bowl, add herbs and freshly boiled water. Stir to incorporate the herbs in the water, adding more water if needed. Allow to brew for 20-30 minutes. Strain out herbs and reserve the brewed liquid.

Thoroughly saturate a clean cotton cloth in the herbal liquid, then wring out until it is damp but not dripping. Apply the cloth to the neck and wrap gently around the neck. To keep it in place, I use a piece of PUL fabric and lightly wrap it over the fomentation and around the neck as well.

We use this remedy at the first sign of a sore throat, even sleeping overnight with the fomentation on the throat. This promotes health, soothes irritation, and encourages the lymph system to drain.

  • Sage and Thyme Decoction – While it’s not the tastiest tea in the world, this strong tea is great for when breathing has become a chore. We suggest using 2 Tablespoons each of Sage and Thyme in 2 cups of freshly boiled water. Steep for 20-30 minutes and then give by the spoonful as tolerated. You can add to a small amount of bone broth to make more palatable.

8. More Herbs

The last step we’ll cover today is dried, ground, or encapsulated herbs. These can give your body small, concentrated punches of nutrients with easy doses. They can be added to smoothies or taken in capsules.

In addition to taking it as a tea, I also recommend using Red Raspberry Leaf capsules when you do not have access to the tea or simply need extra. It is high in Vitamins A, B, C, and E. It also has an impressive mineral content with potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and more. This is a handy way to use it when you’re out of town or just away from the house.

Other herbs we use encapsulated or dried are Slippery Elm in smoothies for sore throats, Cayenne to boost health and help with digestion, Plantain for digestive problems, and Ginger for stomach problems. We use Turmeric in soups and golden milk, or encapsulate it for ease of use.

In my next post, I will wrap up our series with the last three steps and the other supportive measures we use. We would love to hear what you use with your family! Tell us in the comments about your favorite tips!

Ride Off Into the Sunset With a Healthy Gut

Sometimes it’s easy to tell the good guys from the bad guys.

There are honorable citizens who keep the peace, and then there are disreputable folk who disturb it. We all support the sheriff and his posse, wearing their white Stetsons, as they head out against the black-hatted outlaws.

Everyone cheers when it’s a simple matter to run the hooligans out of town, but what about when they’ve dug in so firmly, it seems they simply can’t be rooted out? Or maybe the posse is just disorganized and isn’t working together on the same strategy. What a mess!Ride off into the sunset with a healthy gutThat sense of confusion and disarray is a familiar one for those of us interested in running our digestive issues, low immunity, and yeast overgrowth out of town on a rail. We’re pretty sure that improving gut health is the key, but uncertainty about how to do it is the seemingly overwhelming obstacle.

There’s been a lot written about the harm done to the gut by “bad” bacteria such as Candida albicans, antibiotic use, and lifestyle stresses, and the resulting need to repair that damage in order to have a strong immune system. This post isn’t going to deal directly with the why, since that information is well documented and readily available elsewhere, and instead we will continue on with how to fight back in a strategic and coherent way, and identify the weapons that can help get the job done.

First, clear out the bad guys.

To get rid of yeast overgrowth, we recommend Yeast Assassin (or the Lite version, if you’re pregnant or nursing). Both contain caprylic acid, a potent antimicrobial compound that fights fungal infections such as C. albicans.

Other tools, such as Garlic and other immune boosters, can assist with the eviction. The goal is to root out fungus and harmful bacteria that have colonized the gut, so that there’s a relatively clear area on which beneficial bacteria can stake their claim.

Be sure to mend the fences!

While you’re going to the trouble of invading the gangster’s hideout, you need to be sure you’re not allowing them to sneak back in while your back is turned. Sugar feeds yeast, so if you’re faithfully taking your Yeast Assassin while just as faithfully having your sweetened cereal for breakfast every day, you won’t make much headway.

Examine your diet by keeping a food diary for a few days; you might be surprised at what’s been on your plate that is at cross purposes with your desire to heal your gut. Do your best to eliminate sugar (including artificial sweeteners and even “natural” sugars such as fruit and honey) and restrict foods that the body converts to sugar (grains and flours, alcohol, starches such as potatoes, etc.).

If you already know that you have food sensitivities, allergies, or intolerances, be vigilant to stay far, far away from those foods. You may be able to welcome some items back into your diet eventually, but they will not contribute to your gut healing right now.

