Rise Up Against Yeast – Winter 2008-2009 Catalog

By Nancy Webster

nancy_smallLate one night after the children were tucked in bed, I pulled out the tin of homemade chocolate chip cookies, fresh from that morning. The first crunchy bite thrilled my taste buds as the chocolate bits melted in my mouth. For a repeat sensation, I ate another. Then another. And another. I finished the whole batch without any help from my husband.

Disgusted with myself, I ripped off a strip of masking tape and hung yet another Bible verse about gluttony in an obvious place on the pantry shelf. Below the verse, I scribbled my vow to never eat sugar again. Then, feeling sick, I crawled into bed, glad I’d never do that again.

The next morning, when my blood sugar had dropped to absolute zero and life with a houseful of little people was stressful again, I found myself gravitating toward the freezer, where I’d hidden a carton of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream behind several bags of frozen vegetables. I avoided eye-contact with the open pantry door, where I knew my convictions of the night before would haunt me. Once again, I gave in to my love of sugar.

The Sweet Taste of Defeat

Have you ever fought this battle? Did-or do-you feel like a vile sinner, guilty, yet trapped? I’ve been so desperate for sugar at times that I’ve eaten the little colored sprinkles used to decorate cookies when all other resources were exhausted!

Yes, there were times when willpower sustained me, but they never lasted long enough. I even managed once to not eat sugar for an entire year. But when Christmas came, I just couldn’t endure missing our family’s yuletide cookie favorites.  I only ate three-at first. Then I fell hard into the sugar trap, gaining back almost 20 pounds I’d lost during the previous year. Oh, how I hated me again!

Meanwhile, my arthritic knees, painful since my 30’s, starting hurting so badly I often limped. Itchy rashes broke out regularly on my torso. Eye floaters sent me to a retina specialist. And I found myself having to clear my throat like a tobacco-chewing old lady because of post nasal drip.

When a friend suggested I check out the possibility I might have a yeast problem, her counsel turned out to be some of the most life changing advice I ever took.  After learning about yeast-or candida, its scientific name-I discovered that, like most people in modern civilizations, I was inundated with yeast.

Invasions of the Body Snatcher

Dr. William Crook, an American doctor practicing in the 1970s, wrote The Yeast Connection, a pioneering book on the problem. Because there is no simple blood test to determine if a person has a problem with candida, he developed a now-famous questionnaire of symptoms and a way to rate them. (His test is still used today, and I encourage everyone to take it. You’ll find it at http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/intro3.php)

Bee Wilder, a former candida sufferer who healed herself using nutrient-dense foods as promoted by the Weston A. Price Foundation, has assembled an exhaustive website to help fellow sufferers: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com. On her site, you’ll find a thorough description of candida and the astounding range of symptoms and diseases it causes-from allergies to cancer and most everything in between. Bee also runs a yahoo support group for her anti-candida diet, at http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/candidasupport.

Simply put, candida is an invasive form of yeast that, when given opportunity, will practically take over the body. It grows root-like fingers through the intestines, into the bloodstream, and on into organs and tissues. Everyone has some candida-along with strep, E coli, and other bad guys-living in their gut. However, these foes are supposed to be kept in check by a proliferation of good bacteria, like the ones that make yogurt so famous.

The reason most folks have a yeast problem today is because candida is an opportunist. Practically from birth we’ve taken antibiotics, which kill not only the germ causing sickness but the friendly bacteria in the intestines as well. On top of that, immunizations may also attack our good bacteria.

Most of us have eaten our share of processed and sugary foods. Even if your mom didn’t let you eat many sweets, she probably gave you crackers and breakfast cereal, which eventually break down into sugars. Sugar is yeast’s favorite food, and when yeast takes over, it demands, through your body’s cravings, more and more sugar to satisfy its lust for the stuff . That means my-or your-lack of willpower is not the only reason it’s so hard to resist going back for more cookies and ice cream. Yeast is screaming for a meal!

But wait-there’s more. Environmental toxins assault friendly bacteria and give yeast a leg up. Chlorine and fluoride, both added to most city water supplies, kill the good guys. Out-gassing from plywood and carpets that contain formaldehyde is also a villain in our own homes, as is any of countless petroleum and cleaning products we’re exposed to almost daily.

What Candida Can’t Stand

Even if your life feels too overwhelming to take on a strict diet change as outlined by Bee Wilder, you’ll learn invaluable information on her website to tuck away for a time when life might ease up a bit. Meanwhile, there’s relief available in one of Beeyoutiful’s best-sellers, Biome Blast. I love the name, because once I discovered the source of many of my ailments and cravings, I couldn’t wait to kill it!yeastassasinweb

Biome Blast is a potent combination of herbs and extracts: caprylic acid, pau d’arco, black walnut, and oregano oil. Caprylic acid is found naturally in coconut oil, palm oil, butter fat, and human breast milk. Pau d’arco is the inner bark or heartwood of a tropical member of the bignonia family which has been studied for its anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antibacterial, antifungal, and immuno-stimulant activities . Pau d’arco has been used since the days of the Incas to build immunity. Black walnut hulls are especially high in organic iodine. Oregano oil (my favorite all-purpose essential oil-also sold separately by Beeyoutiful), which studies indicate has bactericidal properties [3, 4], rounds out this awesome foursome.