Stick to unprocessed natural foods, with no extra flavors, dyes, preservatives, or other additives. Emphasize fresh fruit and vegetables along with healthy fats and daily cups of bone broth. If you’re able, eat fermented food with every meal (fermented/cultured vegetables, kefir, kombucha, etc.). Consider a structured program, such as the GAPS Diet.

Make cleanup as gentle as possible.

Those hooligans who’ve been camping out in your gut can leave behind a mess, and they can wreak a bit of havoc on their way out, too. Sometimes, as the body clears out old toxins and dead yeast, people report experiencing temporary symptoms such as headaches, skin breakouts, brain fog, or digestive upset.

You may want to have some extra tools on hand to assist in the swift elimination of dead yeast and bacteria, and to minimize the sometimes-unpleasant symptoms of detox. Digestive Enzymes, Silymarin Liver Support, and Activated Charcoal can all support this effort in unique ways.

Post plenty of good guys as lookouts.

First, you chased the bad guys away, and then you fixed up the hideout so that it’s not a welcoming place for them to come back. Now it’s time to install some good guys in that place, good guys who will keep it nice and neat and not cause trouble when they come into town.

These good guys are beneficial bacteria known as probiotics. Beeyoutiful provides several options with different strains of bacteria in varying potencies. You’ll want to choose one (or more) with strains that are particularly good for fighting yeast and restoring the gut, in a potency that is sufficient for your needs. (If your gut has been in disrepair for a long time, you may need a stronger option than someone who has milder issues.)

Before you choose your posse…

Keep in mind that conquering Candida is only one part of a life-long and multi-pronged strategy for reclaiming your health territory for good. It’s vitally important to remove inflammation triggers and use dietary support and lifestyle changes to support gut restoration.

It is crucial to understand that the severity of Candida infestations and the damage it may have done to the body can vary widely; the protocol we suggest is generic and may not be suitable for situations that are severe or long-standing, or in light of other health issues.

IMPORTANT: We aren’t medical professionals, and we don’t know the details of your unique health situation. This is intended as a general guide for adults and not as specific advice that applies to everyone! Before you make dietary or lifestyle changes, especially if you have a diagnosed condition, are pregnant or nursing, or are taking medications or other supplements, PLEASE consult with your healthcare provider to determine together what is appropriate for YOUR body.

Beeyoutiful’s suggested protocolSuggested Anti-Yeast Protocol from Beeyoutiful.com

Month 1: 3 Yeast Assassin (regular or lite) + 4 Acidophilus Blast per day
Month 2: 2 Tummy Tuneup per day
Months 3 & 4: 1 Gut Guardian per day
Months 5 & 6: 1 Gut Guardian Supreme per day

(Many of the items mentioned are available in discounted groupings: Anti-Yeast Pack (Pregnancy version) and Gut Restoration Pack.)

If you’re still struggling with yeast symptoms after the first month’s anti-yeast protocol, continue supplementing with Yeast Assassin for another month. Remember that lifestyle and diet changes are necessary along with appropriate supplements; clearing out a yeast overgrowth and going right back to a gut-damaging diet will not support long-term relief of symptoms.

Educate yourself! Learn more about how yeast damages the gut, and discover how the digestive system works.

Armed with a strategic plan and the right weapons, you can send yeast and bad bacteria packing so you can bask in the warm glow of good gut health. We’d love to hear your story; get in touch with your questions and ideas, or to share your favorite tools and recipes. Happy trails!

BONUS POST: 10 Simple Immune-Boosting Strategies Anyone Can Use

Bonus Post: 10 Simple Immune-Boosting Strategies Anyone Can Use

You knew we’d come through with more than we promised, didn’t you? Here’s a BONUS POST in our Five Days of Immunity Boosters. Let us know which of the strategies discussed this week is your favorite!

The key to staying strong is a healthy immune system. These ten suggestions are the protocols that many of us at Beeyoutiful use to guard our own families against viruses, colds, and flu. We are not doctors and thus cannot diagnose or prescribe for your specific health situation. If at anytime you or a loved one becomes ill, please seek appropriate medical attention. Bonus Post: 10 Simple Immune-Boosting Strategies Anyone Can Use 1. Eat plenty of cruciferous vegetables. We’re talking about 5-7 servings per day. Consider serving things like cole slaw (especially if you can sneak in a little probiotic-rich yogurt and honey), steamed cabbage, and sautéed onions and brussels sprouts. Adding garlic or fresh herbs to these dishes will not only enhance the flavors, but will also add a small antiviral boost. Cruciferous veggies contain glucosinolates which directly stimulate the thymus. Your thymus is the control center for your immune system, so supporting and nourishing the thymus is very important for maintaining a healthy stasis.

2. Supplement with thymus and immune system-supporting nutrients. The following are some favorites used by our Beeyoutiful families. We tend to pick and choose between all of these options and rotate among them based on individual needs and specific immune system vulnerabilities.

  • Berry Well Syrups: Supports and nourishes the thymus gland and helps support the immune system in specific ways that makes it particularly beneficial in protecting against viruses. In addition, the elderberry provides terrific symptom relief by decreasing congestion.
  • Immune Boosting Supplements (Bee Immune, Ultra Immune and Colostrum Transfer Factor): You can take these in conjunction with each other, but we rotate them on and off while doing illness prevention protocols. Since up to 80% of our immune system resides in the extensive intestinal tract we refer to as the gut, also using high-quality probiotic support makes sense. We rotate between Tummy Tuneup and Ultimate Defense.
  • Key Nutrients: Make sure you are taking in or supplementing with Zinc, Selenium, Potassium, and Calcium and Magnesium.

3.  Vitamin D3 and Omega 3: There was a reason our grandmothers reached for the Cod Liver Oil bottle with each sniffle! It works to specifically support the parts of the immune system that effectively fight off viruses, and it’s also beneficial in reducing inflammation. You can either take these separately, or combined in Cod Liver Oil. Cook your foods with coconut oil and eat a diet rich in safe, wild-caught fish as well.

4.  Vitamin C: We have seen significant benefits from Vitamin C with lung-related ailments; eating your Vitamin C-rich vegetables or supplementing will help decrease mucus and increase lung health. Rosehip C is specifically good because it also directly supports the thymus gland to operate optimally.

5. Bone Broth: Keep those bones a-simmering! Add in a few herbs such as Rosemary, Thyme, Sage and Garlic. Don’t forget the veggies too! This is a great way to get key vitamins and minerals. Some of our little ones really enjoy sipping warm cups of nicely flavored bone broth. For some of the others we hide it as a base in soups, rice and noodles.

6. Bottoms Up: Take in fresh juices regularly. Here’s a favorite recipe. raw juice immune booster recipe from Beeyoutiful.com 7. Get some clean air! Enjoy some fresh sunshine and a few minutes of daily exercise. Using a personal rebounder is a great way to stimulate the lymphatic system which operates as the central highway system for the body’s immune system. It’s vitally important to keep it cleared out and working optimally in order to maintain healthy immune support. Bonus: rebounding also gets your exercise in at the same time!

8. Detox Baths: At least once a week, take a bath using a detoxifying agent (such as Eucalyptus Bath Salts, Epsom Salts, or Baking Soda).

9. Chest Poultices: These can be used weekly even when healthy, or as needed after being sick. Garlic, Lobelia, Chamomile, or Mullein are all great choices for chest poultices. Click here to see Steph’s 8-minute tutorial video on how to do a garlic poultice.

10. Diffuse those oils! Bandito Blend, Thyme, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, and Tea Tree Oil are our top choices. These can also be diluted and massaged onto feet where there are a lot of nerve receptors and thus are ideal for facilitating rapid absorption into the bloodstream. (Please note that some essential oil experts recommend not diffusing or using some of these essential oils around or on very young children. We encourage individuals to do their own research and do due diligence in sensitivity testing before using any essential oils on young children or while pregnant and nursing.)

Remember, we’re not doctors and thus cannot diagnose or prescribe for your specific health situation, but we hope some of these tips will help keep you and your family strong and healthy through the winter. If at anytime you or a loved one becomes ill, please seek appropriate medical attention.

SuperLady: An Optimized Multivitamin for Women

SuperLady: An Optimized Multivitamin for Women from Beeyoutiful

The Daily Handful

If you’re anything like me, you take your daily multivitamin to ensure that your basic nutrient needs are covered, and then something extra, like Evening Primrose Oil for hormonal balance. Then, if you have a specific health issue you’re addressing (such as my autoimmune disease), you probably take even more nutrients, such as extra doses of Vitamins A and D3K2, and an advanced form of B-12 to help your sluggish body along. Then you sit back and hope that your body knows what to do (and can do what it needs) with everything you’re swallowing.