If you qualify even only slightly on Dr. Crook’s candida questionnaire as having a yeast problem, Biome Blast is a great, do-able starting point for you to fight back. Take two capsules with breakfast and two with supper. Summon your willpower to fi ll up with vegetables and meats while slowing your consumption of fruits, honey, and even dairy products. Skip desserts and other junk foods.  Learn from Sally Fallon’s Nourishing Traditions cookbook to make lacto-fermented sauerkraut along with other fermented vegetables and dairy products such as kefir (fermented foods greatly diminish sugar cravings). If you can hang in there for a week while Biome Blast hammers at the candida in your system, you’ll start to notice it’s not so hard to avoid “bad” foods and that you will naturally start to prefer healthier alternatives.

During yeast cleansing, it’s important that you not become constipated since the dead enemy is eliminated through the bowels. If irregularity tends to be a problem for you, consider taking Beeyoutiful’s Aloe Vera gel caps which safely and comfortably lubricate the intestines for easier eliminations. An occasional warm water enema provides another helpful, immediate relief. And in the enema water, dissolve a couple of probiotic capsules to help repopulate your lower digestive tract with good bacteria.

A part of this assassination plot is to replace the decimated good bacteria in your digestive tract. Take a probiotic with many strains of living, beneficial bacteria. Beeyoutiful’s Tummy Tuneup fits the bill perfectly with its blend of eight strains to recolonize your intestines.

Beeyoutiful’s Anti-Yeast Pack is a cost-efficient way to get all of the above plus Ultra Immune, a powerful blend of allicin from garlic, elderberry, olive leaf, and oil of oregano, to boost immunities. It provides back-up protection as your body detoxes from yeast overgrowth.anti yeast

If, however, you are pregnant or nursing-my state-of-being for almost 20 years-you should not take Biome Blast because many of the ingredients are known to contribute to miscarriage. That’s why Beeyoutiful also offers the Pregnancy Anti-Yeast Pack. While it does not include some of the heaviest assault weapons against candida, it offers these excellent second-bests: Tummy Tuneup and Acidophilus Blast, probiotics to crowd out the yeast; Odorless Garlic, known as being anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial; and Colostrum Transfer Factor, which increases overall immunity and assists in maintaining a healthy bacterial response. This great team, together with your own make-sure-my-baby’s-healthy willpower, and eating lacto-fermented foods, will serve any pregnant or nursing mother well until she can execute the full-blown Biome Blast program.

Win Big by Losing It All

At long last, there are no more vows taped to my pantry shelves. Thanks to a successful assassination attempt against yeast, I happily choose vegetables and fruits over sweets and chips-clear evidence that miracles DO happen! As a bonus, I’ve lost my excess weight, most of the pain in my knees is gone, and no more rashes, either! I credit Biome Blast and its accompanying supplements as the helping hands I prayed for so many, many nights after a sugarfest. May I suggest you try it, too? And start your own uprising against yeast.

Breaking news! Just at catalog press-time, Beeyoutiful, ever mindful of pregnant or could-be-pregnant-any-day mommies, added Caprylic Acid to their yeast-cleansing arsenal! It is made of caprylic acid without the potentially harmful-in-pregnancy extra ingredients found in regular Biome Blast. Many alternative health care providers solely treat yeast overgrowth with high doses of caprylic acid, because of its effectiveness. Pregnant and nursing mothers struggling in their battle against yeast should consider using this resource as well as the above recommendations.

  1. Willow S. Pau D’Arco medicinal properties. Altern. Nat. Med. 2010 http://willowsidhe.hubpages.com/hub/Pau-DArco-Medicinal-Properties []
  2. Kaur G, Verma N. Nature curing cancer – review on structural modification studies with natural active compounds having anti-tumor efficiency. Biotechnol Rep (Amst). 2015;6:64-78. Published 2015 Jan 24. doi:10.1016/j.btre.2015.01.005
  3. Lu M, Dai T, Murray CK, Wu MX. Bactericidal Property of Oregano Oil Against Multidrug-Resistant Clinical Isolates. Front Microbiol. 2018 Oct 5;9:2329. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.02329. Erratum in: Front Microbiol. 2021 Jul 12;12:713573. PMID: 30344513; PMCID: PMC6182053.
  4. Sienkiewicz M, Wasiela M, Głowacka A. Aktywność przeciwbakteryjna olejku oreganowego (Origanum heracleoticum L.) wobec szczepów klinicznych Escherichia coli i Pseudomonas aeruginosa [The antibacterial activity of oregano essential oil (Origanum heracleoticum L.) against clinical strains of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa]. Med Dosw Mikrobiol. 2012;64(4):297-307. Polish. PMID: 23484421.

Products mentioned in this article:

Biome Blast

Oregano Oil

Nourishing Traditions

Aloe Vera

Anti-Yeast Pack

Tummy Tuneup

Ultra Immune

Pregnancy Anti-Yeast Pack

Colostrum Transfer Factor

Acidophilus Blast

Odorless Garlic

Caprylic Acid