You and I have both wished that we could rely on just one bottle to get the many separate components that our unique health situations require, but that’s seemed like too much to ask.

SuperLady: An Optimized Multivitamin for Women from Beeyoutiful

SuperLady To The Rescue

Is it possible that there’s a one-bottle solution for people like us? A nutrient-intensive multivitamin with a wide array of minerals and herbal ingredients, along with several key whole foods, SuperLady has been designed with specific optimized components to support immunity and overall health and nourish the hormonal system of women of all ages. It also provides key nutrients for healthy bones, sharp cognitive skills, the urinary system, and cardovascular needs, all while being extremely gentle and easily digested.

SuperLady’s array of bioavailable vitamins includes beta-carotene, D3, and K2, a crucial trilogy of nutrients. Also joining the team is the methylated form of B-12 (a pre-converted form of B-12 that’s especially easy for the body to use). For the increasing number of individuals whose bodies are unable to convert other forms of B-12 into a usable form, SuperLady helps to bridge the nutritional gap without further burdening their systems.

A few of the uniquely beneficial components of SuperLady are:

  • Evening Primrose Oil. One of the most concentrated known forms of essential fatty acids; renowned for its ability to support hormonal balance, skin health, and circulatory health.
  • Cranberry. Rich in proanthocyanidins which encourage optimal urinary tract health.
  • Horsetail Silica. Extremely beneficial for healthy bones, hormonal balance, and cardiovascular health. Silica works in conjunction with calcium to make it more bioavailable, which greatly aids bone health.

One of SuperLady’s best features is that this gentle and thorough spectrum of nutrients is in a liquid base, safely ensconced in a soft gel coating that’s easy to swallow and digest.

If you have experienced other multivitamins causing you nausea, or feel as if your body may not be absorbing and metabolizing all of the nutrients in multivitamins that you’ve tried in the past, then SuperLady may be what you need.

Is SuperLady Right For You?

We encourage you to ask your healthcare practitioner if you have one or more of the following conditions to see if SuperLady is an optimized multivitamin that may be particularly beneficial for you.

  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Hashimoto’s/Thyroid Disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Menopause

When in doubt, we encourage you to share the nutritional information of any potential health supplement with your healthcare provider and ask their advice, since they will be most familiar with your specific personal health history.

If you are pregnant, we suggest using SuperMom instead of SuperLady, but your health care practitioner should be consulted for specific recommendations prior to any supplementation in pregnancy.

Compare your options and see if SuperLady could rescue you from the dreaded Daily Handful!


The World-Conquering Power of Cod Liver Oil

The World-Changing Power of Cod LIver Oil

If you want to be as healthy and strong as Erik the Red, you might want to consider a special food that was an influential part of the Viking diet.

Norsemen such as Erik, being rooted in a seafaring culture, relied heavily on fish for their sustenance and carefully reserved the nutrient-laden fatty livers of the fish for use after the peak fishing season was over. Traditional methods were passed down through the generations to extract “liquid gold” from the livers, and this oil was prized for its health-giving properties.

The World-Changing Power of Cod LIver Oil

The purest fish oil was used for food, with the lower-quality batches being used topically on the skin for wound care and to treat aching joints. Not a drop went to waste as even the lowest-quality oil, left after the best had been extracted, was used as a fuel and lighting oil.

The elements that made the Vikings such hardy folk included the powerful Omega-3 fatty acids (specifically EPA and DHA) and Vitamin A and its partner Vitamin D that are abundant in oil extracted from the livers of the Atlantic Cod. These nutritional building blocks are even more important to health now, as modern diets are chronically low in these and other crucial nutrients.

Science began revealing as far back as the 1800s that diets rich in nutrients from fish oil can protect healthy heart and brain function, contribute to strong teeth and bones, and can even have an impact on cognitive ability and emotional balance. Cod liver oil can boost immunity, especially valuable during the dark, germ-laden winter season when cold and flu are so prevalent and our own reserves of the “sunlight vitamin”, Vitamin D3, may be running low.

How can you incorporate these benefits in your daily life without going to sea and catching the fish yourself? Thankfully, there are several kinds of Cod Liver Oil (CLO) on the market today, each with its own advantages.


Standard CLO is extracted commercially through a steam process which cooks the livers and separates the oil from the organ tissue. The resulting liquid is then purified and sometimes encapsulated or flavored for ease of use. Beeyoutiful®’s Cod Liver Oil is screened for mercury and other impurities and is free of additives and preservatives.

This kind of CLO is readily available and inexpensive. It makes a concentrated source of fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins easy to find and use, making it a simple way to partake in a healthful habit that’s been proven over a millennia.

Extra Virgin

The highest quality and cleanest tasting of all the CLO options is Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil. It is extracted in Norway in a natural process that uses no heat, solvents, or mechanical processes, thus preserving intact a wide array of nutrients and micronutrients. Extra Virgin CLO is fresh, raw, and completely unrefined, resulting in a purity of both quality and taste that is beyond compare.

Butter oil and cod liver oil have been treated by traditional societies as sacred foods, important for pregnant and nursing mothers and young children, and has been recommended as a tool to help rebuild decaying teeth.

Helpful Links

Here’s a 2-minute video on how to use CLO in your diet to prepare for pregnancy, and more information on the crucial role played by fat-soluble vitamins in overall health and immunity. More details on Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil are here. The powerful combination of Butter Oil and Cod Liver Oil is discussed in reference to tooth decay here.

Bring a bit of Scandinavia into your health routine with the addition of Cod Liver Oil, and you just might find yourself empowered to conquer new lands and leave your mark on history just like the Vikings!

*Consult with your physician before using doses of Cod Liver Oil substantially higher than recommended, or taking this product if you are pregnant or lactating, diabetic, allergic to fish or iodine, using blood thinners, anticipate surgery, have a diagnosed cardiovascular condition, nutrient absorption issues, are dealing with a chronic disease, bleeding, or immune system disorders. 

Stay Healthy With Elderberries

Stay healthy with elderberries from Beeyoutiful

It sometimes seems that the best things come in the smallest packages. That’s certainly true of the elderberry, a tiny, tart berry that packs an outsized punch when it comes to supporting immune health.

Black elderberry (Sambucus nigra) has been used medicinally for centuries in Europe and North America, and is also well known in Chinese medicine. Many claims have been made about elderberry’s health benefits and the jury’s still out on many of them. However, modern scientific studies have confirmed the validity of what might formerly have been brushed aside as simply old wives’ tales, demonstrating that elderberry indeed has a measurable effect in treating the flu, alleviating allergies, and supporting overall immunity.

Stay healthy with elderberries from Beeyoutiful

Elderberries contain very high amounts of the polyphenol anthocyanin, an antioxidant which contributes to the berry’s dark blue color and protects them from fading in even sustained periods of bright sunlight. Amazingly, these antioxidant elements carry through to anyone consuming the berry, and anthocyanins have been shown to boost the human immune system. Some elderberry syrups and lozenges have been studied for their effectiveness against cold and flu viruses, and results indicate that symptoms were reduced in both severity and duration.

Elderberry has an ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) score of over 14,000, much higher than many other berries and fruit, making it a powerful antioxidant tool and a concentrated source of immune boosters.  In addition to its antioxidant properties, elderberry also contains Vitamin C (surprisingly, more than oranges!) along with valuable trace minerals.

Because they are often found growing wild, elderberries are an easily-accessible and inexpensive resource for many to support health during flu season with homemade elderberry tincture or syrup.   If you’re less inclined to scramble through the woods in search of your own elderberries, you can get them here in dried form, or go straight to the ready-to-use syrups and lozenges.

Whether you choose ready-made remedies or the do-it-yourself variety, don’t overlook this tiny berry that can give your immune system a major boost.

*Because elderberry is widely regarded as an immune stimulant, persons with uncontrolled autoimmune diseases may choose to avoid using elderberry to stimulate an immune response that could cause a flareup of disease symptoms. Please consult an experienced healthcare practitioner for recommendations to fit your specific health conditions. 

The Detoxifying Power of Eucalyptus

Five Days of Immunity Boosters: The Detoxifying Power of Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus. What a funny-sounding name for an even more exotic plant! You might recognize eucalyptus as the preferred habitat of Koalas in Australia. The cuddly-looking marsupials live almost exclusively in groves of eucalyptus trees, and the pungent leaves are nearly all they ever eat.

While we can’t recommend making eucalyptus a part of your own diet (it’s toxic to humans when taken internally), the oil extracted from the leaves can play a very important role in detoxifying the air you breathe, your home and laundry, and even your body.

Five Days of Immunity Boosters: The Detoxifying Power of EucalyptusEucalyptus contains high levels of cineole (also known as eucalyptol), a chemical compound widely studied and shown to have a massive range of beneficial properties. Studies have shown that eucalyptus oil is:

  • antimicrobial
  • antifungal
  • antioxidant
  • analgesic
  • insecticidal
  • a respiratory aid
  • an immune booster

We’ve grown to rely on eucalyptus essential oil for so many uses! Here are some ideas to get you started.

Use eucalyptus in household cleansers to disinfect your home (see one of our favorite and most-requested recipes below). Add a dropperful along with your laundry detergent to rid your linens of dust mites and bacteria (especially appropriate after sickness has visited!).

Include eucalyptus in homemade salves as a pleasant scent and natural preservative. Add a few drops to shampoo or body wash to combat dandruff, ringworm, lice, and scabies.

Dilute thoroughly with a carrier oil and use topically as a rub for sore muscles and sprains, a soothing balm for minor cuts and scrapes, or an antifungal foot treatment. Use eucalyptus-based lotions or creams on the chest, back, and soles of the feet to soothe respiratory issues. (When using on the skin, always dilute eucalyptus with a carrier oil and test for sensitivity.)

Dab a few diluted drops on your body (or place a eucalyptus-dampened cotton ball in a loose pocket) to act as a bug repellent. Spray around your home to ward off invading creepy-crawlies. Dab on insect bites to cool and calm itching.

Use eucalyptus as a base when diffusing essential oils. The distinctive scent of eucalyptus blends well with many other plant oils (especially those that also contain cineole, such as Rosemary, Tea Tree, and Basil) and helps to stretch more expensive oils and make them last longer.

Take a bit of olive oil and eucalyptus and mix with bath salts, then soak in the perfumed water to soothe irritated skin and enjoy a rejuvenating  dose of aromatherapy.

Eucalyptus supports respiratory health and breaks down mucus; breathing the aromas has historically been helpful with colds and congestion, allergies, and asthma.

Producing pure essential oil requires a large amount of the herb, flower, or plant. It takes over 100 pounds of eucalyptus leaves and stems to produce just two pounds of oil! This distillation process concentrates the powerful plant compounds into a potent and easy-to-use liquid form, making it simple to keep eucalyptus on hand.

Even with the costs of distillation, eucalyptus essential oil is one of the least expensive oils available, and given its versatility and ease of use, its low price means it packs an even bigger wallop. Once you realize the benefits of eucalyptus, you may come to love it as much as koalas do!

NOTE:  Eucalyptus Essential Oil is not considered appropriate to use while pregnant or nursing, and should NOT be used with children under 10 years old. (Spearmint is a much safer choice for children.) If you are on medications or have a medical diagnosis, please consult with your doctor prior to using Eucalyptus because it can interact with medications and is contraindicated in some situations. Eucalyptus Essential Oil should always be diluted when used topically. The maximum concentration with mixed with a carrier oil should be 20% (to achieve, mix 20 drops of Eucalyptus Essential Oil to 1 teaspoon of carrier oil).

Learn more about Beeyoutiful’s Eucalyptus Essential Oil and watch a delightful 1-minute video here

For even more ideas on how to use eucalyptus essential oil, read longer articles here and here.

All-Purpose Disinfectant Spray

Why Your Body Needs Probiotics, and How to Choose Them

Why Your Body Needs Probiotics and How to Choose Them

Thanks to their growing popularity, probiotics have showed up on most people’s radars. (Pro means good, so probiotics are simply beneficial bacteria.) After all, special yogurt products containing added probiotics are prominently displayed in the dairy case at the supermarket, touted as being helpful for improving digestion.

You may have passed these products by, thinking that if you don’t have a digestive disorder, you must not need to add probiotics to your diet. Perhaps unexpectedly, the reality is that you don’t have to experience abdominal upset to be in need of good bacteria.

Why Your Body Needs Probiotics and How to Choose ThemWhy You (Yes, YOU) Need Probiotics

Ask yourself a few questions. In your lifetime, have you ever:

  • taken prescription antibiotics?
  • been vaccinated?
  • used hormonal birth control?
  • used artificial sweeteners?
  • eaten a Standard American Diet (SAD) for an extended length of time (months or more)?
  • had a period of sustained high stress and/or lack of sleep (have you ever been a college student, worked a night shift, been a parent of a small child)?

If you answered yes to any of those life events (especially to more than one), you can strongly suspect that your gut is in need of support.

Our bodies normally carry about 100 trillion bacteria in our intestines alone, plus countless organisms that reside elsewhere on and in our bodies. When good bacteria is keeping the bad stuff in check, we’re healthier, even when exposed to germs and viruses. Unfortunately, modern lifestyles, processed foods, and even carefully-chosen and appropriate antibiotics (which indiscriminately kill allbacteria) will diminish the population of good bacteria in the gut, and probiotics don’t just replace themselves.

Poor gut health can manifest in many ways that aren’t limited to common digestive symptoms such as gas, constipation, and bloating. Imbalanced gut flora can lead to seemingly unrelated health issues such as acne, low immunity and slow healing, joint pain and systemic inflammation. As the body’s “second brain,” gut problems can even lead to brain fog and behavior issues (especially in children).

Fermented foods are invaluable!

Introducing a variety of strains with a sufficient quantity of beneficial bacteria is crucial when rebuilding gut health. Although most traditionally-made fermented foods (such as homemade kefir or sauerkraut) can provide a large dose of beneficial probiotics, many clinicians advocate regular use of supplemental probiotics to ensure consistent amounts as well as a wide diversity of strains. Supplements also have the added appeal of convenience for those times when you just can’t get fermented foods on your plate. Restoring the gut with healthy probiotics gives the good guys a leg up and thus a step toward enhanced immunity and good health for you as well.

How to Choose a Probiotic Supplement

There are lots of options in the world of probiotics, so here are a few tips to cut through the fog and help you make a great choice to support your health.

Choose to buy from a company that offers full disclosure. Don’t let someone you don’t know decide what’s okay for you to put in your body.  If they won’t share every ingredient with you, look elsewhere for someone who will.

Look for probiotics with a guaranteed potency through the expiration date. Bacteria are living organisms and probiotics have no effect if they are dead. The last thing you want to do is spend your money on capsules that may have been filled with living probiotics at one point, but were then allowed to languish and decay on the shelf (or worse, in a hot warehouse). Most probiotics will require refrigeration to stay at full potency; avoid anything that’s been stored at room temperature unless it is specifically formulated to be shelf-stable.

Choose the right blend of bacteria to help you meet your goals. Some strains are well suited for gut restoration, while others are fabulous at combating an upset stomach. Higher doses may be more helpful while actively working toward a balanced gut, and later a lower potency could be a great choice for daily maintenance.


Beware of additives or filler ingredients. (This applies when choosing any supplement, not just probiotics.) Look for what’s NOT in there, too. If you’re avoiding common allergens, such as soy, gluten, or corn, be sure to read the label because those sneaky ingredients are frequently found in supplements too. Beware those sugar-laden yogurt options in the dairy case; sugar depresses the immune system and can easily cancel out the benefits of the probiotic ingredients.

When it comes to probiotics, as quality and quantity of the bacteria increase, so does the price tag. (There’s a simple reason: extra time and energy is required to culture and harvest higher quantities and more strains of bacteria.) It’s very tempting to cut corners on potentially expensive supplements, but this is not the time to shop the clearance bin! Make a conscious investment in your health by prioritizing the best, freshest, and strongest probiotics that your budget will allow.

Interested in learning more?

Watch this entertaining 5-minute video about how gut bacteria contribute to overall immunity. Here’s a longer article from one of our catalogs that covers why you might want to be wary of certain filler ingredients. Want to dig even deeper into the specifics of the digestive process and how to restore gut health? We invite you to watch a detailed 48-minute video produced by Nutritional Therapy Consultant, Jessica Bischof.

If you’re still curious about Beeyoutiful’s probiotics, let us answer your questions! Get in touch with us by commenting here, emailing customercare@beeyoutiful.com, or calling 877-623-3968. Get started on gut restoration and begin to enjoy the benefits of a healthier, happier gastrointestinal tract that’s well populated by the hordes of good bacteria that belong there!

Read the rest of our Immunity Boosters series here